
668 lines
21 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

winix_locale_id = "0"
locale_name = "english"
winix_html_lang_attr = en
winix_backend_info = Powered by winix
winix_backend_tooltip = Winix - a web framework
winix_frontend_info = Built with
winix_frontend_tooltip = Visit UIkit 3 site
logged_as = logged as
display_guest_name = guest
unknown = unknown
syntax_error_in_line = Syntax error in line:
this_ip_is_banned_until = We are sorry but your IP address is banned until to:
account_not_activated = This account is not activated yet.
account_suspended = This account is temporarily suspended
account_banned = This account has been banned
account_activated = Your account has been activated
incorrect_activation_code = Incorrect activation code
account_already_activated = This account is already activated
account_cannot_be_activated = This account cannot be activated, please contact with the system administrator
account_email_sent = An email with an activation link has been sent to you
account_header = My Account
account_logged_as = You are logged as:
account_not_logged = You are not logged in.
account_admin = Root
account_admin_yes = yes
account_groups = Groups
account_timezone = Time zone
account_language = Language
export_header = Export
export_transer_file_info = Press Export to transfer the file to an external ftp server
export_transer_dir_info = Press Export to transfer the directory to an external ftp server
export_checkbox_static_file_too = "Export static files too (images etc.)"
export_button = Export
code_expired = The code has expired
password_cannot_be_changed = The password cannot be changed, please contact with the system administrator
incorrect_change_password_code = Incorrect code for changing your password
service_unavailable = We are sorry, this service is temporarily unavailable
email_sent_to = An email has been sent to:
logout = logout
home_page = Home page
button_login = Login
load_avg = load averages
req_per_sec = Requests per second
added_by = Added by
last_modified = Last modified
by = by
error_404 = Error 404
error_404_msg = We are sory but there is no such a page in our service.
internal_error = Internal error, check system log for more details
was_errors = We are sory but there were some problems with the operation.
error_code = Error code
access_denied = Permission denied
access_denied_msg = We are sory but you don't have access to the page.
download = download
cat_image_url = Image url
cat_image_thumb_url = Thumbnail url
cat_file_url = File url
create_thread_header = Create thread
button_thread_submit = Create thread
url = Url
suggested_url = Suggested url
short_url = Short url
title = Title
nick = Nick
change = Change
edit = Edit
add = Add
move = Move
copy = Copy
user = User
group = Group
permissions = Permissions
yes = Yes
no = No
add_page = Add page
edit_page = Edit page
rebus_how_is_it = Rebus: How is it
edit_ticket_header = Edit ticket
create_ticket_header = Create a new ticket
ckeditor_update_button = Update
2021-01-21 19:22:26 +01:00
ckeditor_update_progressbar_img_alt = Progressbar
form_ticket_type = Ticket type
form_ticket_status = Status
form_ticket_priority = Priority
form_ticket_category = Category
form_ticket_expected = Expected in
form_ticket_progress = "Progress (0-100)"
form_ticket_create_submit = Create a new ticket
form_ticket_edit_submit = Edit a ticket
form_ticket_select_file = Select file
env_header = Environment variables for a user
env_change_env_for_user = Change environment variables for user
env_change_admin_env_for_user = Change admin environment variables for user
env_change_user = Change user
default_header = Default item in a directory
default_make_redirect = Make redirect
ln_header = Link
ln_info = Create a link in directory
ln_to = Link pointing to
ln_hardlink = hardlink
ln_symlink = symbolic link
ln_make_redirect = "Make redirect (only for symbolic links)"
form_emacs_content_cms = Content
form_emacs_content_thread = Post
form_emacs_content_ticket = Info
form_emacs_content_type = Message type
form_emacs_content_type_text = text
form_emacs_content_type_formatted_text = formatted text
form_emacs_content_type_html = html
form_emacs_content_type_bbcode = bbcode
form_emacs_content_type_other = other \(no formatting\)
last_header = Last logged users
last_tab_login = Login
last_tab_ip = IP
last_tab_login_date = Login time
last_tab_logout_date = Logout time
last_none = There is no anything information.
