Tomasz Sowa 717eb526fb * added: class HTMLFilter
files: htmlfilter.h htmlfilter.cpp
         this is an html filter used to make the html output looking better
         this is a very lightweight filter
         (without using any dynamic memory - some memory is allocated only at the beginning - in ctors)
         this filter has O(n) complexity over the whole html string
* added: antyspamming method
         if the POST request is sent too fast after the GET
         it is treated as a spam
         only for no logged users and only in 'emacs' and 'createthread' functions

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
Makefile added: plugin mechanism 2009-11-13 20:40:11 +00:00
Makefile.dep * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
Makefile.o.dep fixed: the core didn't test for special folder when system was running 2009-11-16 17:43:23 +00:00
cat.cpp changed: the way of building 2009-04-21 20:50:55 +00:00
content.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
content.h * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
createthread.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
default.cpp refactoring 2009-11-17 01:04:01 +00:00
emacs.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
last.cpp changed: the way of building 2009-04-21 20:50:55 +00:00
login.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
logout.cpp added: 'remember me' flag when logging 2009-11-20 23:09:52 +00:00
ls.cpp added: forum 2009-06-05 20:29:06 +00:00
mkdir.cpp refactoring 2009-11-17 01:04:01 +00:00
node.cpp changed: the way of building 2009-04-21 20:50:55 +00:00
priv.cpp refactoring 2009-11-17 01:04:01 +00:00
reload.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
rm.cpp added: column 'guest_name' to 'item' table 2009-06-07 02:40:27 +00:00
run.cpp * added: class HTMLFilter 2009-12-09 00:42:40 +00:00
thread.cpp added: forum 2009-06-05 20:29:06 +00:00
who.cpp changed: the way of building 2009-04-21 20:50:55 +00:00