
495 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable File

* This file is a part of CMSLU -- Content Management System like Unix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "request.h"
Request::Request() : char_empty(0)
id = 0;
void Request::Clear()
// warning: don't clear: in, out, err, env
// id is never 0
if( ++id == 0 )
method = none;
env_request_method = &char_empty;
env_request_uri = &char_empty;
env_http_cookie = &char_empty;
env_remote_addr = &char_empty;
env_http_host = &char_empty;
session = 0;
result = err404; // !! tutaj moze cos lepszego, cos w stylu 'not implemented'
// dir = -1;
// cur_dir_table.clear();
// dir_table2.clear();
is_item = false;
pfunction = 0;
status = Error::ok;
void Request::CopyFirstItem()
if( !request.item_table.empty() )
request.item = request.item_table[0];
log << log1 << "Request::CopyFirstItem: item_table is empty" << logend;
request.result = err_internal;
// value can be null
void Request::SetCookie(const char * name, const char * value)
request.headers << "Set-Cookie: " << name << "=";
if( value && value[0]!=0 )
request.headers << value;
request.headers << "\"\"";
request.headers << "; path=/\r\n";
void Request::SetCookie(const char * name, long value)
request.headers << "Set-Cookie: " << name << "=" << value << "; path=/\r\n";
bool Request::IsPostVar(const char * var)
PostTable::iterator p;
p = post_table.find(var);
if( p == post_table.end() )
return false;
return true;
std::string & Request::PostVar(const char * var)
PostTable::iterator p;
p = post_table.find(var);
if( p == post_table.end() )
throw Error(Error::no_postvar);
return p->second;
bool Request::PostVar(const char * var, std::string & result)
PostTable::iterator p;
p = post_table.find(var);
if( p == post_table.end() )
return false;
result = p->second;
return true;
void Request::PrintGetTable()
debug << "get_table: " << get_table.size() << "\n";
for(GetTable::iterator i = get_table.begin() ; i != get_table.end() ; ++i)
debug << " \"" << *i << "\"\n";
debug << std::endl;
void Request::PrintEnv()
char ** e;
debug << "environment variables:\n";
for( e = env ; *e ; ++e )
debug << ' ' << *e << "\n";
debug << std::endl;
void Request::PrintIn()
char buf[100];
int buf_len = sizeof(buf) / sizeof(char);
int len;
debug << "fcgi input:\n";
len = FCGX_GetStr(buf, buf_len - 1, in);
if( len != 0 )
buf[len] = 0;
debug << buf;
while( len == buf_len - 1 );
debug << std::endl;
const char * Request::SetEnvVar(const char * var)
const char * v = FCGX_GetParam(var, env);
if( v )
return v;
// char_empty contains '\0'
return &char_empty;
void Request::ReadEnvVariables()
// we store that values because FCGX_GetParam has O(n) complexity
// with this variables (env_*) we have O(1)
env_request_method = SetEnvVar("REQUEST_METHOD");
env_request_uri = SetEnvVar("REQUEST_URI");
env_http_cookie = SetEnvVar("HTTP_COOKIE");
env_remote_addr = SetEnvVar("REMOTE_ADDR");
env_http_host = SetEnvVar("HTTP_HOST");
env_http_user_agent = SetEnvVar("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
void Request::CheckMethod()
method = none;
if( env_request_method[0] == 'G' )
method = get;
if( env_request_method[0] == 'P' )
method = post;
void Request::ReadParameters()
// !!some parameters (get) we have always
// if( method == get )
GetParser get_parser(env_request_uri, get_table);
if( method == post )
PostParser post_parser(in, post_table);
CookieParser cookie_parser(env_http_cookie, cookie_table);
void Request::StandardLog()
time_t t = std::time(0);
std::tm * loct = std::localtime(&t);
char buffer[70];
sprintf(buffer, "%d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ", int(loct->tm_year + 1900),
int(loct->tm_mon + 1),
log << log1 << buffer << env_remote_addr << ' ' << env_request_method << ' ' << env_request_uri << ' ' << env_http_user_agent << logend;
// reading everything
void Request::Read()
void Request::SendAll()
if( result == redirect )
FCGX_PutS("Status: 301 Moved Permanently\r\n", out);
FCGX_FPrintF(out, "Location: %s\r\n", str.c_str());
log << log2 << "Redirect to: " << str << logend;
FCGX_PutS("Status: 200 OK\r\n", out);
FCGX_PutS("Content-Type: Text/Html\r\n", out);
log << log2 << "headers: " << logend; // !! wywalic
log << headers.str() << logend; // !!
FCGX_PutS(headers.str().c_str(), out);
FCGX_PutS("\r\n", out);
if( result == redirect )
// if there is a redirect we do not send a content
FCGX_PutS(page.str().c_str(), out);
log << log2 << "body: " << logend; // !! wywalic
log << page.str() << logend; // !!
const std::string & d = debug.str();
if( !d.empty() )
FCGX_PutS("\n<!--\n", out);
FCGX_PutS(d.c_str(), out);
FCGX_PutS("\n-->\n", out);
bool Request::IsParam(const char * s)
std::vector<std::string*>::iterator i;
for(i=param_table.begin() ; i!=param_table.end() ; ++i)
if( **i == s )
return true;
return false;
bool Request::CanChangeUser(const Item & item, long new_user_id)
if( !session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( session->puser && session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( item.user_id != new_user_id )
// only super user can change the owner of an item
return false;
return true;
bool Request::CanChangeGroup(const Item & item, long new_group_id)
if( !session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( session->puser && session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( item.group_id != new_group_id )
// user is allowed to change the group only if he is an owner of the item
// he can change only into a group in which he is a member of, or into a 'no_group'
if( !session->puser )
return false;
if( session->puser->id != item.user_id )
return false;
if( new_group_id == -1 )
return true;
if( !session->puser->IsMemberOf(new_group_id) )
return false;
// is logged, is the owner of the item, is the member of the new group
return true;
bool Request::CanChangePrivileges(const Item & item, int new_priv)
if( !session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( session->puser && session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( item.privileges != new_priv )
// the owner of an item is allowed to change the privileges
if( !session->puser )
return false;
if( session->puser->id != item.user_id )
return false;
return true;
bool Request::HasAccess(const Item & item, int mask)
if( !session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( session->puser && session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( session->puser && session->puser->id == item.user_id )
// the owner
return ((item.privileges >> 6) & mask) == mask;
if( session->puser && session->puser->IsMemberOf(item.group_id) )
// group
return ((item.privileges >> 3) & mask) == mask;
// others
return (item.privileges & mask) == mask;
bool Request::HasReadAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 4);
bool Request::HasWriteAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 2);
bool Request::HasReadWriteAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 6); // r+w
bool Request::HasReadExecAccess(const Item & item)
if( session && session->puser && session->puser->super_user )
// there must be at least one 'x' (for the root)
return (item.privileges & 0111) != 0;
return HasAccess(item, 5); // r+x