removed: from Big::ToString() the feature with calculating how many valid digits there are

after the comma operator
         this was not correctly calculated - sometimes gives unexpected results,
         e.g. 0.5/2/2=0.125 (only one bit in the mantissa) gives 0.1 as the result
changed: cosmetic changes in Big::Add()

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Sowa 2010-02-02 21:02:10 +00:00
parent 32b8c7a957
commit d5a5ea1a7d
6 changed files with 96 additions and 296 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Version 0.9.1 prerelease (2009.12.28):
Version 0.9.1 prerelease (2010.02.02):
* fixed: the parser didn't use characters for changing the base (# and &)
those characters were skipped
(this bug was introduced in 0.9.0)
@ -14,26 +14,11 @@ Version 0.9.1 prerelease (2009.12.28):
Consider this binary value (32 bit mantissa):
previously ToString() gave 1, now we have: 1.000000001
* changed: in Big::ToString() the base rounding is made only if the result value
would not be an integer, e.g. if the value is 1.999999999999 then
the base rounding will not be done - because as the result would be 2
* added: IEEE 754 half-to-even rounding (bankers' rounding) to the following
floating point algorithms: Big::Add, Big::Sub, Big::Mul, Big::Div
* added: to Big::ToString() - additional rounding when conv.base_round is used
if the value is not an integer we calculate how many valid digits there are
after the comma operator (in conv.base radix) and then we skipped the rest
digits, after skipping the base-rounding is made
this helps to print values which have some last clear bits in the mantissa
consider this 32 bit value:
which has mantissa equal: (binary)11100001010001111010111000000000 (32 bits)
previous the ToString() method gave: (decimal)0.10999999[...]
now we have: (decimal)0.11
* added: Parser::SetSmallToZero(bool zero) (default true)
if true then the parser changes small values into zero
small value means:
- if the mantissa of the value consists only of one, two or three set bits
- and these bits are next to each other
- and the exponent is smaller than about 2 times the number of bits from the mantissa
this helps to correctly calculate expressions such as: "0.80-3*0.34+0.22"
now the parser gives zero (previous there was a value very closed to zero)
* added: static sint UInt<value_size>::FindLowestBitInWord(uint x)
this method is looking for the lowest set bit in a word
* added: UInt::FindLowestBit(uint & table_id, uint & index)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Tomasz Sowa
Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Tomasz Sowa
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without

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@ -2807,7 +2807,7 @@ namespace ttmath
// the simplest way to initialize is to call the Gamma function with (TTMATH_GAMMA_BOUNDARY + 1)
// when x is larger then less coefficients we need
// when x is larger then fewer coefficients we need
Gamma(x, *this);

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Tomasz Sowa
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -729,10 +729,10 @@ private:
uint RoundHalfToEven(bool is_half, bool rounding_up = true)
uint c = 0;
return 0;
if( !is_half || mantissa.IsTheLowestBitSet() )
if( rounding_up)
if( rounding_up )
if( mantissa.AddOne() )
@ -742,12 +742,14 @@ private:
uint c_from_zero = mantissa.SubOne();
uint c_from_zero =
// we're using rounding_up=false in Add() when the mantissas
// have different signs, but we have guarantee then the result
// will be greater than or equal to zero
// (if it is zero then we should not do the rounding here)
// we're using rounding_up=false in Add() when the mantissas have different signs
// mantissa can be zero only when previous mantissa was equal to ss2.mantissa
// but in such a case 'last_bit_set' will not be set and consequently 'do_rounding' will be false
TTMATH_ASSERT( c_from_zero == 0 )
@ -756,7 +758,8 @@ private:
@ -789,12 +792,13 @@ private:
if( exp_offset < mantissa_size_in_bits )
uint moved = exp_offset.ToInt(); // how many times we must move ss2.mantissa
rest_zero = true;
if( moved > 0 )
last_bit_set = static_cast<bool>( ss2.mantissa.GetBit(moved-1) );
