
241 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfilecmslucoredb
#define headerfilecmslucoredb
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include "item.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "dircontainer.h"
#include "ugcontainer.h"
#include "ticket.h"
class Db
Db(bool close_at_end_ = true);
// !! przerobic tak aby GetItem zwracalo wszystkie pozycja
// !! GetFile tylko dla plikow
// !! GetDir tylko dla katalogow
// !! GetFile i GetDir beda uzywac GetItem
void Init(const std::string & database, const std::string & user, const std::string & pass);
bool CheckUser(std::string & login, std::string & password, long & user_id);
Error AddUser(User & user, const std::string & password);
Error AddItem(Item & item);
Error EditItemById(Item & item, bool with_url = true);
Error EditItemByUrl(Item & item, bool with_url = true);
void CheckAllUrlSubject();
struct ItemQuery
// id is selected always
bool sel_parent_id; // parent_id
bool sel_user_id; // user_id
bool sel_group_id; // group_id
bool sel_guest_name; // guest_name
bool sel_privileges; // privileges
bool sel_date; // date_creation, date_modification
bool sel_subject; // subject
bool sel_content; // content, content_type, (content_id)
bool sel_url; // url
bool sel_type; // type (dir, file, none)
bool sel_default_item; // default_item
bool sel_auth; // auth
bool where_id; //
bool where_parent_id; //
bool where_type;
bool where_auth;
long id; // if where_id is true
long parent_id; // if where_parent_id is true
Item::Type type;
Item::Auth auth;
bool sort_asc;
void SetAll(bool sel, bool where_)
sel_parent_id = sel;
sel_user_id = sel;
sel_group_id = sel;
sel_guest_name = sel;
sel_privileges = sel;
sel_date = sel;
sel_subject = sel;
sel_content = sel;
sel_url = sel;
sel_type = sel;
sel_default_item= sel;
sel_auth = sel;
where_id = where_;
where_parent_id = where_;
where_type = where_;
where_auth = where_;
void WhereId(long id_) { where_id = true; id = id_; }
void WhereParentId(long parent_id_) { where_parent_id = true; parent_id = parent_id_; }
void WhereType(Item::Type type_) { where_type = true; type = type_; }
void WhereAuth(Item::Auth st) { where_auth = true; auth = st; }
sort_asc = true;
SetAll(true, false);
id = -1;
parent_id = -1;
type = Item::none;
auth = Item::auth_none;
void GetItems(std::vector<Item> & item_table, const ItemQuery & item_query);
// !! pobiera tylko jeden item (cos wymyslec innego z nazwa albo argumentem)
void GetItem(std::vector<Item> & item_table, long id);
bool GetPriv(Item & item, long id);
Error EditPrivById(Item & item, long id);
Error DelDirById(long id);
bool DelItem(const Item & item);
void GetDirs(DirContainer & dir_table);
void GetUsers(UGContainer<User> & user_table);
void GetGroups(UGContainer<Group> & group_table);
// !! nowy interfejs
long Size(long parent_id, Item::Type type = Item::none);
Error GetItemById(long item_id, Item & item);
Error GetItem(long parent_id, const std::string & url, Item & item);
Error EditDefaultItem(long id, long new_default_item);
long GetItemId(long parent_id, const std::string & url, Item::Type type);
long GetFileId(long parent_id, const std::string & url);
long GetDirId(long parent_id, const std::string & url);
static tm ConvertTime(const char * str);
static const char * ConvertTime(const tm & t);
PGconn * GetPGconn();
virtual void Connect();
Error AddThread(Thread & thread);
Error GetThreadByDirId(long dir_id, Thread & thread);
Error GetThreads(long parent_id, std::vector<Thread> & thread_tab);
Error EditThreadAddItem(long dir_id, long item_id);
Error EditThreadRemoveItem(long dir_id);
Error RemoveThread(long dir_id);
Error GetTicketByDirId(long dir_id, Ticket & ticket);
Error GetTickets(long parent_id, std::vector<Ticket> & ticket_tab);
//bool IsTicket(long dir_id);
Error AddTicket(Ticket & ticket);
Error EditTicketById(Ticket & ticket);
Error EditTicketRemoveItem(long item_id);
Error RemoveTicket(long dir_id);
PGconn * pg_conn;
std::string db_database, db_user, db_pass;
bool close_at_end;
void SetDbParameters();
void Close();
void AssertConnection();
std::string Escape(const std::string & s);
std::string Escape(const char * s);
PGresult * AssertQuery(const std::string & q);
void AssertResultStatus(PGresult * r, ExecStatusType t);
static int AssertColumn(PGresult * r, const char * column_name);
static const char * AssertValue(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
void ClearResult(PGresult * r);
long AssertCurrval(const char * table);
bool AddItemCreateUrlSubject(Item & item);
Error AddItemIntoContent(Item & item);
Error AddItemIntoItem(Item & item);
Error EditItemInItem(Item & item, bool with_url);
Error EditItemInContent(Item & item);
Error EditItemGetId(Item & item);
Error EditItemGetContentId(Item & item);
void CheckAllUrlSubjectModifyItem(Item & item);
PGresult * GetItemsQuery(const ItemQuery & iq);
bool DelItemDelItem(const Item & item);
void DelItemDelContent(const Item & item);
Error DelItemCountContents(const Item & item, long & contents);
struct ItemColumns
int id, user_id, group_id, privileges, date_creation, date_modification, url, type, parent_id,
content_id, default_item, subject, content, content_type, guest_name, auth;
void SetColumns(PGresult * r);
void SetItem(PGresult * r, long row, Item & item);
struct TicketColumns
int id, dir_id, parent_id, type, status, priority, category, expected, progress, item_id;
void SetColumns(PGresult * r);
void SetTicket(PGresult * r, long row, Ticket & ticket);
}; // class Db
extern Db db;