
77 lines
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Executable File

* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfile_winix_db_dbitemcolumns
#define headerfile_winix_db_dbitemcolumns
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include "core/item.h"
#include "dbbase.h"
namespace Winix
struct DbItemColumns
int id;
int user_id;
int group_id;
int privileges;
int date_creation;
int date_modification;
int url;
int type;
int parent_id;
int content_id;
int link_to;
int link_redirect;
int subject;
int content;
int content_type;
int guest_name;
int modification_user_id;
int html_template;
int file_path;
int file_fs;
int file_type;
int has_thumb;
int hash;
int hash_type;
int file_size;
int ref;
int modify_index;
int sort_index;
int meta;
int ameta;
DbItemColumns(DbBase & db_base_) : db_base(db_base_)
void SetColumns(PGresult * r);
void SetItem(PGresult * r, long row, Item & item);
DbBase & db_base;
} // namespace Winix