ls_header = Directory listing
ls_no_picture = There are not any pictures in this directory
ls_type = Type
ls_permissions = Permissions
ls_owner = Owner
ls_group = Group
ls_name = Name
ls_root_dir_name = Root dir
ipban_header = IP Banned
ipban_col_id = Id
ipban_col_ip_address = IP address
ipban_col_login_failures = Login failures
ipban_col_broken_cookie = Broken cookies
ipban_session_hijacking = Session hijacking
ipban_no_session_cookie = No session cookie
ipban_col_login_allowed = Login allowed
ipban_col_ban_level = Ban level
ipban_col_active_flag = Active flag
ipban_col_last_used = Last used
ipban_col_expires = Expires
ipban_col_remove = Remove
ipban_loggin_allowed = yes
ipban_loggin_not_allowed = no
ipban_has_active_flag = yes
ipban_remove_ip = remove
ipban_remove_all_ip = Remove all IP's from the list
ipban_ban_list_empty = There are not any IP addresses banned at the moment.
ipban_your_ip_is_banned = Your IP address is banned on this server until to:
imgcrop_header = Image cropping
imgcrop_crop_only_thumb_info = "Crop the thumbnail of the photo, the original (large) image will not be modified."
imgcrop_create_new_thumb_info = "Select a frame on the photo with the mouse, a new thumbnail will be created from this part, the original (large) image will not be modified."
imgcrop_crop_only_original_img_info = "Crop the original image (the thumbnail will not be modified)."
imgcrop_create_new_thumb_too_info = Also create a new thumbnail
imgcrop_no_image_info = imgcrop can only be applied to image files.
imgcrop_table_option_crop_image = Image cropping
imgcrop_table_option_crop_thumb = Thumbnail cropping
imgcrop_table_option_create_new_thumb = Create a new thumbnail
man_header = Man
man_winix_funcions = Winix functions
man_ezc_functions = EZC templates functions
meta_header = Meta
meta_admin_header = Admin meta
meta_for_dir = Additional information for directory
meta_for_page = Additional information for page
meta_admin_for_dir = Additional administrative information for directory
meta_admin_for_page = Additional administrative information for page
mkdir_header = Make directory
language_orphans = ()
passwd_header = Passwd
passwd_login = Select a user
passwd_current_password = Current password
passwd_new_password = New password
passwd_confirm_new_password = Confirm new password
passwd_submit = Change
passwd_err_bad_current_password = Incorrect current password.
passwd_password_changed = The password has been changed
priv_header = Permissions
priv_change_in_dir = Change permissions for all items in the following directory
priv_for_all_files = For all files to
priv_for_all_dirs = For all directories to
priv_change_all = Change subdirectories as well
priv_change_current_dir = Change also the current directory
pw_header = Users
pw_table_no = No
pw_table_login = Login
pw_table_is_root = Is Root
pw_table_is_active = Is active
pw_table_is_suspended = Is suspended
pw_table_is_banned = Is banned
pw_table_yes = yes
# !! is it used anymore?
pw_password_changed = Your password has been changed
reload_header = Reload
reload_select = Choose an item to reload
reload_templates = html templates
reload_tickets = tickets config files
reload_group = groups config files
reload_export = "export directories (FTP)"
reload_menu = plugin menu cache
rm_header = Remove
rm_file = Do you really want to remove file
rm_symlink = Do you really want to remove symlink
rm_dir = Do you really want to remove directory
rm_only_content = Remove only the content of the directory
rm_root = You cannot remove the root directory, you are only allowed to delete the content of the directory
rm_submit = Remove
rm_cannot_create_static_path = I cannot create a path to a static file
rm_cannot_remove_static_file = I cannot remove a static file
rm_permission_denied_to = Permission denied to remove
rm_directory_not_empty = directory not empty
rm_use_r_option = This is a directory, use 'r' parameter to remove it
rm_cannot_remove_root_dir = You cannot remove the root directory
rm_content_use_r_option = Content of a directory can be removed only with 'r' parameter
rmuser_header = Remove user
rmuser_selectuser = Choose a user to delete
rmuser_submit = Remove
rmuser_removecurrent = Are you really want to remove your account from our service?
thread_create_new = Create a new thread
thread_tab_title = Thread title
thread_tab_author = Author
thread_tab_replies = Rep.
