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* This file is a part of PikoTools
* and is distributed under the (new) BSD licence.
* Author: Tomasz Sowa <t.sowa@ttmath.org>
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name Tomasz Sowa nor the names of contributors to this
* project may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef headerfile_picotools_space_space
#define headerfile_picotools_space_space
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cwchar>
#include "textstream/types.h"
#include "convert/inttostr.h"
//#include "utf8/utf8.h"
namespace PT
A parser for parsing config files.
A config file can look like this:
variable1 = value 1
variable2 = " value 2 "
variable3 = (value 1, value 2)
variable4 = (" value 1 " , "value2", value 3)
sample of use:
SpaceParser parser;
if( parser.status == SpaceParser::ok )
// the whole config we have in parser.table
config syntax:
option = list
list can consists of any number of items, if you're using more than one item you should
use brackets ()
for one item the brackets can be ommited:
option = value
white characters at the beginning of the value (and at the end) will be trimmed,
or you can use quotes:
option = "value"
option2 = "value with spaces at the end "
the form without quotes:
option = value
should be written in one line, so this is not allowed:
option =
you can use a new line characters only between brackets and quotes:
option = "this is
a multiline string"
option = ( value1,
value2 )
but there is one requirement: the first character " or ( should be in the same line,
so this is not allowed
option =
"this is wrong"
but this is ok:
option = "
that is ok"
empty lists:
option = ()
this creates an empty list: parser.table['option'].empty() == true
option =
this creates an empty list too (the same as previously)
option = ""
but this doesn't create an empty list, it creates a list with one (empty) item
# this is a commentary (until the end of the line)
option = value # this is a commentary too
commentaries are treated as white characters, other example:
option = ( # this is my list
"value 1" # this is a value one
value 2 # and this is a value two
) # end of my list
option1 = some value
option1 = other value
# always the last option is used so option1 is "other value"
list delimiter:
option1 = (value1, value2, value3)
option2 = ("value1", "value2", "value3")
above we're using a comma ',' as a list delimiter but when using quotes (second line)
the commas can be omitted:
option2 = ("value1" "value2" "value3")
white characters:
the name of an option cannot consist of white characters
some option = value # this is wrong
some_option = value # this is ok
which characters are allowed in an option name is defined by IsVariableChar() method
you can use white characters in values
option = value with spaces or tabs
white characters at the beginning and at the end will be trimmed,
so if you want them use quotes:
option = " other value with spaces "
special characters in quoted strings:
option = "this is a string with \" a quote inside"
the option will be: this is a string with " a quote inside
\\ - means one \
basically: \char produces char
"\a" gives "a"
"\\" gives "\"
"\Z" gives "Z" and so on
you can call UseEscapeChar(false) to turn this off
class Space
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
typedef std::map<std::wstring, Space*> ObjectType;
typedef std::vector<Space*> TableType;
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
enum Escape
enum Type
union Value
bool value_bool;
long long value_long;
float value_float;
double value_double;
std::string value_string;
std::wstring value_wstring;
ObjectType value_object;
TableType value_table;
Type type;
Value value;
Space(const Space & space);
Space & operator=(const Space & space);
// add move cctor
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
Space(bool val);
Space(short val);
Space(int val);
Space(long val);
Space(long long val);
Space(unsigned short val);
Space(unsigned int val);
Space(unsigned long val);
Space(unsigned long long val);
Space(float val);
Space(double val);
Space(const char * str);
Space(const wchar_t * str);
Space(const std::string & str);
Space(const std::wstring & str);
Space(const Space * space);
// set a new value
void set(bool val);
void set(short val);
void set(int val);
void set(long val);
void set(long long val);
void set(unsigned short val);
void set(unsigned int val);
void set(unsigned long val);
void set(unsigned long long val);
void set(float val);
void set(double val);
void set(const char * str);
void set(const wchar_t * str);
void set(const std::string & str);
void set(const std::wstring & str);
void set(const Space * space = nullptr);
// add a value to the table, change to table if needed, return the reference to the new inserted item
Space & add(bool val);
Space & add(short val);
Space & add(int val);
Space & add(long val);
Space & add(long long val);
Space & add(unsigned short val);
Space & add(unsigned int val);
Space & add(unsigned long val);
Space & add(unsigned long long val);
Space & add(float val);
Space & add(double val);
Space & add(const char * val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * val);
Space & add(const std::string & val);
Space & add(const std::wstring & val);
Space & add(const Space * space);
// add a value to the object, change to object if needed, return the reference to the new inserted item
