Tomasz Sowa 3c0b59e115 added to Space: long double to Space::Value and methods for converting from/to long double
added global methods for converting float/string double/string and long double/string (convert/double.h|cpp):
      float to_float(const char * str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      float to_float(const wchar_t * str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      double to_double(const char * str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      double to_double(const wchar_t * str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      long double to_long_double(const char * str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      long double to_long_double(const wchar_t * str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      float to_float(const std::string & str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      float to_float(const std::wstring & str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      double to_double(const std::string & str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      double to_double(const std::wstring & str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      long double to_long_double(const std::string & str, const char ** after = nullptr);
      long double to_long_double(const std::wstring & str, const wchar_t ** after = nullptr);
      std::string to_str(float val);
      std::wstring to_wstr(float val);
      std::string to_str(double val);
      std::wstring to_wstr(double val);
      std::string to_str(long double val);
      std::wstring to_wstr(long double val);
2021-06-23 17:01:43 +02:00
space.cpp added to Space: long double to Space::Value and methods for converting from/to long double 2021-06-23 17:01:43 +02:00
space.h added to Space: long double to Space::Value and methods for converting from/to long double 2021-06-23 17:01:43 +02:00
spaceparser.cpp fixed: using size() when serializing strings - this allows to serialize a string which contain a null character 2021-06-14 13:48:32 +02:00
spaceparser.h fixed: using size() when serializing strings - this allows to serialize a string which contain a null character 2021-06-14 13:48:32 +02:00