if( moved > 1)
if( moved > 1 )
rest_zero = ss2.mantissa.AreFirstBitsZero(moved - 1);
// (2) moving 'exp_offset' times
@ -816,7 +820,6 @@ private:
uint AddMantissas( Big<exp, man> & ss2,
bool & last_bit_set,
bool & rest_zero,
bool & do_rounding,
bool & rounding_up)
uint c = 0;
@ -826,16 +829,14 @@ private:
// values have the same signs
if( mantissa.Add(ss2.mantissa) )
// we have one bit more from addition (carry was)
// we have one bit more from addition (carry)
// now rest_zero means the old rest_zero with the old last_bit_set
// we check only the situation when rest_zero was true
// (if it was false then it is false now too)
if( rest_zero && last_bit_set )
rest_zero = false;
rest_zero = (!last_bit_set && rest_zero);
last_bit_set = mantissa.Rcr(1,1);
c += exponent.AddOne();
rounding_up = true;
@ -845,18 +846,13 @@ private:
// is greater than or equal to the mantissa of the ss2
// this is to get rid of a warning saying that c_temp is not used
uint c_temp = /* mantissa.Sub(ss2.mantissa); */
uint c_temp =
TTMATH_ASSERT( c_temp == 0 )
rounding_up = false;
do_rounding = true;
return c;
@ -871,49 +867,49 @@ public:
uint Add(Big<exp, man> ss2, bool round = true)
bool last_bit_set, rest_zero, do_adding, do_rounding, rounding_up;
Int<exp> exp_offset( exponent );
uint c = 0;
if( IsNan() || ss2.IsNan() )
return CheckCarry(1);
if( ss2.IsZero() )
return 0;
exp_offset.Sub( ss2.exponent );
// (1) abs(this) will be >= abs(ss2)
if( SmallerWithoutSignThan(ss2) )
// !! use Swap here (not implemented yet)
Big<exp, man> temp(ss2);
ss2 = *this;
*this = temp;
bool last_bit_set = false;
bool rest_zero = true;
bool do_adding = false;
bool do_rounding = false;
bool rounding_up = true;
if( ss2.IsZero() )
return 0;
last_bit_set = rest_zero = do_adding = do_rounding = rounding_up = false;
AddCheckExponents(ss2, exp_offset, last_bit_set, rest_zero, do_adding, do_rounding);
if( do_adding )
c += AddMantissas(ss2, last_bit_set, rest_zero, do_rounding, rounding_up);
c += AddMantissas(ss2, last_bit_set, rest_zero, rounding_up);
if( round && do_rounding && last_bit_set )
if( !round || !last_bit_set )
do_rounding = false;
if( do_rounding )
c += RoundHalfToEven(rest_zero, rounding_up);
if( do_adding || (do_rounding && last_bit_set) )
if( do_adding || do_rounding )
c += Standardizing();
return CheckCarry(c);
Subtraction this = this - ss2
@ -3359,6 +3355,11 @@ private:
Big<exp+1,man> new_exp_;
c += new_exp_.ToString_Log(temp, conv.base); // this logarithm isn't very complicated
// adding some epsilon value (to get rid of some floating point errors)
temp.exponent.SubOne(); // temp = 0.5/2 = 0.25
c += new_exp_.Add(temp);
if( !new_exp_.IsSign() && !new_exp_.IsInteger() )
// new_exp_ > 0 and with fraction
@ -3402,10 +3403,6 @@ private:
// maximum valid bits
temp.mantissa.ToString(new_man, conv.base);
// because we had used a bigger type for calculating I think we
// shouldn't have had a carry
// (in the future this can be changed)
// base rounding
if( conv.base_round )
c += ToString_BaseRound<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv, new_exp);
@ -3743,34 +3740,50 @@ private:
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
returns log(n, 2) (logarithm with the base equal 2)
n is in the range of [2,16]
double ToString_LogBase2(uint n) const
template<class string_type, class char_type>
bool ToString_RoundMantissaWouldBeInteger(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv, Int<exp+1> & new_exp) const
static double log_tab[] = {
// if new_exp is greater or equal to zero then we have an integer value,
// if new_exp is equal -1 then we have only one digit after the comma
// and after rounding it would be an integer value
if( !new_exp.IsSign() || new_exp == -1 )
return true;
if( n < 2 || n > 16 )
return 1.0;
if( new_man.size() >= TTMATH_UINT_HIGHEST_BIT || new_man.size() < 2 )
return true; // oops, the mantissa is too large for calculating (or too small) - we are not doing the base rounding
uint i = 0;
char_type digit;
return log_tab[n-2];
if( new_exp >= -sint(new_man.size()) )
uint new_exp_abs = -new_exp.ToInt();
i = new_man.size() - new_exp_abs; // start from the first digit after the comma operator
