/* * This file is a part of CMSLU -- Content Management System like Unix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include "htmlfilter.h" void HTMLFilter::Item::Clear() { name[0] = 0; name_len = 0; type = none; new_line = false; } HTMLFilter::Item::Item() { Clear(); } void HTMLFilter::Filter(const char * in, std::string & out) { pchar = in; stack_len = 0; out_string = &out; last_new_line = false; out_string->clear(); Read(); } void HTMLFilter::Filter(const std::string & in, std::string & out) { out.reserve(in.size() * 2 + 1); Filter(in.c_str(), out); } HTMLFilter::HTMLFilter() { pstack = new Item[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_STACK_MAXLEN]; buffer = new char[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN]; tab_size = 2; trim_white = false; break_long_lines = false; } HTMLFilter::HTMLFilter(const HTMLFilter & f) { // don't need to copy the stack pstack = new Item[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_STACK_MAXLEN]; buffer = new char[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN]; } HTMLFilter & HTMLFilter::operator=(const HTMLFilter & f) { // don't need to copy the stack pstack = new Item[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_STACK_MAXLEN]; buffer = new char[WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN]; return *this; } HTMLFilter::~HTMLFilter() { delete [] pstack; delete [] buffer; } void HTMLFilter::BreakLongLines(bool break_lines) { break_long_lines = break_lines; } void HTMLFilter::TrimWhite(bool trim) { trim_white = trim; } void HTMLFilter::InsertTabs(size_t tabsize) { tab_size = tabsize; if( tab_size > 1000 ) tab_size = 1000; } HTMLFilter::Item & HTMLFilter::GetItem(size_t i) { if( i >= stack_len ) { empty.Clear(); return empty; } return pstack[i]; } HTMLFilter::Item & HTMLFilter::LastItem() { if( stack_len == 0 ) { empty.Clear(); return empty; } return pstack[stack_len-1]; } bool HTMLFilter::PushStack() { if( stack_len == WINIX_HTMLFILTER_STACK_MAXLEN ) // oops, too many items return false; pstack[stack_len].Clear(); stack_len += 1; return true; } void HTMLFilter::PopStack() { if( stack_len == 0 ) // oops return; stack_len -= 1; pstack[stack_len].Clear(); } bool HTMLFilter::IsWhite(int c) { // dont use c==10 here if( c==' ' || c=='\t' || c==13 ) return true; return false; } void HTMLFilter::SkipWhite() { while( IsWhite(*pchar) ) ++pchar; } void HTMLFilter::SkipWhiteLines() { while( *pchar==10 || IsWhite(*pchar) ) ++pchar; } bool HTMLFilter::SkipTagCheck() { pchar += 1; SkipWhite(); if( *pchar == '/' ) { pchar += 1; SkipWhite(); if( IsNameEqual(pchar, LastItem().name, LastItem().name_len) ) { pchar += LastItem().name_len; SkipWhite(); if( *pchar == '>' ) { pchar += 1; return true; } } } return false; } void HTMLFilter::SkipNormalText() { while( *pchar!=0 && *pchar!='<' ) ++pchar; } void HTMLFilter::CheckNewLine() { const char * start = pchar; SkipWhite(); last_new_line = (*pchar==10); pchar = start; } void HTMLFilter::PutLastTagWithClosingTag() { const char * start = pchar; while( *pchar != 0 ) { if( *pchar == '<' ) { if( SkipTagCheck() ) { PopStack(); CheckNewLine(); break; } } else { pchar += 1; } } Put(start, pchar); } void HTMLFilter::SkipItem() { while( *pchar!=0 && *pchar!='>' ) ++pchar; if( *pchar == '>' ) ++pchar; } void HTMLFilter::SkipItemCheckXmlSimple() { while( *pchar!=0 ) { while( *pchar!=0 && *pchar!='>' && *pchar!