thread_tab_last_post = Last post
thread_reply_in_this_thread = Reply in this thread
thread_header_reply = Reply
ticket_progress_image_path = ticket_progress
ticket_create_new = Create a new ticket
tickets_header_name = Ticket
ticket_info_type = Type
ticket_info_status = Status
ticket_info_priority = Priority
ticket_info_category = Category
ticket_info_expected = Expected in
ticket_info_progress = Progress
ticket_reply_in_this_thread = Replay in this thread
ticket_value_not_set = this ticket doesn't have such a value yet
ticket_delete_file = Delete
template_header = Template
template_info_file = Current html template for this file
template_info_dir = Current html template for this directory
template_from_mount_point = is taken from the mount point
template_form_info = Select a new template
template_form_from_mount_point = from the mount point
upload_header = Files manager
upload_button_add_files = Add files...
upload_button_start = Start
upload_button_cancel = Cancel
upload_button_start_upload = Start upload
upload_button_cancel_upload = Cancel upload
upload_button_delete = Delete
upload_button_processing = Processing...
upload_button_download = Download
2021-01-22 14:18:50 +01:00
upload_button_edit = Edit
upload_error = Error:
2021-01-22 14:18:50 +01:00
upload_processing = Processing...
who_header = Sessions
who_tab_index = Ind.
who_tab_start = Start
who_tab_last_active = Last active
who_none = There is no any sessions.
admin_options = Other administrative options
admin_ls = "List directory (ls)"
admin_mkdir = "Add directory (mkdir)"
admin_emacs_add = "Add page (emacs)"
admin_emacs_edit = "Edit page (emacs)"
admin_ckeditor_add = "Add page (ckeditor)"
admin_ckeditor_edit = "Edit page (ckeditor)"
admin_nicedit_add = "Add page (nicedit)"
admin_nicedit_edit = "Edit page (nicedit)"
admin_tinymce_add = "Add page (tinymce)"
admin_tinymce_edit = "Edit page (tinymce)"
admin_rm = "Remove page (rm)"
admin_upload = "File manager (upload)"
admin_sort = "Sort items (sort)"
locale_header = Locale
locale_your_locale = Current language
locale_has_incorrect_id = You don't have a correct language set
locale_select = Select language
login_header = Login
login_cannot_login_from_this_ip = We are sorry but you cannot login from this IP address.
#We are sorry but there were too many incorrect login attempts from your IP address.
login_cannot_login_available = The login process will be available since:
login_currently_logged_as = You are logged as:
login_username = Username
login_password = Password
login_remember_me = Remember me
login_button = Log in
login_forgot_password_question = Forgot your password?
login_back_to_login_form = Back to Login
login_forgot_password_email = E-mail
login_forgot_password_button = Change password
login_logout_button = Logout
uptime_header = Uptime
uptime_current_time = current time
uptime_up = system running for
added: uptime winix function prints how many sessions there are changed: functions for text/numbers conversions int Toi(const std::string & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const char * str, int base = 10); int Toi(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::string & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const char * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned long value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(long value, int base = 10); void Toa(int value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(int value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); added: HtmlTextStream class (files htmltextstream.cpp htmltextstream.h in templates) this is a special stream for automatically escaping html tags git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-25 02:34:46 +01:00
uptime_how_many_sessions = all sessions
uptime_users_logged = logged users
uptime_days = days
2021-01-25 18:19:30 +01:00
adduser_header_add = Add a new user
adduser_header_register = Register
adduser_login = Login
adduser_password = Password
adduser_confirm_password = Confirm password
adduser_email = You can also provide your email address. If you ever forget your password we will be able send you the password back.
adduser_need_email = You have to provide your email address. We send you an email with an activation link
adduser_submit = Add user
register_user_submit = Register
adduser_err_login_empty = Provide a login please.
adduser_err_login_incorrect_chars = We are sorry but the login consists of prohibited letters.
adduser_err_user_exists = We are sorry, but that user is already registered, check other login!
adduser_err_passwords_different = Passwords are different!
adduser_err_password_too_small = A password should consist of at least
adduser_err_password_too_small2 = characters.