if( Misc::CharToDigit(new_man[new_man.size()-1]) >= conv.base/2 )
if( new_exp < -sint(new_man.size()) )
// there are some zeroes after the comma operator
// (between the comma and the first digit from the mantissa)
// and the result value will never be an integer
return false;
digit = static_cast<char_type>( Misc::DigitToChar(conv.base-1) );
digit = '0';
for( ; i < new_man.size()-1 ; ++i)
if( new_man[i] != digit )
return false; // it will not be an integer
return true; // it will be integer after rounding
@ -3779,192 +3792,16 @@ private:
this method is used for base!=2, base!=4, base!=8 and base!=16
we do the rounding when the value has fraction (is not an integer)
if the value is not an integer we calculate how many valid digits there are
after the comma operator (in conv.base radix) and then we skipped the rest
digits, after skipping the base-rounding is made
template<class string_type, class char_type>
uint ToString_BaseRound(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv, Int<exp+1> & new_exp) const
uint table_id, bit_index, zeroes;
// at least two digits
if( new_man.size() < 2 )
return 0;
// exponents should be less than zero
// if new_exp are greater than or equal to zero then the value is integer
// (but the integer can be too if the exponents are less than zero - we check it later)
if( !new_exp.IsSign() || !exponent.IsSign() )
return 0;
if( !mantissa.FindLowestBit(table_id, bit_index) )
// mantissa is zero, it should not be zero here
return 0;
// how many zero bits there are at the end of the mantissa
zeroes = table_id * TTMATH_BITS_PER_UINT + bit_index;
return ToString_BaseRoundDelInvalidAndRound<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv, new_exp, zeroes);
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
this method is used for base!=2, base!=4, base!=8 and base!=16
we do the rounding when the value has fraction (is not an integer)
template<class string_type, class char_type>
uint ToString_BaseRoundDelInvalidAndRound(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv, Int<exp+1> & new_exp, uint zeroes) const
uint c, len, valid_bits, del;
c = 0;
del = 0;
// how many bits there are in the mantissa
if( exponent > -sint(len) )
// but bits only after the comma operator
len = uint(-exponent.ToInt()); // exponent is also less than zero
valid_bits = 0;
if( len > zeroes )
valid_bits = len - zeroes;
if( valid_bits == 0 )
// this is an integer value
return 0;
// the rest digits (in conv.base radix) will be cut off from new_man
// but at least two characters must be left
del = ToString_BaseRoundDelInvalid<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv.base, new_exp, valid_bits);
if( del>0 && conv.trim_zeroes )
c += new_exp.Add(del);
// rounding from the last digit (the last digit will be deleted)
c += ToString_RoundMantissa<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv, new_exp);
if( del>0 && !conv.trim_zeroes )
// we must add the zeroes after ToString_RoundMantissa()
new_man.append(del, '0');
return c;
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
returning how many digits were deleted
template<class string_type, class char_type>
uint ToString_BaseRoundDelInvalid( string_type & new_man,
uint radix,
Int<exp+1> & new_exp,
uint valid_bits) const
uint del, del_max, valid_digits;
del = 0;
// calculating how many valid digits there are after the comma operator
// (in new_man where the radix is conv.base)
sint v = sint(double(valid_bits) / ToString_LogBase2(radix) + 0.5);
// even if v is less than 1 we want at least one digit after comma
// (valid_bits is greater than zero)
valid_digits = uint( (v<=1)? 1 : v ); // minimum 1
if( valid_digits > new_man.size() )
valid_digits = new_man.size();
if( new_man.size() < 3 )
// it must be at least three characters in the new_man
return del;
Int<exp+1> new_exp_abs(new_exp);
if( new_exp_abs > new_man.size() )
new_exp_abs = new_man.size();
if( new_exp_abs > valid_digits )
del = new_exp_abs.ToUInt();
// because valid_digits is >= 1 then del is less than new_exp_abs
// and after deleting the result will not be an integer
// miminum two characters should be left in new_man
// also new_man.size() is > 2
del_max = (new_man.size()==3)? 1 : new_man.size()-2;
