
208 lines
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language = en
charset = iso-8859-1
logged_as = logged as
logged_as_long = You are logged as
logout = logout
form_login_legend = Loging
remember_me = Remember me
home_page = Home page
button_login = Login
added_by = Added by
last_modified = Last modified
error_404 = Error 404
error_404_msg = We are sory but there is no such a page in our service.
solve_rebus = Solve the rebus please!
suspected_spammer = You are suspected to be a spammer,<br>you cannot send anything without logging first.
was_errors = We are sory but there were some problems with the operation.
error_code = Error code
access_denied = Permission denied
access_denied_msg = We are sory but you don't have access to the page.
download = download
create_thread_header = Create thread
form_thread_legend = Thread form
button_thread_submit = Create thread
url = Url
suggested_url = Suggested url
short_url = Short url
title = Title
nick = Nick
change = Change
edit = Edit
add = Add
user = User
group = Group
permissions = Permissions
yes = Yes
no = No
rebus_how_is_it = Rebus: How is it
edit_ticket_header = Edit ticket
create_ticket_header = Create a new ticket
form_edit_ticket_legend = Edit ticket form.
form_create_ticket_legend = Ticket form.
form_ticket_type = Ticket type
form_ticket_status = Status
form_ticket_priority = Priority
form_ticket_category = Category
form_ticket_expected = Expected in
form_ticket_progress = Progress (0-100)
form_ticket_create_submit = Create a new ticket
form_ticket_edit_submit = Edit a ticket
default_header = Default item in a directory
default_was_error = We are sory but there was an error during changing the default item.
default_error_no_dir = There is no such a directory.
default_error_no_file = There is no such a file.
form_default_legend = Default item form
form_emacs_legend = Edit form
form_emacs_content_cms = Content
form_emacs_content_thread = Post
form_emacs_content_ticket = Info
form_emacs_content_type = Message type
form_emacs_content_type_text = text
form_emacs_content_type_formatted_text = formatted text
form_emacs_content_type_html = html
form_emacs_content_type_bbcode = bbcode
form_emacs_content_type_raw = raw
last_header = Last logged users
last_table_login = Login
last_table_ip = IP
last_table_login_date = Login time
last_table_logout_date = Logout time
last_none = There is no anything information.
ls_header = Directory listing
mkdir_header = Make directory
mkdir_was_error = We are sorry but there were errors during creating the directory
mkdir_form_legend = Make directory form
priv_header = Permissions
priv_was_error = We are sorry but there were errors while changing permissions.
priv_form_legend = Permissions
reload_header = Reload
reload_was_error = We are sorry but there were errors while reloading.
templates_reloaded_successfully = Templates reloaded successfully.
reload_select = What to reload:
reload_templates = templates
rm_file_header = Are you sure you want to delete the file?
rm_dir_header = Are you sure you want to delete the directory?
thread_create_new = Create a new thread
thread_table_title = Thread title
thread_table_author = Author
thread_table_replies = Rep.
thread_table_last_post = Last post
thread_reply_in_this_thread = Reply in this thread
ticket_create_new = Create a new ticket
ticket_table_name = Ticket
ticket_table_type = Type
ticket_table_status = Status
ticket_table_priority = Priority
ticket_table_expected = Expected in
ticket_info_type = Type
ticket_info_status = Status
ticket_info_priority = Priority
ticket_info_category = Category
ticket_info_expected = Expected in
ticket_info_progress = Progress
ticket_reply_in_this_thread = Replay in this thread
upload_form_legend = Upload form
upload_content = File description
who_header = Sessions
who_table_index = Ind.
who_table_start = Start
who_table_last_active = Last active
who_none = There is no any sessions.
admin_options = Frequently used administrative options
admin_ls = List directory (ls)
admin_mkdir = Add directory (mkdir)
admin_emacs_add = Add file (emacs)
admin_emacs_edit = Edit file (emacs)
admin_ckeditor_add = Add file (ckeditor)
admin_ckeditor_edit = Edit file (ckeditor)
admin_rm = Remove file (rm)
admin_upload = Upload an image or file (upload)
login_header = Login
uptime_header = Uptime
uptime_up = up
uptime_users = users
uptime_days = days
# notifications
notify_new = News
notify_change = Changes
notify_from = notifications <>
notify_content_type = text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
notify_header = Welcome
notify_msg1 = We would like to inform you that
notify_msg2 = someone started a new thread:
notify_msg3 = someone replayed in a thread:
notify_msg4 = someone has changed its post:
notify_msg5 = a post has been deleted from a thread:
notify_msg6 = a new page has been added:
notify_msg7 = a page has been modified:
notify_msg8 = a page has been deleted:
notify_msg9 = We invite you to read.\nHave a good day. Bye.
notify_footer = \n\n-- \n\nThis message has been sent automatically - do not answer please.\nIf you do not want to receive such messages you can switch them off\nin your user control panel.