adduser_err_login_too_big = Login cannot be longer than
adduser_err_login_too_big2 = characters
adduser_err_password_too_big = Password cannot be longer than
adduser_err_password_too_big2 = characters
adduser_err_email_too_big = Email cannot be longer than
adduser_err_email_too_big2 = characters
adduser_auto_activate = Automatically activate this account
adduser_err_email_incorrect = This email is not correct
mount_header = Mount points
mount_type = Mount point type
mount_dir = Directory
mount_fs = File system
mount_parameters = Parameters
mount_table = Table with all mount points
mount_current = Current mount point
mv_header = Move
mv_page = Move page
mv_dir = Move directory
mv_only_content = Move only content of the directory
mv_cant_move_root_dir = the root directory cannot be moved anywhere
mv_permission_denied_to = Permission denied to
mv_incorrect_path = Incorrent path
mv_dir_can_be_moved_to_dir = A directory can be moved only to an other directory
mv_dir_content_can_be_moved_to_dir = Directory content can be moved only to an other directory
mv_cannot_move_to_inside = A directory cannot be moved to inside it
mv_incorrect_dst_path = Incorrect destination path
mv_incorrect_dir = Incorrect directory
mv_file_exists = Such file already exists
timezone_header = Time Zone
timezone_select = Select your time zone
timezone_your_zone = Your current time zone is
timezone_has_incorrect_id = You don't have a correct time zone set
cp_header = Copy
cp_page = Copy page
cp_dir = Copy directory
cp_only_content = Copy only content of the directory
cp_remove_defaults = Remove 'default' attribute from copied directories
cp_preserve_attr = Preserve attributes: user, group, times
cp_follow_symlinks = Follow symlinks
slog_warning = Warning
slog_error = Error
slog_info = Info
unknown_filesystem = Unknown filesystem
no_such_dir = There is not such a directory
unknown_mount_type = There is not such a mount type
unknown_mount_param = Unknown mount point parameter
skipped = skipped
skipped_static_mount = Skipped static mount point
mount_exists = This mount point already exists
slog_turn_over = Session's log turned over due to size greater than
sort_header = Sort
sort_current_sortindex = Current sort index
sort_info_multi = Set an order of items by using the mouse.
sort_info_multi_index = Set an order of items by providing an index number. You can also set an order of items by using the mouse and then clicking the renumerate button.
sort_item_subject = Subject:
stat_header = Stat
stat_item_type = type
stat_item_type_file = file
stat_item_type_dir = directory
stat_item_type_static_file = static file
stat_item_inode = inode
stat_item_user = user
stat_item_group = group
stat_item_privileges = privileges
stat_item_date_creation = date creation
stat_item_date_modification = date modification
stat_item_template = template
stat_template_from_mount_point = from the mount point
subject_header = Edit subject
tinymce_update_button = Update
tinymce_update_progressbar_img_alt = Progressbar
uname_header = Uname
uname_available_plugins = Available plugins
uname_plugin_unknown = Plugin has not set its name
# notifications
notify_new = News
notify_change = Changes
notify_reply = Reply
notify_confirm_account = Confirm your account
notify_reset_password = Reset your password
notify_from_name = winix notifications
notify_from_email =
notify_content_type = text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
notify_header = Welcome
notify_msg1 = We would like to inform you that
notify_msg2 = someone created a new thread:
notify_msg2b = someone created a new ticket:
notify_msg3 = someone replied in a thread:
notify_msg4 = someone has changed its post:
notify_msg5 = a post has been deleted from a thread:
notify_msg6 = a new page has been added:
notify_msg7 = a page has been modified:
notify_msg7b = a ticket has been modified:
notify_msg8 = a page has been deleted:
notify_msg9 = We invite you to read.
notify_msg9b = Have a good day. Bye.
notify_msg10 = This email is sent to you because you are in the process of creating a new account in our service.
notify_msg11 = In order to activate your account click on the link below:
notify_msg12 = If you did not request an account in our service just ignore the email.
notify_msg13 = This email is sent to you because you are requested to change your password.
notify_msg14 = In order to set a new password please visit following page:
notify_msg15 = If you did not request to change the password just ignore the email.
notify_footer1 =
notify_footer2 = This message has been sent automatically - do not answer please.
notify_footer3 = If you do not want to receive such messages you can switch them off
notify_footer4 = in your user control panel.
