/* * This file is a part of CMSLU -- Content Management System like Unix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2009, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include "mounts.h" #include "data.h" #include "request.h" #include "log.h" #include "mountparser.h" void Mounts::ReadMounts() { MountParser mp; // !! tymczasowo - bedzie odczyt z bazy z /etc/fstab std::string temp = "cms / withheader, withinfo \n" "thread /news desc, withheader, thread_with_header, thread_with_info, restrictcreatethread(-1) \n" "thread /forum asc, withheader, withinfo, thread_with_info, restrictcreatethread(3), only_root_can_remove, can_use_emacs_on(4), can_use_mkdir_on(3)"; Error err = mp.Parse(temp, mount_table); if( err != Error::ok ) { log << log1 << "M: some problems with mountpoints (mountpoints table will be empty)" << logend; mount_table.clear(); } } /* Mount Mounts::GetCurrentMountPoint() { return current_dir; } */ Mount::Type Mounts::CurrentMountType() { return current_dir.type; } bool Mounts::CurrentMountIsParam(Mount::Param p) { return current_dir.IsParam(p); } bool Mounts::CurrentMountIsParam(Mount::Param p, int * first_arg) { return current_dir.IsParam(p, first_arg); } void Mounts::MountCmsForRoot() { current_dir.type = Mount::cms; Item * proot = data.dirs.GetRootDir(); if( proot ) current_dir.dir_id = proot->id; else { current_dir.dir_id = -1; log << log1 << "M: there is no a root dir" << logend; } } void Mounts::CalculateCurrentMountType() { std::vector::reverse_iterator i; for(i = request.dir_table.rbegin() ; i!=request.dir_table.rend() ; ++i) { std::map::iterator m = mount_table.find( (*i)->id ); if( m != mount_table.end() ) { current_dir = m->second; log << log2 << "M: current mount point is: " << current_dir.TypeToStr() << logend; return; } } // we assume that 'cms' mount point is used MountCmsForRoot(); log << log2 << "M: current mount point is: cms (default)" << logend; }