
302 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "request.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "misc.h"
Request::Request() : char_empty(0)
id = 0;
void Request::SetConfig(Config * pconfig)
config = pconfig;
void Request::Clear()
// id is never 0
if( ++id == 0 )
method = none;
role = responder;
page_generated = false;
use_html_filter = true;
env_request_method = &char_empty;
env_request_uri = &char_empty;
env_http_cookie = &char_empty;
env_remote_addr = &char_empty;
env_http_host = &char_empty;
env_http_user_agent = &char_empty;
env_fcgi_role = &char_empty;
env_content_type = &char_empty;
env_http_accept_encoding = &char_empty;
env_https = &char_empty;
last_item = &item;
is_item = false;
function = 0; // !! dodac jakas empty funkcje
status = WINIX_ERR_OK;
browser_msie = false;
redirect_type = 303;
send_as_attachment = false;
using_ssl = false;
start_time = 0;
memset(&start_tm, 0, sizeof(start_tm));
void Request::RequestStarts()
// clearing it is better to use at the end of a request
// so starting is much faster
start_time = std::time(0);
start_tm = Time(start_time);
// value can be null
void Request::SetCookie(const char * name, const char * value, tm * expires)
headers << "Set-Cookie: " << name << "=";
if( value && value[0]!=0 )
headers << value;
headers << "\"\"";
if( expires )
headers << "; expires=" << DateToStrCookie(expires) << " GMT";
headers << "; path=/; domain=" << config->base_url << "\r\n";
don't use '; secure' flag if you are using both sites (with SSL
and without SSL) -- with secure flag the cookie is sent only through
SSL and if you accidentally open a new window without SSL (http://)
then winix will create a new session for you and the previous session (https://)
will be lost (cookie is overwritten on the client browser)
void Request::SetCookie(const char * name, long value, tm * expires)
headers << "Set-Cookie: " << name << "=" << value;
if( expires )
headers << "; expires=" << DateToStrCookie(expires) << " GMT";
headers << "; path=/; domain=" << config->base_url << "\r\n";
bool Request::IsPostVar(const wchar_t * var)
PostTab::iterator p;
p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return false;
return true;
bool Request::IsPostVar(const std::wstring & var)
PostTab::iterator p;
p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return false;
return true;
const std::wstring & Request::PostVar(const wchar_t * var)
PostTab::iterator p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return str_empty;
return p->second;
const std::wstring & Request::PostVar(const std::wstring & var)
PostTab::iterator p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return str_empty;
return p->second;
bool Request::PostVar(const wchar_t * var, std::wstring & result)
PostTab::iterator p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return false;
result = p->second;
return true;
bool Request::PostVar(const std::wstring & var, std::wstring & result)
PostTab::iterator p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return false;
result = p->second;
return true;
std::wstring * Request::PostVarp(const wchar_t * var)
PostTab::iterator p = post_tab.find(var);
if( p == post_tab.end() )
return 0;
return &p->second;
bool Request::AllPostVarEmpty()
PostTab::iterator i;
for(i=post_tab.begin() ; i!=post_tab.end() ; ++i)
if( !i->second.empty() )
return false;
return true;
bool Request::IsParam(const wchar_t * param_name)
ParamTab::iterator i;
for(i=param_tab.begin() ; i!=param_tab.end() ; ++i)
if( i->name == param_name )
return true;
return false;
bool Request::IsParam(const std::wstring & param_name)
ParamTab::iterator i;
for(i=param_tab.begin() ; i!=param_tab.end() ; ++i)
if( i->name == param_name )
return true;
return false;
const std::wstring & Request::ParamValue(const wchar_t * param_name)
ParamTab::iterator i;
for(i=param_tab.begin() ; i!=param_tab.end() ; ++i)
if( i->name == param_name )
return i->value;
return str_empty;
const std::wstring & Request::ParamValue(const std::wstring & param_name)
return ParamValue(param_name.c_str());