Tomasz Sowa a2339eed34 fixed: in Space: pointers 'name' and 'child_spaces' were not correctly initialized in cctors
added in Space:
- some methods for adding values to an object, such as:
  Space & Space::add(const std::wstring & field, bool val) (bool, short, int, long, long long etc.)
- methods for creating lists:
  void Space::to_list(std::list<std::string> & output_list, bool clear_list) const
  bool Space::to_list(const wchar_t * field, std::list<std::string> & output_list, bool clear_list) const
- methods for converting a value from an object field:
  bool Space::to_bool(const wchar_t * field, bool default_value) const
- methods for testing strings:
  bool Space::is_equal(const char * val) const
  bool Space::is_equal(const std::string & val) const
  bool Space::is_equal(const wchar_t * val) const
  bool Space::is_equal(const std::wstring & val) const
- methods to get the raw pointer to a value from an object, such as:
  bool * Space::get_bool(const wchar_t * field)
  float * Space::get_float(const wchar_t * field)
- methods for finding a child space (used in Space format only)
  Space * Space::find_child_space(const wchar_t * name)
  Space & Space::find_add_child_space(const wchar_t * name)
2021-04-08 17:16:37 +02:00
textstream.h fixed: in Space: pointers 'name' and 'child_spaces' were not correctly initialized in cctors 2021-04-08 17:16:37 +02:00
types.h added: to Space: 2012-07-25 10:27:20 +00:00