/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD licence. * Author: Tomasz Sowa */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef headerfile_winix_core_config #define headerfile_winix_core_config #include #include "space/spaceparser.h" #include "log.h" #include "filelog.h" namespace Winix { class Config { public: // name of the config file // this is the parameter passed to winix programm std::wstring config_file; // server mode // you can assign any string to it such as "production" "dev" // this value is not used by winix itself // you can refer to it from [server_mode] and [server_mode_is] ezc functions std::wstring server_mode; // start as a demon (in the background) // default: true bool demonize; // system user's name to whom winix should drop privileges // used only if winix is started as the root std::wstring user; // system group's name to which drop privileges // used only if winix is started as the root std::wstring group; // setting additional effective groups from /etc/group // by using initgroups() // used only if winix is started as the root // default: true bool additional_groups; // log file name std::wstring log_file; // the log level (how much info should be inserted to logs) // 1 - minimum // 2 - (default) // 3 - maximum - all logs int log_level; // logging to stdout too // this option is valid only if 'demonize' option is set to 'false' // default: false bool log_stdout; // how many requests should be saved in the same time // if you have a very busy server you can incrase this value // default: 1 int log_request; // whether to save each line of the config (used for debugging purposes) // default: false bool log_save_each_line; // time zone identifier used in log messages // this affects only the first line of logs (where there is IP address, request method etc) // see time_zone_default_id below for more info // default: 34 (Coordinated Universal Time UTC+00:00) size_t log_time_zone_id; // put to log what server is sending back to the client (html/json etc) // default: false bool log_server_answer; // logging db queries // warning: use it only on a developer's server as it logs the hashes of passwords too // default: false bool log_db_query; // logging when a plugin function is called // default: false bool log_plugin_call; // how many characters in values should be logged from POST parameters // default: 80 // set to 0 to turn it off size_t log_post_value_size; // request delimiter in the log file, default "---------" std::wstring log_delimiter; // log environment variables (fastcgi environment) bool log_env_variables; // log environment http variables (only HTTP_* variables from fastcgi environment) bool log_env_http_variables; // log headers (+cookies) which are returned to the client // this is what winix has generated -- the web server can change or add other headers // default: false bool log_http_answer_headers; // fast cgi: socket (unix domain) std::wstring fcgi_socket; // fast cgi: socket permissions // chmod and chown of the socket are set before winix drops privileges int fcgi_socket_chmod; // fast cgi: owner of the socket // chmod and chown of the socket are set before winix drops privileges std::wstring fcgi_socket_user; // fast cgi: group of the socket // chmod and chown of the socket are set before winix drops privileges std::wstring fcgi_socket_group; // fcgi_socket_listen is the listen queue depth used in the listen() call // when creating a FastCGI socket for the web server // default: 100 int fcgi_socket_listen; std::wstring templates_dir; std::wstring templates_dir_default; // html templates from winix std::wstring txt_templates_dir; std::wstring txt_templates_dir_default; // txt (notifications) templates from winix // prefix and postfix for functions templates // default: // prefix: "fun_" // postfix: ".html" std::wstring templates_fun_prefix; std::wstring templates_fun_postfix; // main html template // default: index.html std::wstring templates_index; // html template used to send generic content - without site-css styles and markup (only uikit) // default: index_generic.html std::wstring templates_index_generic; // html template used to send raw content // default: index_raw.html std::wstring templates_index_raw; // if true then only root can use 'template' winix function // default: false bool template_only_root_use_template_fun; // the database name, user name and a password for the PostgreSQL database std::wstring db_database; std::wstring db_user; std::wstring db_pass; // make database migration if needed // bool db_make_migration_if_needed; bool db_stop_if_migration_fails; // the name of the cookie which has the session identifier std::wstring http_session_id_name; // string used in a place where is a user (or group) selected // !! IMPROVE ME should be moved to locales std::wstring priv_no_user; std::wstring priv_no_group; // time in seconds when a user will be automatically logged out (iddle time) // default: 10800 = 3 hours int session_max_idle; // time in seconds when a user will be automatically logged out // when he has selected the 'remember me' option when logging in // this time is usually greater than session_max_idle // default: 16070400 = 3 months int session_remember_max_idle; // a file to which winix stores sessions info // it is used when winix starts (boots) and quits std::wstring session_file; // how many sessions can be (zero turn off this checking) // default: 1000000 (one milion) size_t session_max; // whether or not we should encode the session cookie // (we have a special algorithm) // default: false bool session_cookie_encode; // if session_cookie_encode is true then you should provide // a file where AES keys will be stored std::wstring session_keys_file; // each session has an index -- an unsigned int value // this value is sent in the cookie string (is encoded) // and is incremented when session_index_time_increment time is passed since the last incrementing // if a client sent the cookie back the difference between // current index and the index in the cookie should be less than or equal to session_allow_index_difference // default: 8 size_t session_allow_index_difference; // the time which should pass after the session index is incremented // default: 30 // (session_allow_index_difference + 1) * session_index_time_increment should be less than a time // load of a page and all elements on it such as images (of course it depends on client's download too) time_t session_index_time_increment; // time in seconds after a new AES key pair should be generated // we have 256 pairs of keys so this time multiplied by 256 should not be less than // the max time of a session (session_remember_max_idle), // by default: 256 * 2 days = 512 days = 1.4 year > 3 months (session_remember_max_idle) // default: 172800 = 2 days (max: 2678400 = 1 month, min: 10) size_t session_key_renew_time; // after how many broken encoded cookie we should ban the current IP // default: 2 (value in the range <0 - 65535>) size_t broken_encoded_cookie_treshold; // after how many incorrect session identifiers (or session indices) we should ban the current IP // do not set this value too low, as people connecting from the same IP address (from behind a NAT) // would be banned if they have an old session cookie remembered in the browser // default: 128 (value in the range <0 - 65535>) size_t session_hijacking_treshold; // after how many times a client will be banned (or given temporary session) if it did not send a session cookie // this can be a bot such as a Google Bot or just people connecting from a NAT and all have the same IP // default: 128 (value in the range <0 - 65535>) size_t no_session_cookie_treshold; // the way we behave when no_session_cookie_treshold limit is exceeded // 0 - if a client doesn't send a session cookie again then use a temporary session // (other sessions from this IP address are not affected) // 1 - add this IP address to ban list and create a temporary session // (this will block other sessions from this IP address too) // default: 0 int no_session_cookie_ban_mode; // allow the winix output to be compressed // default: true bool compression; // compress only if the output is greater or equal to this value // default: 512 bytes size_t compression_page_min_size; // 1 - use deflate if available (or raw deflate for Internet Explorer) or don't compress // 2 - use gzip if available or don't compress // 10 - prefer deflate -- use deflate (or raw deflate for IE) if both deflate and gzip are available // 20 - prefer gzip -- use gzip if both deflate and gzip are available // default: 20 int compression_encoding; // plugins directory // default: /usr/local/winix/plugins std::wstring plugins_dir; // plugins // you can provide either a relative path (plugins_dir will be used) // or a full path to a plugin std::vector plugin_file; // should the html code be cleaned by the html filter // default: false bool html_filter; // how white characters between html tags are treated // 0 - WHITE_MODE_ORIGIN - they are copied from input to output // 1 - WHITE_MODE_SINGLE_LINE - new