/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2010, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include "indexpatterns.h" #include "core/log.h" IndexPatterns::IndexPatterns() { config = 0; ezc_fun = 0; } void IndexPatterns::SetConfig(Config * pconfig) { config = pconfig; } void IndexPatterns::SetEzcFunctions(TemplatesFunctions::EzcFun * fun) { ezc_fun = fun; } Ezc::Pattern * IndexPatterns::GetPattern(const std::wstring & file, size_t lang) { Tab::iterator i = tab.find(file); if( i == tab.end() ) return 0; if( lang >= i->second.patterns.size() ) { log << log1 << "IndexPatterns: there is no a pattern: " << file << ", for lang: " << lang << logend; return 0; } return &i->second.patterns[lang]; } void IndexPatterns::AddPattern(const std::wstring & file, Locale & locale, LocaleFilter & locale_filter, bool delete_white) { std::pair ins = tab.insert( std::make_pair(file, Template()) ); Tab::iterator i = ins.first; i->second.to_delete = false; ReadPattern(i, locale, locale_filter, delete_white); } void IndexPatterns::AddPatternIfNotExists(const std::wstring & file, Locale & locale, LocaleFilter & locale_filter, bool delete_white) { Tab::iterator i = tab.find(file); if( i != tab.end() ) { i->second.to_delete = false; return; } AddPattern(file, locale, locale_filter, delete_white); } void IndexPatterns::AddFileName(const std::wstring & file) { tab.insert( std::make_pair(file, Template()) ); } void IndexPatterns::ReadPattern(Tab::iterator & iter, Locale & locale, LocaleFilter & locale_filter, bool delete_white) { size_t i; size_t len = locale.Size(); Template & templ = iter->second; templ.patterns.resize(len); for(i=0 ; iutf8); templ.patterns[i].DeleteWhiteTextItems(delete_white); templ.patterns[i].Directory(config->templates_dir, config->templates_dir_default); templ.patterns[i].ParseFile(iter->first); if( ezc_fun ) templ.patterns[i].CacheFunctions(*ezc_fun); locale_filter.Filter(templ.patterns[i], locale, i); } } void IndexPatterns::ReloadPatterns(Locale & locale, LocaleFilter & locale_filter, bool delete_white) { Tab::iterator i; for(i=tab.begin() ; i!=tab.end() ; ++i) ReadPattern(i, locale, locale_filter, delete_white); } void IndexPatterns::MarkAllToDelete() { Tab::iterator i; for(i=tab.begin() ; i!=tab.end() ; ++i) i->second.to_delete = true; } void IndexPatterns::DeleteMarked() { Tab::iterator i = tab.begin(); Tab::iterator next; while( i != tab.end() ) { next = i; ++next; if( i->second.to_delete ) tab.erase(i); i = next; } }