='/') ++pchar; if( *pchar == '/' ) // closing xml tag { ++pchar; SkipWhite(); if( *pchar == '>' ) { ++pchar; LastItem().type = Item::simple; break; } } else if( *pchar == '>' ) { ++pchar; break; } } } bool HTMLFilter::IsValidCharForName(int c) { if( (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='-' || c=='!' ) return true; return false; } void HTMLFilter::ReadItemName() { size_t i; for( i=0 ; IsValidCharForName(*pchar) && i=end ) return; size_t len = end - str; out_string->append(str, len); } size_t HTMLFilter::PutTrimFillBuffer(const char * & str, const char * & end) { size_t non_whites = 0; size_t i = 0; bool was_white; for( ; str < end && i60 && break_long_lines) || was_white ) { buffer[i] = ' '; i += 1; non_whites = 0; } if( str < end ) { buffer[i] = *str; i += 1; } } return i; } // if there are more than one white characters then they will be changed into one space // and putting a space between 50 characters (if there were not any other white characters between them) void HTMLFilter::PutTrim(const char * str, const char * end) { size_t buf_len; // this buffer must have at least 2 bytes (PutTrimFillBuffer needs it) if( !trim_white || WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN < 2 ) { Put(str, end); return; } while( str < end ) { buf_len = PutTrimFillBuffer(str, end); Put(buffer, buffer+buf_len); } } void HTMLFilter::PutOpeningTag(const char * tag) { size_t i; if( WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN < WINIX_HTMLFILTER_ITEM_MAXLEN+2 ) return; buffer[0] = '<'; for(i=1 ; *tag ; ++i, ++tag) buffer[i] = *tag; buffer[i] = '>'; i += 1; Put(buffer, buffer+i); } void HTMLFilter::PutClosingTag(const char * tag) { size_t i; if( WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN < WINIX_HTMLFILTER_ITEM_MAXLEN+3 ) return; buffer[0] = '<'; buffer[1] = '/'; for(i=2 ; *tag ; ++i, ++tag) buffer[i] = *tag; buffer[i] = '>'; i += 1; Put(buffer, buffer+i); } void HTMLFilter::PutTabs(size_t len) { if( len == 0 ) return; if( len > 20 ) len = 20; // how many spaces do you want size_t spaces = (len-1) * tab_size; size_t i; if( spaces < WINIX_HTMLFILTER_BUFFER_MAXLEN ) { for(i=0 ; i" while( *pchar!=0 && !IsNameEqual(pchar, comm_close, comm_close_len) ) ++pchar; if( *pchar!= 0 ) pchar += comm_close_len; CheckNewLine(); return true; } void HTMLFilter::ReadNormalText() { const char * start = pchar; SkipWhiteLines(); if( *pchar!=0 && (IsOpeningCommentaryTag() || *pchar!='<') && last_new_line ) { if( *pchar == '<' ) // skipping some white characters before a opening commentary tag // (but only a tag in a new line) start = pchar; PutNewLine(); PutTabs(stack_len+1); last_new_line = false; // in normal text we don't allow a new line character } while( *pchar != 0 ) { if( !SkipCommentaryTagIfExists() ) { if( *pchar == '<' ) break; pchar += 1; } } PutTrim(start, pchar); } void HTMLFilter::PrintItem(const char * start, const char * end) { if( LastItem().type != Item::closing ) { if( last_new_line ) { if( stack_len > 0 ) PutNewLine(); if( stack_len > 1 ) PutTabs(stack_len); } // closing tags will be printed later // (when we check the stack) Put(start, pchar); } } bool HTMLFilter::ReadItem() { const char * start; if( *pchar == 0 ) return false; // we have '<' start = pchar; pchar += 1; SkipWhite(); if( PushStack() ) { if( *pchar == '/' ) // we have a closing tag { pchar += 1; SkipWhite(); LastItem().type = Item::closing; } ReadItemName(); if( LastItem().type != Item::closing ) LastItem().type = (LastItem().name[0] == '!') ? Item::special : Item::opening; SkipItemCheckXmlSimple(); PrintItem(start, pchar); CheckNewLine(); LastItem().new_line = last_new_line; return true; } pchar = start; return false; } int HTMLFilter::ToLower(int c) { if( c>='A' && c<='Z' ) return c - 'A' + 'a'; return c; } bool HTMLFilter::IsNameEqual(const char * name1, const char * name2) { for( ; *name1!