line characters are removed // 2 - WHITE_MODE_TREE - try to create a tree (some kind of pretty printing) // default: 2 int html_filter_white_char_mode; // when long lines should be broken (a new line character will be inserted) // default: 110 // set zero to turn off size_t html_filter_wrap_line; // how many spaces will be put at one tree level // default: 2 size_t html_filter_tabs; // use checking for 'orphans' for a specicic language // default: true bool html_filter_orphans; // orphans mode // either: "nbsp" or "160" // default: "nbsp" std::wstring html_filter_orphans_mode_str; // the html nofilter tag // content betweeng these tags (opening and closing) will not be filtered // and this tag will not be included in the html output // default: nofilter std::wstring html_filter_nofilter_tag; // the url of a new empty item (if there is not the subject too) // !! IMPROVE ME should be moved to locale std::wstring item_url_empty; // maximum length of a file send by post multipart form // default: 8388608 - 8MB // 0 - not used size_t post_file_max; // directory for static files std::wstring upload_dir; // additional static directories *not* managed by winix // you can refer to this directories by using 'static' mount point // e.g. // let we say in the config you have: // static_dirs = ("/home/a", "/home/b", "/home/c") // and in /etc/fstab (in winix) you have such a line: // "static /my/dir simplefs static(2)" // above line in /etc/fstab means that when a user enters http://domain.com/my/dir/file.txt // then "file.txt" will be taken from "/home/c/file.txt" // this is useful for some javascript files which are protected from running from other domains std::vector static_dirs; // sometimes you can have trouble when you have set an incorrect static path in /etc/fstab // in such a case set dont_use_static_dirs to true // and winix will behave as there are not any static directories // so you can correct your mistake and then set this value to false bool dont_use_static_dirs; // static common directory // this is a place where there are some common javascripts, images, css files // winix is allowed to read some files from there // for example ckeditor config, vim config and so on // winix read it as a ezc template and put it into database // default: empty std::wstring common_dir; // system group's name for new uploaded files (created directories in the file system) // it can be empty (it is not used then) std::wstring upload_group; // this value will be set based on upload_group // will be -1 if upload_group is empty or if it is invalid int upload_group_int; // chmod of newly created directories (under upload_dir) // default: 0750 int upload_dirs_chmod; // chmod of newly created files (under upload_dir) // default: 0640 int upload_files_chmod; // create a thumbnail from an image // default: true bool create_thumb; // the mode of creating a thumbnail // width means thumb_cx, height means thumb_cy // 1: Width given, height automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio. // 2: Height given, width automagically selected to preserve aspect ratio. // 3: Maximum values of height and width given, aspect ratio preserved. // 4: Minimum values of width and height given, aspect ratio preserved. // 5: Width and height emphatically given, original aspect ratio ignored. // 6: Change as per widthxheight (3) but only if an image dimension exceeds a specified dimension. // 7: Change dimensions only if both image dimensions are less than specified dimensions. // default: 2 int thumb_mode; // width of thumbnails // default: 150 size_t thumb_cx; // height of thumbnails // default: 150 size_t thumb_cy; // quality of thumbnails // from 0 (the worst) to 100 (the best) // more info: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php?ImageMagick=p4jtel7557hovd34ui3tgb54h6#quality // default: 92 int thumb_quality; // resizing images // this not affects thumbnails // default: true bool image_resize; // the mode of resizing an image // the same as 'thumb_mode' above // default: 6 int image_mode; // width of images // default: 1000 size_t image_cx; // height of images // default: 800 size_t image_cy; // quality of an image (the same as in thumbnails) // from 0 (the worst) to 100 (the best) // default: 92 int image_quality; // the convert program (ImageMagic) (for images and thumbnails) // default: /usr/local/bin/convert std::wstring convert_cmd; // directory with locale files std::wstring locale_dir; // directory with default locale files (those from winix) std::wstring locale_dir_default; // locale