/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include "content.h" #include "../core/request.h" #include "../core/data.h" void Content::FunDownload() { // !! moze wywalic to no_item i wszedzie w takich miejscach dac poprostu permission_denied? if( !request.is_item ) { log << log1 << "Content: download function requires an item" << logend; request.status = WINIX_ERR_NO_ITEM; return; } if( !request.HasReadAccess(request.item) || request.item.auth == Item::auth_none || request.item.auth_path.empty() ) { request.status = WINIX_ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED; return; } request.send_as_attachment = request.IsParam("attachment"); request.x_sendfile = request.item.auth_path; }