=0 && *name2!=0 ; ++name1, ++name2 ) if( ToLower(*name1) != ToLower(*name2) ) return false; if( *name1==0 && *name2==0 ) return true; return false; } // len characters from both strings must be equal bool HTMLFilter::IsNameEqual(const char * name1, const char * name2, size_t len) { for( ; *name1!=0 && *name2!=0 && len>0 ; ++name1, ++name2, --len ) if( ToLower(*name1) != ToLower(*name2) ) return false; if( len == 0 ) return true; return false; } bool HTMLFilter::IsLastTag(const char * name) { const char * tag = LastItem().name; return IsNameEqual(name, tag); } // checking exceptions for opening tags void HTMLFilter::CheckExceptions() { if( IsLastTag("meta") || IsLastTag("input") || IsLastTag("br") || IsLastTag("img") || IsLastTag("link") ) { LastItem().type = Item::simple; PopStack(); return; } if( IsLastTag("script") || IsLastTag("pre") || IsLastTag("textarea") ) PutLastTagWithClosingTag(); } void HTMLFilter::AddForgottenTags() { int i; if( stack_len < 3 ) return; // we have forgotten to close some tags // looking whether there is a matching opening tag for(i=int(stack_len)-3 ; i>=0 ; --i) if( IsNameEqual(pstack[i].name, pstack[stack_len-1].name) ) break; if( i < 0 ) { // oops, there is no such a tag // we don't print the closing and the missing opening tag PopStack(); return; } for(int z=(int)stack_len-2 ; z>=i ; --z) { if( pstack[z].new_line ) { PutNewLine(); PutTabs(z+1); } PutClosingTag(pstack[z].name); pstack[z].Clear(); } last_new_line = pstack[stack_len-1].new_line; // invalidate tags stack_len = i; } void HTMLFilter::CheckClosingTags() { if( stack_len == 0 ) return; // on the stack we have only opening tags // but only the last tag is a closing tag if( stack_len == 1 ) { // there is only last closing tag // we dont print it PopStack(); return; } // there are more than one tag if( IsNameEqual(pstack[stack_len-1].name, pstack[stack_len-2].name) ) { // last closing tag is from the previous one if( pstack[stack_len-2].new_line ) { PutNewLine(); PutTabs(stack_len-1); } PutClosingTag(pstack[stack_len-1].name); last_new_line = pstack[stack_len-1].new_line; PopStack(); PopStack(); return; } AddForgottenTags(); } void HTMLFilter::PrintRest() { const char * start = pchar; while( *pchar ) ++pchar; if( pchar > start ) Put(start, pchar); } void HTMLFilter::Read() { // white characters at the beginning are skipped SkipWhiteLines(); // it can be some text before the first html tag (we print it) ReadNormalText(); while( *pchar && ReadItem() ) { if( LastItem().type == Item::opening ) { CheckExceptions(); } else if( LastItem().type == Item::special || LastItem().type == Item::simple ) { if( stack_len > 1 ) { pstack[stack_len-2].new_line = LastItem().new_line; } else { // one new line after a simple or special tag // (if the tag has level 0 in the tree - it not means that this is a first tag) // for example can be DOCTYPE PutNewLine(); } PopStack(); } else if( LastItem().type == Item::closing ) { CheckClosingTags(); } ReadNormalText(); } // sometimes ReadItem() can return a false (when there is no space on the stack) // we print the rest html without filtering PrintRest(); }