files (e.g. "en", "pl") // default: only one item: en std::vector locale_files; // a maximum value of a locale identifier // default: 100 (maximum: 1000) // each locale files should have its own identifier (in "winix_locale_id" field) // from zero to this value size_t locale_max_id; // locale for not logged users // or for newly created accounts // default: 0 size_t locale_default_id; // url protocol // default: http:// std::wstring url_proto; // url protocol when using SSL // default: https:// std::wstring url_ssl_proto; // enables SSL // it means this site should be accessed through SSL encrypted connection // default: false bool use_ssl; // enables SSL for static content // used mainly in templates, look at doc_base_url_static ezc function // default: false bool use_ssl_static; // enables SSL for common content // used mainly in templates, look at doc_base_url_common ezc function // default: false bool use_ssl_common; // if SSL is enabled then if this is true the SSL will be used // only for logged users // default: false bool use_ssl_only_for_logged_users; // if current connection is without SSL and should be made through SSL // or if is via SSL and should be done in plain text // then we make a redirect // default: 303 int use_ssl_redirect_code; // winix is testing an environment variable "HTTPS" for the value "on" // to think that the connection is made via SSL // you can set assume_connection_is_through_ssl to true for the winix // to not testing any environment variables but just think the connection // was made by https (useful when using proxy) // default: false bool assume_connection_is_through_ssl; // when the HOST_HTTP environment variable is not equal to 'base_url' // (the part 'http://' and the last slash is removed) // the server will redirect into base_url + 'REQUEST_URI' // it's useful when you want to redirect from 'mydomain.tld' into 'www.mydomain.tld' etc. // set this option to false if you have multiple subdomains // default: false bool base_url_redirect; // the HTTP code used during the base redirect // default: 301 int base_url_redirect_code; // the main address of the site (e.g. www.someserver.com) // (without http:// prefix) std::wstring base_url; // static content not authorized by winix // (e.g. static.someserver.com) std::wstring base_url_static; // additional static server for common content (not authorized) // (e.g. common.someserver.com) std::wstring base_url_common; // separator used in html tag std::wstring title_separator; // how to send static files (uploaded by users) to the webserver // 0 - full path to a file in send_file_header header // 1 - relative path to a file in send_file_header (need http_send_file_relative_prefix set) // default: 0 // for Apache set: 0 // for Lighttpd set: 0 // for Nginx set: 1 int send_file_mode; // http header recognized by www server as a file to send back // default: X-SENDFILE // for Apache set: X-SENDFILE // for Lighttpd set: X-LIGHTTPD-send-file // for Nginx set: X-Accel-Redirect std::wstring send_file_header; // relative prefix used for sending static files if send_file_mode is 1 // default: "upload-files-internal" // this prefix is added at the beginning of a relative file path e.g. // /upload-files-internal/simplefs/normal/some_directories/file.jpg // // in Nginx config file use 'location' with the prefix, e.g: // server { // ..... // location /upload-files-internal/ { // alias /path/to/winix/upload/; # trailing slash at the end // internal; // } // } std::wstring send_file_relative_prefix; // in editors (emacs, ckeditor,...) the html will be filtered and unsafe tags // will be dropped (script, frame, etc.) // default: true; bool editors_html_safe_mode; // don't filter the html code for root // default: true // (if true the html code for root is not filtered) bool editors_html_safe_mode_skip_root; // how many maximum symlinks can be followed // (symlinks on directories as well) // default: 20 size_t symlinks_follow_max; // the prefix of a name of html form controls used in the ticket plugin // default: ticketparam std::wstring ticket_form_prefix; // the minimal size of a user's password // default: 5 size_t pass_min_size; // how passwords should be stored // 0 - plain text // 1 - md4 hash // 2 - md5 hash // 10 - sha1 hash // 11 - sha224 hash // 12 - sha256 hash (default) // 13 - sha384 hash // 14 - sha512 hash int pass_type; // whether the passwords' hashes should be salted or not // this affects newly created accounts // default: false bool pass_hash_use_salt; // salt to a password's