/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD licence. * Author: Tomasz Sowa */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "log.h" #include #include #include "utf8/utf8.h" #include "timezones.h" namespace Winix { Log::Log() { log_level = 1; current_level = 100; // nothing to log (call Init() first) request = 0; max_requests = 1; lines = 0; max_lines = 5000; log_file_open = false; time_zones = 0; } Log::~Log() { SaveLogAndClear(); } void Log::SetTimeZones(TimeZones * ptime_zones) { time_zones = ptime_zones; } int Log::LogLevel() { return log_level; } void Log::Init(int log_level_, bool save_each_line_, const std::wstring & log_file_, bool log_std, int log_max_requests) { log_level = log_level_; log_stdout = log_std; max_requests = log_max_requests; save_each_line = save_each_line_; PT::WideToUTF8(log_file_, log_file); // don't open the file here // because it would be created with the root as an owner } void Log::OpenFile() { if( !log_file.empty() ) { file.open( log_file.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app ); log_file_open = true; } } void Log::PrintDate(const PT::Date & date, size_t time_zone_id) { if( time_zones ) { TimeZone * tz = time_zones->GetZone(time_zone_id); if( tz ) { PT::Date local_date = tz->ToLocal(date); log << local_date; } else { (*this) << date << " UTC"; // unknown time zone identifier } } else { (*this) << date << " UTC"; // time_zones object was not set } } Log & Log::operator<<(const void * s) { if( current_level > log_level ) return *this; buffer << s; return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const char * s) { if( current_level > log_level ) return *this; if( !s ) return *this; buffer << s; return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const std::string & s) { if( current_level > log_level ) return *this; buffer << s; return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const std::string * s) { if( current_level > log_level ) return *this; buffer << *s; return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const wchar_t * s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { if( s ) buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const std::wstring & s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const std::wstring * s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << *s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(int s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(long s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(char s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(wchar_t s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(size_t s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(double s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const PT::Space & s) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << s; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(const PT::Date & date) { if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << date; } return *this; } Log & Log::operator<<(LogManipulators m) { switch(m) { case logend: if( current_level <= log_level ) { buffer << '\n'; lines += 1; if( save_each_line ) SaveLogAndClear(); } break; case logsave: SaveLogAndClear(); break; case logendrequest: if( ++request >= max_requests || lines > max_lines ) SaveLogAndClear(); break; case log1: current_level = 1; break; case log2: current_level = 2; break; case log3: current_level = 3; break; case log4: current_level = 4; break; default: break; } return *this; } char Log::GetHEXdigit(unsigned char c) { if( c < 10 ) return c + '0'; return c - 10 + 'A'; } void Log::ToHEX(char * buf, unsigned char c) { buf[0] = GetHEXdigit(c >> 4); buf[1] = GetHEXdigit(c & 0xf); buf[2] = 0; } void Log::LogBinary(const char * blob, size_t blob_len) { size_t i=0; char buf[3]; while( i < blob_len ) { size_t oldi = i; for(size_t a=0 ; a<16 ; ++a) { if( i < blob_len ) { ToHEX(buf, blob[i]); buffer << buf << ' '; ++i; } else { buffer << " "; } if( a == 7 ) { if( i < blob_len ) buffer << "- "; else buffer << " "; } } i = oldi; buffer << ' '; for(size_t a=0 ; a<16 && i 31 && blob[i] < 127 ) buffer << blob[i]; else buffer << '.'; } (*this) << logend; } } void Log::LogBinary(const std::string & blob) { LogBinary(blob.c_str(), blob.size()); } void Log::SystemErr(int err) { (*this) << "errno: " << err; const char * err_msg = strerror(err); if( err_msg ) (*this) << " (" << err_msg << ")"; } void Log::SaveLogAndClear() { SaveLog(); buffer.Clear(); request = 0; lines = 0; } void Log::SaveLog() { if( buffer.Str().empty() ) return; if( log_stdout ) PT::WideToUTF8(buffer.Str(), std::cout); if( log_file.empty() ) return; if( !log_file_open || !file ) { file.close(); file.clear(); OpenFile(); if( !file ) return; } PT::WideToUTF8(buffer.Str(), file); file.flush(); } } // namespace Winix