fixed/optimized: Big::AboutEqual() didn't compile on GCC

(there was used ttmath::Abs() function which is unknown in Big<> class)
         AboutEqual() returned true for: "2345.5" and "-2345.5" (the sign was not checked)
renamed: Big::AboutEqual() to Big::AboutEqualWithoutSign()
added:   Big::AboutEqual()

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Sowa 2009-09-10 16:28:05 +00:00
parent 28964d30f7
commit 74b31b1f54
2 changed files with 63 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Version 0.9.0 prerelease (2009.09.07):
Version 0.9.0 prerelease (2009.09.10):
* added: support for wide characters (wchar_t)
wide characters are used when macro TTMATH_USE_WCHAR is defined
this macro is defined automatically when there is macro UNICODE or _UNICODE defined
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ Version 0.9.0 prerelease (2009.09.07):
* added: multithread support for Big<> class
you should compile with TTMATH_MULTITHREADS
and use TTMATH_MULTITHREADS_HELPER macro somewhere in your *.cpp file
* added: Big::AboutEqual(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, int nBitsToIgnore = 4)
* added: Big::AboutEqual(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, int nBitsToIgnore)
Big::AboutEqualWithoutSign(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, int nBitsToIgnore)
the last nBitsToIgnore bits from mantissas will be skipped when comparing
* added: x86_64 asm code for Microsoft Visual compiler
file: ttmathuint_x86_64_msvc.asm

View File

@ -3916,74 +3916,78 @@ public:
bool AboutEqual(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, int nBitsToIgnore = 4) const
this method compares this and ss2 by ingoring some nBitsToIgnore last bits from mantissas
if nBitsToIgnore is 0 then the method is equivalent to EqualWithoutSign() method
(signs are not checked, we don't check the NaN flag too)
Big<1,1> a, b;
a = " 1234.5678";
b = "-1234.5677999";
// binary a: 10011010010.100100010101101101010
// binary b: -10011010010.100100010101101101000
// two last bits are different
if( a.AboutEqualWithoutSign(b, 2) ) // the result is true
std::cout << "true" << std::endl;
bool AboutEqualWithoutSign(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, uint nBitsToIgnore) const
// we should check the mantissas beforehand because sometimes we can have
// a mantissa set to zero but in the exponent something another value
// (maybe we've forgotten about calling CorrectZero() ?)
if( mantissa.IsZero() )
if( ss2.mantissa.IsZero() )
return true;
// there is no sense to ignore the whole mantissas
uint words = nBitsToIgnore / TTMATH_BITS_PER_UINT;
uint bits = nBitsToIgnore % TTMATH_BITS_PER_UINT;
uint i;
if( bits == 0 )
i = words;
i = words + 1;
uint mask = TTMATH_UINT_MAX_VALUE << bits;
if( (mantissa.table[words] & mask) != (ss2.mantissa.table[words] & mask) )
return false;
if( ss2.mantissa.IsZero() )
for( ; i<man ; ++i )
return(this->exponent <= uint(2*(-sint(man*TTMATH_BITS_PER_UINT))+nBitsToIgnore));
if( mantissa.table[i] != ss2.mantissa.table[i] )
return false;
// exponents may not differ much!
ttmath::Int<exp> expdiff(this->exponent - ss2.exponent);
if( exponent != ss2.exponent )
return false;
// they may differ one if for example mantissa1=0x80000000, mantissa2=0xffffffff
if( ttmath::Abs(expdiff) > 1 )
return true;
// calculate the 'difference' mantissa
ttmath::UInt<man> man1(this->mantissa);
ttmath::UInt<man> man2(ss2.mantissa);
ttmath::UInt<man> mandiff;
switch( expdiff.ToInt() )
case +1:
mandiff = man1;
case -1:
mandiff = man2;
if( man2 > man1 )
mandiff = man2;
mandiff = man1;
this method compares this and ss2 by ingoring some nBitsToIgnore last bits from mantissas
if nBitsToIgnore is 0 then the method is equivalent to operator==() operator
(we don't check the NaN flag)
// faster to mask the bits!
this method is similar to AboutEqualWithoutSign but the signs are checked now
Big<1,1> a, b;
a = "456.6789";
b = "456.678901";
// binary a: 111001000.10101101110011000101111
// binary b: 111001000.10101101110011000110111
// five last bits are different
if( a.AboutEqual(b, 5) ) // the result is true
std::cout << "true" << std::endl;
bool AboutEqual(const Big<exp,man> & ss2, uint nBitsToIgnore) const
if( IsSign() != ss2.IsSign() )
return false;
for( int n = man-1; n > 0; --n )
if( mandiff.table[n] != 0 )
uint nMask = ~((1 << nBitsToIgnore) - 1);
return((mandiff.table[0] & nMask) == 0);
return AboutEqualWithoutSign(ss2, nBitsToIgnore);
@ -4006,8 +4010,6 @@ public:
bool operator==(const Big<exp,man> & ss2) const
if( IsSign() != ss2.IsSign() )
@ -4017,8 +4019,6 @@ public:
bool operator>(const Big<exp,man> & ss2) const
if( IsSign() && !ss2.IsSign() )
@ -4038,7 +4038,6 @@ public:
bool operator>=(const Big<exp,man> & ss2) const
return !operator<( ss2 );