[if winix_function_param_is "ckeditor_upload"] [end] [if winix_function_param_is "jquery_upload"] \[ [for item_tab] \{ "name":"[item_tab_url]", "size":[item_tab_file_size], "url":"[item_tab_link]", [if item_tab_filetype_is_image]"thumbnail_url":"[if item_tab_has_thumb][item_tab_link]/-/thumb[else][item_tab_link][end]",[end] "delete_url":"[item_tab_link]/rm/jquery_upload", "delete_type":"POST" \} [if item_tab_has_next],[end] [end] \] [end] [if-any-no winix_function_param_is "ckeditor_upload" winix_function_param_is "jquery_upload"]


[# The file upload form used as target for the file upload widget]
[# The fileupload-buttonbar contains buttons to add/delete files and start/cancel the upload]
[# The fileinput-button span is used to style the file input field as button] {upload_button_add_files}
[# The global progress information]
[# The global progress bar]
[# The extended global progress information]
[# The loading indicator is shown during file processing]

[# The table listing the files available for upload/download]
[# modal-gallery is the modal dialog used for the image gallery] [# The template to display files available for upload] [# The template to display files available for download] [end]