hash // default empty // !! once you set this salt don't change it any more (people wouldn't be allowed to login) std::wstring pass_hash_salt; // whether the passwords' hashes should be encrypted // this affects newly created accounts // default: false bool pass_use_rsa; // path to a RSA private key // this is actually private + public key in one file // generated by "openssl genrsa" // default empty which means encryption will not be used // !! once you set these keys don't change it any more (people wouldn't be allowed to login) std::wstring pass_rsa_private_key; // path to 'openssl' // default: /usr/bin/openssl std::wstring opensll_path; // setting when we should delete patterns (EZC patterns) // we are deleting when we have more (or equal) patterns than 'when_delete' // and then we are deleting 'how_many_del' patterns // those patterns comes from items (pages) with executable bit set size_t pattern_cacher_when_delete; size_t pattern_cacher_how_many_delete; // header "Content-Type" send to the client // 0 - text/html - for HTML // 1 - application/xhtml+xml - for XHTML 1.0 // 2 - application/xml - for XHTML 1.0 or for XHTML 1.1 // default: 0 // if utf8 is true then "; charset=UTF-8" will also be appended // may it would be better to set just the string here instead of integers? int content_type_header; // global umask // it is used when an user doesn't have your own umask or for guests (not logged users) // default: 0222 int umask; // maximum number for elements through the whole template // default: 50000 size_t ezc_max_elements; // maximum number of each [for] loop // default: 5000 (from ezc generator) size_t ezc_max_loop_elements; // how many output streams do we have in Request class // those streams used in ajax responses // you can use no more [ezc frames] statements than this limit // default: 128 size_t ezc_out_streams_size; // when true then when a user want to create a new account // he has to provide his email and a message will be sent back to him // with a link to activate the account // default: true bool account_need_email_verification; // when a user forgot his password we are able to send an email to him // with a link to the page where there is a html form for setting a new password // this option tells how long (in seconds) the link is valid // default: 86400 (24 hours) long reset_password_code_expiration_time; // time zone identifier for not logged users // or for newly created accounts // those identifiers you can see in etc/time_zones.conf file // or by using timezone winix function with 'a' parameter (timezone/a) (!!IMPROVE ME NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) // default: 34 (Coordinated Universal Time UTC+00:00) size_t time_zone_default_id; // a maximum value of a time zone identifier // time zones with an id greater than this will be skipped // default: 130 (maximum: 1000) size_t time_zone_max_id; // a directory in which there are some config files // used mainly when winix starts // default: empty (means not for using) std::wstring etc_dir; // a file in etc_dir with time zones info // default: time_zones.conf // this is a Space structure with all time zones // with following format: // "tz_-12:00" ( # the name of a space is also a key to the locale files // tz_offset_str = "-12:00" # a string representing the offset from UTC in a format: [+|-]HH:MM // tz_has_dst = "false" # whether the time zone has daylight saving time (bool) // tz_dst_offset = "" # offset of the daylight saving time // tz_dst_start = "" # when the daylight saving time starts, format: MM:DD HH:MM:SS // tz_dst_end = "") # when the daylight saving time ends, format: MM:DD HH:MM:SS // each time zone is in a seperate space std::wstring time_zones_file; // turn on the IP ban mechanizm // we have got three levels of bans (level 1, level 2, and the highest level 3) // default: true bool use_ban_list; // the so called 'soft' max size // read below description for explanation // this is introduced to avoid deleting only one record from the ban list // default: 50000 size_t ban_list_soft_max_size; // this is the 'hard' max size of an IP's ban list // if there are more records than this value // then some of them will be removed (until the size will be ban_list_soft_max_size equal) // this value should be a little larger from ban_list_soft_max_size // default: 51000 size_t ban_list_max_size; // delay in seconds of the first level ban // default: 1800 (30 minutes) // it means withing the next 30 minutes you see only 'you are banned...' message on your webbrowser