/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is not publicly distributed * * Copyright (c) 2010, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * */ #include #include #include "ticketinfo.h" #include "core/error.h" #include "core/log.h" namespace Ticket { TicketInfo::TicketInfo() { Clear(); } void TicketInfo::SetTDb(TDb * ptdb) { tdb = ptdb; } void TicketInfo::SetDb(Db * pdb) { db = pdb; } void TicketInfo::SetSystem(System * psystem) { system = psystem; } void TicketInfo::Clear() { item.Clear(); is_ticket = false; ticket.Clear(); ticket_tab.clear(); } void TicketInfo::ReadTicket(long dir_id) { if( tdb->GetTicketByDirId(dir_id, ticket) == WINIX_ERR_OK ) { is_ticket = true; db->GetItemById(ticket.item_id, item); } } bool TicketInfo::SortTicketsFun(const Ticket & t1, const Ticket & t2) { return t1.sort_id > t2.sort_id; } void TicketInfo::SortTickets() { std::vector::iterator i; for(i=ticket_tab.begin() ; i!=ticket_tab.end() ; ++i) { Item * dir = system->dirs.GetDir(i->dir_id); i->sort_id = ( dir ) ? (unsigned long)mktime(&dir->date_creation) : 0; } std::sort(ticket_tab.begin(), ticket_tab.end(), SortTicketsFun); } void TicketInfo::MarkAllConfToDelete() { ConfTab::iterator i = conf_tab.begin(); for( ; i!=conf_tab.end() ; ++i) i->second.to_delete = true; } void TicketInfo::DeleteAllMarkedConf() { ConfTab::iterator inext; ConfTab::iterator i = conf_tab.begin(); while( i != conf_tab.end() ) { inext = i; ++inext; if( i->second.to_delete ) { log << log3 << "Ticket: deleting ticket conf for dir id: " << i->first << logend; conf_tab.erase(i); } i = inext; } } bool TicketInfo::GetConfContent(const std::string & path) { long path_dir_id; if( system->dirs.AnalyzePath(path, path_dir_id, path_dir, path_file) != 0 ) { log << log1 << "Ticket: there is no file: " << path << logend; return false; } Error err = db->GetItem(path_dir_id, path_file, item_conf); if( err == WINIX_ERR_NO_ITEM ) { log << log1 << "Ticket: there is no file: " << path << " in the database" << logend; return false; } if( err != WINIX_ERR_OK ) { log << log1 << "Ticket: db problem with fetching: " << path << logend; return false; } return true; } bool TicketInfo::ParseTicketConf(long mount_dir_id, const std::string & path) { log << log3 << "Ticket: parsing conf file: " << path << logend; int code = ticket_parser.Parse(item_conf.content, conf_tab[mount_dir_id].conf); conf_tab[mount_dir_id].file_name = path; return code == WINIX_TICKET_ERR_OK; } // if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed void TicketInfo::ReadTicketConf(Mounts & mounts, bool skip_existing_configs) { Mounts::MountTab::const_iterator i; const Mounts::MountTab * mtab = mounts.GetMountTab(); // loop through all mount points for(i=mtab->begin() ; i!=mtab->end() ; ++i) { const Mount & mount = i->second; if( mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].defined && mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].arg.size() == 1 ) { const std::string & file_name = mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].arg[0]; ConfTab::iterator c = conf_tab.find(mount.dir_id); bool exists = (c != conf_tab.end() && c->second.file_name == file_name); if( exists ) c->second.to_delete = false; if( !(skip_existing_configs && exists) ) { if( GetConfContent(file_name) ) { if( !ParseTicketConf(mount.dir_id, file_name) ) conf_tab[mount.dir_id].to_delete = true; } else { if( exists ) c->second.to_delete = true; } } } } } // if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed void TicketInfo::ReadTicketConf(bool skip_existing_configs) { MarkAllConfToDelete(); ReadTicketConf(system->mounts, skip_existing_configs); DeleteAllMarkedConf(); } } // namespace