[# def? means define a variable if such a variable does not exist yet] [# true and false are ezc functions defined by winix] [def? winix_has_uikit false] [def? winix_has_jquery false] [def? winix_has_htmx false] [def? winix_set_charset true] [def? winix_set_viewport true] [def? winix_load_uikit true] [def? winix_uikit_version "3.16.18"] [# "3.16.18-scope" ] [def? winix_load_htmx true] [def? winix_load_clocklet false] [def? winix_clocklet_uikit_theme true] [def? winix_load_flatpickr false] [def? winix_load_litepicker false] [def? winix_load_easepick false] [def? winix_easepick_version "1.2.0"] [def? winix_load_winixjs true] [if winix_set_charset] [end] [if winix_set_viewport] [end] [if winix_load_uikit] [def winix_has_uikit true] [# UIkit CSS] [# UIkit JS] [end] [if winix_load_htmx] [def winix_has_htmx true] [end] [if or [winix_function_is "emacs"] [winix_function_is "env"] [winix_function_is "meta"]] [if false] [end] [if false] [end] [# markdown to html converter ] [# https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown ] [end] [if winix_function_is "ckeditor"] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "tinymce"] [# tinymce can use a special theme called 'mobile' - it is used when /mobile param is provided] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "nicedit"] [end] [if winix_function_is "vim"] [# info from version 0.5-rc1: this editor doesn't work on different domains by default, solution: http://forum.wymeditor.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=731&p=2507#p2504 ] [# you should add one file to winix: wymiframe.html ] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "gallery"] [if gallery_mount_type_arg_is "lightbox"] [# https://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/ ] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [if gallery_mount_type_arg_is "galleriajs"] [# https://galleriajs.github.io/ ] [# formerly called aino-gallery ] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "upload"] [# https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/] [# https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload] [# Force latest IE rendering engine or ChromeFrame if installed] [if false] [end] [# in doc_base_url_common/jquery-file-upload/10.31.0_extra/blueimp-gallery/ is download_all_files.sh script in order to download all necessary files] [# blueimp Gallery styles ] [# CSS to style the file input field as button and adjust the Bootstrap progress bars] [# CSS adjustments for browsers with JavaScript disabled] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [# The jQuery UI widget factory, can be omitted if jQuery UI is already included ] [# The Templates plugin is included to render the upload/download listings ] [# The Load Image plugin is included for the preview images and image resizing functionality ] [# The Canvas to Blob plugin is included for image resizing functionality ] [# blueimp Gallery script ] [# The Iframe Transport is required for browsers without support for XHR file uploads ] [# The basic File Upload plugin ] [# The File Upload processing plugin ] [# The File Upload image preview & resize plugin ] [# The File Upload audio preview plugin ] [# The File Upload video preview plugin ] [# The File Upload validation plugin ] [# The File Upload user interface plugin ] [if false] [# the code to run the plugin we have in fun_upload.html ] [# The main application script ] [end] [if false] [# The XDomainRequest Transport is included for cross-domain file deletion for IE 8 and IE 9 ] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "sort"] [if not request.is_item] [end] [end] [if winix_function_is "imgcrop"] [if not winix_has_jquery] [def winix_has_jquery true] [end] [end] [if winix_load_clocklet] [# https://github.com/luncheon/clocklet ] [# https://luncheon.github.io/clocklet/demo.html - color samples here too] [if winix_clocklet_uikit_theme] [end] [end] [if winix_load_flatpickr] [# date picker, time picker, date and time picker, date range picker (selecting time works only for the first day), available different themes ] [# the datepicker on mobile devices is a native datepicker (this functionality can be disabled via disableMobile option) ] [# https://flatpickr.js.org ] [# https://github.com/flatpickr/flatpickr ] [# options: https://flatpickr.js.org/options/ ] [if is_not [lang "flatpickr_locale_url"] "none"] [end] [if false] [# can be inserted in this way: ] [end] [end] [if winix_load_litepicker] [# date picker and date range picker ] [# can show a dialog with more than one month, config parameters: numberOfColumns and numberOfMonths] [# https://litepicker.com ] [# https://github.com/wakirin/litepicker/ ] [# options: https://litepicker.com/docs/options ] [# in bundle.js there are all plugins, you can use litepicker.js to load the datepicker without plugins] [if false] [# can be inserted in this way: ] [end] [end] [if winix_load_easepick] [# https://easepick.com/] [if false] [# can be inserted in this way (only date picker with a lock plugin - remove lock plugin if you don't need it) ] [# or this way (two panels date and time picker with a range selection plugin and cancel and apply buttons) ] [end] [end] [if false] [# temporarily blocked] [if winix_has_plugin "stats"] [include "stats_info.html"] [end] [end] [if winix_load_winixjs] [end]