if( del > del_max )
del = del_max;
if( del > 0 )
new_man.erase(new_man.size()-del); // deleting del characters at the end of new_man
return del;
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
template<class string_type, class char_type>
bool ToString_RoundMantissaWouldBeInteger(string_type & new_man, Int<exp+1> & new_exp) const
// if new_exp is equal -1 then we have only one digit after the comma
// and after rounding it would be an integer value
// (we don't want to be integer after rounding)
if( new_exp == -1 )
return true;
if( new_man.size() > TTMATH_UINT_HIGHEST_BIT )
// oops, the mantissa is too large for calculating
return false;
uint i = 0;
if( new_exp > -sint(new_man.size()) )
uint new_exp_abs = -new_exp.ToInt();
i = new_man.size() - new_exp_abs;
// at least one digit after the comma operator should be different from zero
// but without checking the last digit (the last digit will be deleted later)
for( ; i<new_man.size()-1 ; ++i) // new_man.size() is >= 2
if( new_man[i] != '0' )
// it will not be integer
return false;
return true;
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
this method roundes the last character from the new mantissa
template<class string_type, class char_type>
uint ToString_RoundMantissa(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv, Int<exp+1> & new_exp) const
// we must have minimum two characters
if( new_man.size() < 2 )
return 0;
if( ToString_RoundMantissaWouldBeInteger<string_type, char_type>(new_man, new_exp) )
// assert that there will not be an integer after rounding
if( ToString_RoundMantissaWouldBeInteger<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv, new_exp) )
return 0;
typename string_type::size_type i = new_man.length() - 1;
@ -3972,24 +3809,14 @@ private:
// we're erasing the last character
uint digit = Misc::CharToDigit( new_man[i] );
new_man.erase(i, 1);
uint carry = new_exp.AddOne();
uint c = new_exp.AddOne();
// if the last character is greater or equal 'base/2'
// we'll add one into the new mantissa
// we are adding one into the new mantissa
if( digit >= conv.base / 2 )
uint how_many = ToString_RoundMantissa_AddOneIntoMantissa<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv, false);
ToString_RoundMantissa_AddOneIntoMantissa<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv);
if( new_exp <= -(int)how_many ) // it means: abs(new_exp) >= how_many
// we have to round only digits after the comma operator
// if how_many were greater than abs(new_exp) then
// the result would be integer (we don't want it to be integer)
ToString_RoundMantissa_AddOneIntoMantissa<string_type, char_type>(new_man, conv);
return carry;
return c;
@ -3997,17 +3824,15 @@ private:
an auxiliary method for converting into the string
this method addes one into the new mantissa
returns how many digits were affected
template<class string_type, class char_type>
uint ToString_RoundMantissa_AddOneIntoMantissa(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv, bool change_mantissa = true) const
void ToString_RoundMantissa_AddOneIntoMantissa(string_type & new_man, const Conv & conv) const
if( new_man.empty() )
return 0;
sint i = sint( new_man.length() ) - 1;
bool was_carry = true;
uint how_many = 0;
for( ; i>=0 && was_carry ; --i )
@ -4025,21 +3850,11 @@ private:
was_carry = false;
if( change_mantissa )
new_man[i] = static_cast<char_type>( Misc::DigitToChar(digit) );
how_many += 1;
new_man[i] = static_cast<char_type>( Misc::DigitToChar(digit) );
if( i<0 && was_carry )
if( change_mantissa )
new_man.insert( new_man.begin() , '1' );
how_many += 1;
return how_many;
new_man.insert( new_man.begin() , '1' );

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Tomasz Sowa
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@ -2731,7 +2731,7 @@ ErrorCode Parse(const std::wstring & str)
this method returns true is something was calculated
(at least one mathematical operator was used or a function or variable)
e.g. the string to Parse() looked like this:
e.g. true if the string to Parse() looked like this:

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Tomasz Sowa
* Copyright (c) 2006-2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without