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, bool val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, short val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, int val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, long val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, long long val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, unsigned short val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, unsigned int val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, unsigned long val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, unsigned long long val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, float val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, double val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, const char * val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, const wchar_t * val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, const std::string & val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, const std::wstring & val);
Space & add(const wchar_t * field, const Space * space);
Space & add_empty_space(const wchar_t * field); // IMPROVEME rename me to something better
bool is_null() const;
bool is_bool() const;
bool is_llong() const;
bool is_long_long() const;
bool is_float() const;
bool is_double() const;
bool is_numeric() const;
bool is_str() const;
bool is_wstr() const;
bool is_text() const;
bool is_object() const;
bool is_table() const;
bool to_bool() const;
short to_short() const;
int to_int() const;
long to_long() const;
long long to_llong() const;
long long to_long_long() const;
unsigned short to_ushort() const;
unsigned int to_uint() const;
unsigned long to_ulong() const;
unsigned long long to_ullong() const;
unsigned long long to_ulong_long() const;
std::string to_str() const;
std::wstring to_wstr() const;
bool * get_bool();
long long * get_llong();
long long * get_long_long();
float * get_float();
double * get_double();
std::string * get_string();
std::wstring * get_wstring();
ObjectType * get_object();
TableType * get_table();
const bool * get_bool() const;
const long long * get_llong() const;
const long long * get_long_long() const;
const float * get_float() const;
const double * get_double() const;
const std::string * get_string() const;
const std::wstring * get_wstring() const;
const ObjectType * get_object() const;
const TableType * get_table() const;
std::string serialize_to_space_str() const;
std::wstring serialize_to_space_wstr() const;
void serialize_to_space_to(std::string & str) const;
void serialize_to_space_to(std::wstring & str) const;
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_to_space_stream(StreamType & str) const
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_null:
//serialize_null(str, escape);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_bool:
//serialize_bool(str, escape);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_long:
//serialize_long(str, escape);
case type_float:
//serialize_float(str, escape);
case type_double:
//serialize_double(str, escape);
case type_string:
//serialize_string(str, escape);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_wstring:
//serialize_wstring(str, escape);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_object:
//serialize_object(str, escape);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_table:
//serialize_table(str, escape);
std::string serialize_to_json_str() const;
std::wstring serialize_to_json_wstr() const;
void serialize_to_json_to(std::string & str) const;
void serialize_to_json_to(std::wstring & str) const;
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_to_json_stream(StreamType & str) const
case type_null:
case type_bool:
case type_long:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_float:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_double:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_string:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_wstring:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_object:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
case type_table:
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
template<typename ArgType>
Space & add_generic(ArgType val)
Space * new_space = new Space(val);
return *value.value_table.back();
template<typename ArgType>
Space & add_generic(const wchar_t * field, ArgType val)
auto insert_res = value.value_object.insert(std::make_pair(field, nullptr));
insert_res.first->second = new Space(val);
return *(insert_res.first->second);
template<typename ArgType>
ArgType to_generic_numeric_signed_value() const
long long val = to_long_long();
if( val < std::numeric_limits<ArgType>::min() || val > std::numeric_limits<ArgType>::max() )
val = 0;
return val;
template<typename ArgType>
ArgType to_generic_numeric_unsigned_value() const
unsigned long long val = to_ulong_long();
if( val > std::numeric_limits<ArgType>::max() )
val = 0;
return val;
long long convert_string_to_long_long() const;
long long convert_wstring_to_long_long() const;
unsigned long long convert_string_to_ulong_long() const;
unsigned long long convert_wstring_to_ulong_long() const;
template<typename StreamType>
void escape_to_space_format(int c, StreamType & out) const
template<typename StreamType>
void escape_to_json_format(int c, StreamType & out) const
case 0: out << '\\'; out << '0'; break;
case '\r': out << '\\'; out << 'r'; break;
case '\n': out << '\\'; out << 'n'; break;
case '\\': out << '\\'; out << '\\'; break;
case '"': out << '\\'; out << '\"'; break;
//case '(': out << '\\'; out << '('; break;
//case ')': out << '\\'; out << ')'; break;
//case '=': out << '\\'; out << '='; break;
out << static_cast<typename StreamType::char_type>(c);
template<typename CharT, typename StreamType>
void copy_input_string_to_output(const CharT * input_str, StreamType & out_str, Escape escape) const
while( *input_str )
if( escape == Escape::no_escape )
out_str << static_cast<typename StreamType::char_type>(*input_str);
if( escape == Escape::escape_space )
escape_to_space_format(*input_str, out_str);
if( escape == Escape::escape_json )
escape_to_json_format(*input_str, out_str);
input_str += 1;
template<typename StreamType>
void copy_input_stream_to_output(const StreamType & input_str, StreamType & out_str, Escape escape) const
typename StreamType::const_iterator i = input_str.begin();
while( i != input_str.end() )
if( escape == Escape::no_escape )
