
311 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfile_winix_core_request
#define headerfile_winix_core_request
#include <fcgiapp.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "requesttypes.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "textstream.h"
#include "templates/htmltextstream.h"
#include "date/date.h"
#include "space/space.h"
#include "space/spacetojson.h"
class FunctionBase;
struct Request
// request id
// is incremented for each request and is never 0
// (from -1 will be incremented twice)
// it's used for some optimalizations e.g. in templates
size_t id;
// !! moze pozbyc sie tego none?
enum Method { get, post, head, none } method;
enum Role { responder, authorizer } role;
// headers, page and debug
//std::ostringstream headers, page, debug;
// !! IMPROVE ME change headers to some kind of a map, may PT::Space ?
TextStream<std::string> headers;
HtmlTextStream debug;
// winix can return either a text answer or a binary answer
// if send_bin_stream is true then the binary answer is sent (out_bin_stream)
// or if send_bin_stream is false then the text answer is sent
// default: false
// winix answer send to the client's browser
// |
// |
// depending on send_bin_stream
// -------------------------------------------------
// | |
// text answer binary answer
// | |
// depending on return_json sending out_bin_stream
// ------------------------------------
// | |
// normal request ajax request
// | |
// sending out_streams[0] depending on return_info_only
// ------------------------------------------------------
// | |
// generating JSON object from: generating JSON object only from info
// out_streams and info, e.g.: e.g.:
// { { info object serialized here }
// "stream_1": "some html content",
// "stream_2": "some other html content",
// "info": { info object serialized here }
// }
// note that out_streams[0] is not sent
// in JSON answers
bool send_bin_stream;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// binary answer
// binary page sent to the client if send_bin_stream is true
BinaryPage out_bin_stream;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// text answer
// when returning the text answer we can either return the whole html page (normal requests)
// or a JSON object (for requests generated from AJAX)
// if return_json is false then we return the whole html page (which is in out_streams[0])
// if return_json is true we are creating an JSON object from out_streams
// (zero stream is ignored) and from info space (see above picture)
// (or just only from info if return_info_only is true)
// default: false
// return_json is set to true by App at the beginning of a request
// if reqtype:json parameter is present (in the url)
// note: return_json is only valid if send_bin_stream is false
bool return_json;
// main text output streams where the html otput is generated from ezc templates
// the zero stream (out_streams[0]) is used as the main stream
// to which the whole html page (with doctype, head, body) is generated
// the rest streams can be only used in ajax requests (send in JSON format to the client)
// in ezc templates you can use [ezc stream ...] keyword
// to switch between streams e.g. [ezc stream "0" "2"]
std::vector<HtmlTextStream> out_streams;
// if true the JSON object is generated only from info (out_streams are not used)
// default: false
bool return_info_only;
// additional info added when sending the JSON answer
PT::Space info;
// info serializer
// if not set then the json_generic_serializer from App will be used
// default: null (json_generic_serializer used)
PT::SpaceToJSON * info_serializer;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if set to true then the standard template system will not be generated
// default: false
bool page_generated;
// whether or not the html filter should be used
// default: true
bool use_html_filter;
// raw parameters
PostTab post_tab;
PostFileTab post_file_tab;
CookieTab cookie_tab;
// html anchor (those part of URI after '#' character)
std::wstring anchor;
// environment variables
// they are not null -- when the server doesn't have such a variable
// it will be pointing into 'char_empty' which is default '\0'
const char * env_request_method;
const char * env_request_uri;
const char * env_http_cookie;
const char * env_remote_addr;
const char * env_http_host;
const char * env_http_user_agent;
const char * env_http_accept_encoding;
const char * env_fcgi_role;
const char * env_content_type;
const char * env_https;
// current IP address of the remote host (read from REMOTE_ADDR environment variable)
// (at the moment only IPv4 are supported)
int ip;
// true if the browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer
bool browser_msie;
// true if the browser is Konqueror
bool browser_konqueror;
// true if we are using encrypted connection (SSL)
bool using_ssl;
// current directory
std::vector<Item*> dir_tab;
// true if a file exists
bool is_item;
// current file (if exists)
Item item;
// current winix function
// null if there is no a function
FunctionBase * function;
// parameters (name:value)
ParamTab param_tab;
// request status
Error status;
// usually items in the current directory (depends on the function)
std::vector<Item> item_tab;
// if not empty means an address for redirecting to
// it should be url-encoded
std::wstring redirect_to;
std::string aredirect_to;
// a redirect type
// following redirect types are supported:
// 300 Multiple Choices
// 301 Moved Permanently
// 302 Found
// 303 See Other (default)
// 307 Temporary Redirect
int redirect_type;
// send header X-LIGHTTPD-send-file with path to a file
std::wstring x_sendfile;
// send as attachment (causes header: content-disposition: attachment)
bool send_as_attachment;
// this is a pointer either to the item (if exists) or to the last directory
Item * last_item;
// request start time
// Time() methods are very slow so it is better to directly use those two values
// they are set when a request starts
time_t start_time;
PT::Date start_date;
// a subdomain
// subdomain = HTTP_HOST environment variable - config->base_url
std::wstring subdomain;
// if this variable is true then winix always return 200 OK header
// when the status would be 404 (not found) or 403 (permission denied)
// default: false
bool use_200_status_for_not_found_and_permission_denied;
// options used by ezc generators
bool gen_trim_white;
bool gen_skip_new_line;
bool gen_use_special_chars;
void SetConfig(Config * pconfig);
void RequestStarts();
void Clear();
bool IsParam(const wchar_t * param_name);
bool IsParam(const std::wstring & param_name);
const std::wstring & ParamValue(const wchar_t * param_name); // returns an empty string if there is no such a parameter
const std::wstring & ParamValue(const std::wstring & param_name); // returns an empty string if there is no such a parameter
void SetCookie(const char * name, const char * value, PT::Date * expires = 0);
void SetCookie(const char * name, long value, PT::Date * expires = 0);
bool IsPostVar(const wchar_t * var);
bool IsPostVar(const std::wstring & var);
const std::wstring & PostVar(const wchar_t * var); // returns an empty string if there is no such a parameter
const std::wstring & PostVar(const std::wstring & var); // returns an empty string if there is no such a parameter
bool PostVar(const wchar_t * var, std::wstring & result);
bool PostVar(const std::wstring & var, std::wstring & result);
std::wstring * PostVarp(const wchar_t * var);
std::wstring * PostVarp(const std::wstring & var);
bool AllPostVarEmpty(); // returning true if all post vars are empty
void SendAll();
Config * config;
// contains '\0'
// used to set env_* pointers to the empty value
const char char_empty;
// used in ParamValue() and PostVar() when there is no such a param
const std::wstring str_empty;
void ClearOutputStreams();