size_t ban_level_1_delay; // delay in seconds of the second level ban // default: 86400 (24 hours) size_t ban_level_2_delay; // delay in seconds of the third level ban // default: 604800 (7 days) size_t ban_level_3_delay; // the minimum time in seconds which has to pass between the first GET request // (showing your the login form) and the second POST request (which sends the // login and password to the server) // if the time is shorter then the login attempt is treated as incorrect // (the same as if you provide incorrect user/password) // default: 2 size_t incorrect_login_min_time_between_get_post; // how many incorrect logins there must have been passed to display a captcha // next to the login form // default: 3 (value in the range <0 - 65535>) size_t incorrect_login_captcha_treshold; // the way how we prevent to login if there are too many incorrect login attempts // 0 - 'block logging' - do not show the login form in 'login' winix function // (instead a warning message will be printed) // 1 - add to ban list (warning: people from this IP will not be able to see your site and do anything) // default: 0 int incorrect_login_cannot_login_mode; // after how many incorrect login attempts we do the incorrect_login_cannot_login_mode action // default: 20 (value in the range <0 - 65535>) size_t incorrect_login_cannot_login_treshold; // used when incorrect_login_cannot_login_mode is zero // it is the time which should be passed to allow logging // default: 1800 (30 minutes) // if incorrect_login_cannot_login_mode is one then ban_level_X_delay times // will be taken accordingly size_t incorrect_login_cannot_login_delay; // pid file (a full path to a pid file) // default: empty which means there is not a pid file used // pid file is saved after winix has dropped privileges std::wstring pid_file; // allow to use [ezc frame] statements in executable items (used in 'run' winix function) // default false // warning: if you enable this options a user can override a different output stream when using ajax bool allow_ezc_frames_in_executable_items; // check whether there is a 'log_proxy_ip_header' header // and if so then log the IP address from it // default: false bool check_proxy_ip_header; // proxy header representing the real IP address of a client // default: X_Real_IP std::wstring proxy_ip_header; // antispam mechanizm // size of an list for map: form_id to counter_id for anonymous users (each session has such an map) // this value allowes you to open the same or different html form in the browser more than once // and each form has its own form_id and counter_id // default: 10 (max ten forms can be open in different tabs) size_t antispam_list_max_size; // send "Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0" http header if a request is made by htmx library (ajax) // if a webbrowser get a page from the cache then it will render just the last request without the whole html page (css, js, etc) // https://github.com/bigskysoftware/htmx/issues/497 bool add_header_cache_no_store_in_htmx_request; Config(); bool ReadConfig(bool errors_to_stdout_, bool stdout_is_closed = true); /* * * CHECK ME * there was a change in Pikotools * before Text() returns a reference to the std::wstring * */ std::wstring Text(const wchar_t * name); std::wstring Text(const wchar_t * name, const wchar_t * def); std::wstring Text(const std::wstring & name, const wchar_t * def); int Int(const wchar_t *); int Int(const wchar_t * name, int def); int Int(const std::wstring & name, int def); long Long(const wchar_t *); long Long(const wchar_t * name, long def); long Long(const std::wstring & name, long def); size_t Size(const wchar_t *); size_t Size(const wchar_t * name, size_t def); size_t Size(const std::wstring & name, size_t def); bool Bool(const wchar_t *); bool Bool(const wchar_t * name, bool def); bool Bool(const std::wstring & name, bool def); bool ListText(const wchar_t * name, std::vector<std::wstring> & list); bool ListText(const std::wstring & name, std::vector<std::wstring> & list); bool HasValue(const wchar_t * name, const wchar_t * value); bool HasValue(const std::wstring & name, const std::wstring & value); // for debug //void Print(std::wostream & out); // raw access to the config pt::Space space; void SetFileLog(FileLog * file_log); void SetLogBuffer(pt::WTextStream * log_buffer); private: pt::SpaceParser parser; bool errors_to_stdout; Log log; void ShowError(); void AssignValues(bool stdout_is_closed); void SetAdditionalVariables(); void CheckPasswd(); }; } // namespace Winix #endif