out_str << static_cast<typename StreamType::char_type>(*i);
if( escape == Escape::escape_space )
escape_to_space_format(*i, out_str);
if( escape == Escape::escape_json )
escape_to_json_format(*i, out_str);
added: functions for dealing with white characters: bool IsWhite(wchar_t c, bool check_additional_chars, bool treat_new_line_as_white) (checking unicode white characters too) CharType * SkipWhite(CharType * str, bool check_additional_chars = true, bool treat_new_line_as_white = true) IsDigit(wchar_t c, int base, int * digit) added: functions to converting from a string to an integer: unsigned long long Toull(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long long Toll(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned long Toul(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) unsigned int Toui(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) long Tol(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) int Toi(const CharType * str, int base = 10, const CharType ** after_str = 0, bool * was_overflow = 0) changed: some work in Space (new Api) now Text() methods returns std::wstring by value (before they were returned by reference) added std::wstring & TextRef() methods added unsigned int UInt(), unsigned long ULong() and LongLong() and ULongLong() GetValue() renamed to GetFirstValue() AText() renamed to TextA() and they return std::string by value now git-svn-id: svn://ttmath.org/publicrep/pikotools/trunk@1066 e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2017-12-05 17:32:21 +01:00
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_string_buffer(const char * input_str, StreamType & out_str, Escape escape) const
if constexpr ( sizeof(char) == sizeof(typename StreamType::char_type) )
// input and output are char (we assume it is utf8)
copy_input_string_to_output(input_str, out_str, escape);
StreamType temp_stream;
// input is utf8 but output is wide
UTF8ToWide(input_str, temp_stream, false);
copy_input_stream_to_output(temp_stream, out_str, escape);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_string_buffer(const wchar_t * input_str, StreamType & out_str, Escape escape) const
if constexpr ( sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(typename StreamType::char_type) )
// input and output are wide characters
copy_input_string_to_output(input_str, out_str, escape);
StreamType temp_stream;
// input is wide but output is utf8
WideToUTF8(input_str, temp_stream, false);
copy_input_stream_to_output(temp_stream, out_str, escape);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_null(StreamType & str) const
serialize_string_buffer(L"null", str, Escape::escape_json);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_bool(StreamType & str) const
if( value.value_bool )
serialize_string_buffer(L"true", str, Escape::escape_json);
serialize_string_buffer(L"false", str, Escape::escape_json);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_long(StreamType & str) const
wchar_t buffer[50];
size_t buffer_len = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(char);
PT::Toa(value.value_long, buffer, buffer_len);
serialize_string_buffer(buffer, str, Escape::escape_json);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_float(StreamType & str) const
wchar_t buffer[50];
size_t buffer_len = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(char);
std::swprintf(buffer, buffer_len, L"%f", value.value_float);
serialize_string_buffer(buffer, str, Escape::escape_json);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_double(StreamType & str) const
wchar_t buffer[50];
size_t buffer_len = sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(char);
std::swprintf(buffer, buffer_len, L"%f", value.value_double);
serialize_string_buffer(buffer, str, Escape::escape_json);
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_string(StreamType & str) const
str << '"';
serialize_string_buffer(value.value_string.c_str(), str, Escape::escape_json);
str << '"';
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_wstring(StreamType & str) const
str << '"';
serialize_string_buffer(value.value_wstring.c_str(), str, Escape::escape_json);
str << '"';
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_object(StreamType & str) const
str << '{';
bool is_first = true;
for(auto & map_item : value.value_object)
if( !is_first )
str << ',';
str << '"';
serialize_string_buffer(map_item.first.c_str(), str, Escape::escape_json);
str << '"';
str << ':';
is_first = false;
str << '}';
template<typename StreamType>
void serialize_json_table(StreamType & str) const
str << '[';
bool is_first = true;
for(Space * space : value.value_table)
if( !is_first )
str << ',';
is_first = false;
str << ']';
///////////////////////////// remove me
template<class Stream>
void Serialize(Stream & out, bool use_indents = false, bool use_comments = false, int level = 0) const
template<class Stream>
void SerializeTableMulti(Stream & out, bool use_indents, int level) const
template<class Stream, class StringType>
static void PrintValue(Stream & out, const StringType & str, bool use_quote = true)
template<class Stream>
static void PrintKey(Stream & out, const std::wstring & str)
template<class Stream>
static void PrintLevel(Stream & out, bool use_indents, int level)
void copy_value_from(const Space & space);
void copy_value_object(const Value & value_from);
void copy_value_table(const Value & value_from);
void initialize_value_null_if_needed();
void initialize_value_bool_if_needed();
void initialize_value_long_if_needed();
void initialize_value_float_if_needed();
void initialize_value_double_if_needed();
void initialize_value_string_if_needed();
void initialize_value_wstring_if_needed();
void initialize_value_object_if_needed();
void initialize_value_table_if_needed();
void remove_value();
void remove_value_string();
void remove_value_wstring();
void remove_value_object();
void remove_value_table();
} // namespace