/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include "passwd.h" #include "core/slog.h" #include "functions/functions.h" namespace Fun { Passwd::Passwd() { fun.url = L"passwd"; } bool Passwd::HasAccess() { return cur->session->puser != 0; } bool Passwd::ChangePassword(const std::wstring & login, const std::wstring & new_password) { up.pass = new_password; system->crypt.PassHashCrypt(up); Error res = db->ChangeUserPass(login, up); return res == WINIX_ERR_OK; } /* if you are a root (super_user) you can change a password for everyone (the html form has a select option) but if you are not a root you can change only your password and you should provide your current password as well */ void Passwd::MakePost() { long user_id; const std::wstring * plogin; if( !cur->session->puser ) return; bool is_root = cur->session->puser->super_user; if( is_root ) plogin = &cur->request->PostVar(L"login"); else plogin = &cur->session->puser->name; const std::wstring & pass_cur = cur->request->PostVar(L"passwordcur"); const std::wstring & pass_new = cur->request->PostVar(L"passwordnew"); const std::wstring & pass_conf = cur->request->PostVar(L"passwordconfirm"); if( !is_root && !functions->fun_login.CheckUserPass(*plogin, pass_cur, user_id) ) { log << log3 << "Passwd: incorrect current password" << logend; slog << logerror << T("passwd_err_bad_current_password") << logend; return; } if( !functions->fun_adduser.IsPasswordCorrect(pass_new, pass_conf) ) return; if( ChangePassword(*plogin, pass_new) ) { log << log2 << "Passwd: password for " << plogin << " has been changed" << logend; slog << loginfo << T("passwd_password_changed") << logend; system->RedirectToLastItem(); } } } // namespace