# those errors are taken automatically by [winix_err_msg_from_locales]
# IMPROVE ME now they are not used, and should be moved to slog
winix_err_3 = Incorrect directory.
winix_err_18 = You are suspected to be a spammer, you cannot send anything without logging first.
winix_err_19 = Solve the rebus please!
winix_err_25 = Passwords are different!
winix_err_26 = A password should consist of at least five characters.
winix_err_27 = We are sorry, but that user is already registered, check other login!
winix_err_28 = Provide a login please.
winix_err_29 = The mount points are different.
tz_-12:00 = International Date Line West
tz_-11:00 = Coordinated Universal Time-11
tz_-10:00 = Hawaii
tz_-09:00 = Alaska
tz_-08:00 = Baja California
tz_-08:00b = Pacific Time \(US & Canada\)
tz_-07:00 = Arizona
tz_-07:00b = Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
tz_-07:00c = Mountain Time \(US & Canada\)
tz_-06:00 = Central America
tz_-06:00b = Central Time \(US & Canada\)
tz_-06:00c = Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
tz_-06:00d = Saskatchewan
tz_-05:00 = Bogota, Lima, Quito
tz_-05:00b = Eastern Time \(US & Canada\)
tz_-05:00c = Indiana \(East\)
tz_-04:30 = Caracas
tz_-04:00 = Asuncion
tz_-04:00b = Atlantic Time \(Canada\)
tz_-04:00c = Cuiaba
tz_-04:00d = Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan
tz_-04:00e = Santiago
tz_-03:30 = Newfoundland
tz_-03:00 = Brasilia
tz_-03:00b = Buenos Aires
tz_-03:00c = Cayenne, Fortaleza
tz_-03:00d = Greenland
tz_-03:00e = Montevideo
tz_-03:00f = Salvador
tz_-02:00 = Coordinated Universal Time-02
tz_-02:00b = Mid-Atlantic
tz_-01:00 = Azores
tz_-01:00b = Cape Verde Is.
tz_00:00 = Casablanca
tz_00:00b = Coordinated Universal Time
tz_00:00c = Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
tz_00:00d = Monrovia, Reykjavik
tz_+01:00 = Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
tz_+01:00b = Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
tz_+01:00c = Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
tz_+01:00d = Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
tz_+01:00e = West Central Africa
tz_+01:00f = Windhoek
tz_+02:00 = Amman
tz_+02:00b = Athens, Bucharest
tz_+02:00c = Beirut
tz_+02:00d = Cairo
tz_+02:00e = Damascus
tz_+02:00f = Harare, Pretoria
tz_+02:00g = Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
tz_+02:00h = Istanbul
tz_+02:00i = Jerusalem
tz_+02:00j = Nicosia
tz_+03:00 = Baghdad
tz_+03:00b = Kaliningrad, Minsk
tz_+03:00c = Kuwait, Riyadh
tz_+03:00d = Nairobi
tz_+03:30 = Tehran
tz_+04:00 = Abu Dhabi, Muscat
tz_+04:00b = Baku
tz_+04:00c = Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
tz_+04:00d = Port Louis
tz_+04:00e = Tbilisi
tz_+04:00f = Yerevan
tz_+04:30 = Kabul
tz_+05:00 = Islamabad, Karachi
tz_+05:00b = Tashkent
tz_+05:30 = Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
tz_+05:30b = Sri Jayawardenepura
tz_+05:45 = Kathmandu
tz_+06:00 = Astana
tz_+06:00b = Dhaka
tz_+06:00c = Ekaterinburg
tz_+06:30 = Yangon \(Rangoon\)
tz_+07:00 = Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
tz_+07:00b = Novosibirsk
tz_+08:00 = Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
tz_+08:00b = Krasnoyarsk
tz_+08:00c = Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
tz_+08:00d = Perth
tz_+08:00e = Taipei
tz_+08:00f = Ulaanbaatar
tz_+09:00 = Irkutsk
tz_+09:00b = Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
tz_+09:00c = Seoul
tz_+09:30 = Adelaide
tz_+09:30b = Darwin
tz_+10:00 = Brisbane
tz_+10:00b = Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
tz_+10:00c = Guam, Port Moresby
tz_+10:00d = Hobart
tz_+10:00e = Yakutsk
tz_+11:00 = Solomon Is., New Caledonia
tz_+11:00b = Vladivostok
tz_+12:00 = Auckland, Wellington
tz_+12:00b = Coordinated Universal Time+12
tz_+12:00c = Fiji
tz_+12:00d = Magadan
tz_+13:00 = Nuku'alofa
tz_+13:00b = Samoa
seo_title = Seo
seo_description = Description
seo_keywords = Keywords