
121 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfilecmslucoresystem
#define headerfilecmslucoresystem
#include <ctime>
#include "dirs.h"
#include "mounts.h"
#include "db/db.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "groups.h"
#include "rebus.h"
#include "loadavg.h"
#include "synchro.h"
#include "thumb.h"
#include "notify/notify.h"
// file system
class System
// contains current directories tree
Dirs dirs;
// mount points
Mounts mounts;
// users
Users users;
// groups
Groups groups;
// rebus (captcha)
Rebus rebus;
// load averages
LoadAvg load_avg;
// notifications (by emails)
Notify notify;
// thumbnails (special thread)
Thumb thumb;
// the time when the winix starts
time_t system_start;
void SetRequest(Request * prequest);
void SetConfig(Config * pconfig);
void SetDb(Db * pdb);
void SetSynchro(Synchro * psynchro);
void Init();
void RedirectTo(const Item & item, const wchar_t * postfix = 0);
void RedirectTo(long item_id, const wchar_t * postfix = 0);
void RedirectToLastDir();
void RedirectToLastItem(); // redirect to an item if exists or to the last directory
bool CanChangeUser(const Item & item, long new_user_id);
bool CanChangeGroup(const Item & item, long new_group_id);
bool CanChangePrivileges(const Item & item, int new_priv);
bool HasAccess(const Item & item, int mask);
bool HasReadAccess(const Item & item);
bool HasWriteAccess(const Item & item);
bool HasReadWriteAccess(const Item & item);
bool HasReadExecAccess(const Item & item);
bool HasReadExecAccessToPath(long dir_id);
bool DirsHaveReadExecPerm();
void CheckAccessToItems(std::vector<Item> & item_tab);
bool CanUseHtml(long user_id);
bool CanUseBBCode(long user_id);
bool CanUseRaw(long user_id);
bool IsMemberOfGroup(long user_id, const wchar_t * group_name);
// creating item.file_path and item.file_fs (the mountpoint where the item is located)
bool CreateNewFile(Item & item);
bool MakeFilePath(const Item & item, std::wstring & path, bool thumb = false, bool create_dir = false, int chmod = 0755);
Error AddFile(Item & item, int notify_code = 0);
Error EditFile(Item & item, bool with_url = true, int notify_code = 0);
// converting GMT time to local time (different for each user)
time_t LocalTime(time_t gmt_time);
tm LocalTime(const tm * ptm);
tm LocalTime(const tm & ptm);
Request * request;
Config * config;
Db * db;
Synchro * synchro;
std::wstring path;
bool CreateNewFileSimpleFs(Item & item);
bool CreateNewFileHashFs(Item & item);