
204 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2011, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "groupinfo.h"
#include "core/log.h"
#include "core/system.h"
namespace GroupItem
mount_par_group_conf = -1;
mount_par_group_lang_conf = -1;
void GroupInfo::SetSystem(System * psystem)
system = psystem;
Groups * GroupInfo::FindGroups(long dir_id)
GroupsWrap::iterator i = groups_wrap.find(dir_id);
if( i == groups_wrap.end() )
return 0;
return &(i->second.groups);
bool GroupInfo::ParseGroups(const std::wstring & str, Groups & groups)
if( conf_parser.ParseString(str) == ConfParser::ok )
ConfParser::Table::iterator i;
for( ; i! ; ++i)
log << log1 << "stworzylem nowa grupe" << logend;
for(size_t a=0 ; a<i->second.size() ; ++a)
log << log1 << " dodalem sciezke: " << i->second[a] << logend;
return conf_parser.status == ConfParser::ok;
void GroupInfo::MarkAllGroupsToDelete()
GroupsWrap::iterator i = groups_wrap.begin();
for( ; i != groups_wrap.end() ; ++i)
i->second.to_delete = true;
void GroupInfo::DeleteAllMarkedGroups()
GroupsWrap::iterator inext;
GroupsWrap::iterator i = groups_wrap.begin();
while( i != groups_wrap.end() )
inext = i;
if( i->second.to_delete )
log << log3 << "GroupItem: deleting group for dir id: " << i->first << logend;
i = inext;
bool GroupInfo::GetConfContent(const std::wstring & path)
int status = system->FollowAllLinks(path, config_dir_tab, config_file, false, false, false);
if( status != 1 )
log << log1 << "GroupItem: problem with reading a config file: " << path << ", status: " << status << logend;
return false;
return true;
// if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed
void GroupInfo::ReadGroupsConf(Mounts & mounts, bool skip_existing_configs)
Mounts::MountTab::const_iterator i;
const Mounts::MountTab * mtab = mounts.GetMountTab();
// loop through all mount points
for(i=mtab->begin() ; i!=mtab->end() ; ++i)
const Mount & mount = i->second;
if( mount.param[mount_par_group_conf].defined &&
mount.param[mount_par_group_conf].arg.size() == 1 )
const std::wstring & file_name = mount.param[mount_par_group_conf].arg[0];
GroupsWrap::iterator c = groups_wrap.find(mount.dir_id);
bool exists = (c != groups_wrap.end() && c->second.file_name == file_name);
if( exists )
c->second.to_delete = false;
if( !(skip_existing_configs && exists) )
if( GetConfContent(file_name) )
log << log3 << "GroupItem: parsing conf file: " << config_file.url << logend;
groups_wrap[mount.dir_id].file_name = file_name;
if( !ParseGroups(config_file.content, groups_wrap[mount.dir_id].groups) )
groups_wrap[mount.dir_id].to_delete = true;
if( exists )
c->second.to_delete = true;
// if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed
void GroupInfo::ReadGroupsConfigs(bool skip_existing_configs)
ReadGroupsConf(system->mounts, skip_existing_configs);
void GroupInfo::PrintGroups()
GroupsWrap::iterator i = groups_wrap.begin();
for( ; i != groups_wrap.end() ; ++i)
log << "grupy dla dir_id: " << i->first << logend;
Groups & g = i->second.groups;
log << "rozmiar: " << g.Size() << logend;
for(size_t a=0 ; a<g.Size() ; ++a )
log << "grupa: " << a << logend;
log << "sciezek: " << g.GroupSize(a) << logend;
for(size_t x=0 ; x<g.GroupSize(a) ; ++x)
log << " " << g.GroupPath(a, x) << logend;