/* * This file is a part of Winix * and is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD licence. * Author: Tomasz Sowa */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include "ticketinfo.h" #include "core/error.h" #include "core/log.h" #include "core/misc.h" #include "pluginmsg.h" #include "sessiondata.h" #include "convert/text.h" namespace Winix { namespace Ticket { TicketInfo::TicketInfo() { Clear(); } void TicketInfo::SetTDb(TDb * ptdb) { tdb = ptdb; } void TicketInfo::SetDb(Db * pdb) { db = pdb; } //void TicketInfo::SetConfig(Config * pconfig) //{ // config = pconfig; //} void TicketInfo::SetSystem(System * psystem) { system = psystem; } void TicketInfo::SetCur(Cur * pcur) { cur = pcur; } void TicketInfo::SetFunctions(Functions * pfunctions) { functions = pfunctions; } void TicketInfo::Clear() { ticket = &ticket_empty; item = &item_empty; ticket->Clear(); item->Clear(); // we use meta from item which should not be const cur_conf_wrap = &cur_conf_wrap_empty; cur_conf = &cur_conf_empty; cur_conf->Clear(); item_tab.clear(); ticket_tab.clear(); item_sort_tab.clear(); create_new_ticket = false; } void TicketInfo::MarkAllConfToDelete() { ConfTab::iterator i = conf_tab.begin(); for( ; i!=conf_tab.end() ; ++i) i->second.to_delete = true; } void TicketInfo::DeleteAllMarkedConf() { ConfTab::iterator inext; ConfTab::iterator i = conf_tab.begin(); while( i != conf_tab.end() ) { inext = i; ++inext; if( i->second.to_delete ) { log << log3 << "Ticket: deleting ticket conf for dir id: " << i->first << logend; conf_tab.erase(i); } i = inext; } } bool TicketInfo::GetConfContent(const std::wstring & path) { int status = system->FollowAllLinks(path, config_dir_tab, config_file, false, false, false); if( status != 1 ) { log << log1 << "Ticket: problem with reading a config file: " << path << ", status: " << status << logend; return false; } return true; } bool TicketInfo::ParseTicketConf(long mount_dir_id, const std::wstring & path) { log << log3 << "Ticket: parsing conf file: " << path << logend; conf_tab[mount_dir_id].file_name = path; conf_parser.SetSpace(conf_tab[mount_dir_id].conf); conf_tab[mount_dir_id].conf.Clear(); return (conf_parser.ParseString(config_file.item_content.content_raw) == PT::SpaceParser::ok); } void TicketInfo::ReadTicketConf(const Mount & mount, bool skip_existing_configs) { if( mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].defined && mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].arg.size() == 1 ) { const std::wstring & file_name = mount.param[mount_par_ticket_conf].arg[0]; ConfTab::iterator c = conf_tab.find(mount.dir_id); bool exists = (c != conf_tab.end() && c->second.file_name == file_name); if( exists ) c->second.to_delete = false; if( !(skip_existing_configs && exists) ) { if( GetConfContent(file_name) ) { if( !ParseTicketConf(mount.dir_id, file_name) ) conf_tab[mount.dir_id].to_delete = true; } else { if( exists ) c->second.to_delete = true; } } } } // if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed void TicketInfo::ReadTicketConf(Mounts & mounts, bool skip_existing_configs) { Mounts::MountTab::const_iterator i; const Mounts::MountTab * mtab = mounts.GetMountTab(); // loop through all mount points for(i=mtab->begin() ; i!=mtab->end() ; ++i) { const Mount & mount = i->second; ReadTicketConf(mount, skip_existing_configs); } } // if skip_existing_configs is true then only new config files will be parsed void TicketInfo::ReadTicketConf(bool skip_existing_configs) { MarkAllConfToDelete(); ReadTicketConf(system->mounts, skip_existing_configs); DeleteAllMarkedConf(); } void TicketInfo::FindCurrentConf(long dir_id) { Mount * mount = system->mounts.CalcMount(dir_id); if( mount ) { // long dir_id = cur->mount->dir_id; ConfTab::iterator i = conf_tab.find(mount->dir_id); if( i != conf_tab.end() ) { cur_conf_wrap = &i->second; cur_conf = &i->second.conf; } else { log << log1 << "Ticket: there is no a ticket_conf parameter in the mount point (an empty config used)" << logend; } } else { log << log1 << "Ticket: I cannot find the mount point for dir id: " << dir_id << logend; } } void TicketInfo::FindCurrentConf() { if( !cur->request->dir_tab.empty() ) FindCurrentConf(cur->request->dir_tab.back()->id); } void TicketInfo::CheckMinMaxValue(PT::Space & space, Ticket::TicketParam & par) { std::wstring * type = space.GetFirstValue(L"type"); if( !type ) return; if( *type == L"integer" ) { std::wstring * min_str = space.GetFirstValue(L"min"); std::wstring * max_str = space.GetFirstValue(L"min"); if( min_str ) { long minv = Tol(*min_str); if( par.intv < minv ) par.intv = minv; } if( max_str ) { long maxv = Tol(*max_str); if( par.intv > maxv ) par.intv = maxv; } } else if( *type == L"progress" ) { // !! dodac tez min/max if( par.intv < 0 ) par.intv = 0; if( par.intv > 100 ) par.intv = 100; } else if( *type == L"select" ) { for(size_t a=0 ; aNewFilePrivileges(); file.item_content.file_type = SelectFileType(value.filename); file.url = value.filename; functions->PrepareUrl(file); functions->SetUser(file); functions->fun_upload.UploadFile(file, value.tmp_filename); if( cur->request->status == WINIX_ERR_OK ) { PT::Space & space = FindAddMetaByParam(meta, param_id); PT::Space & file_space = space.AddSpace(L"file"); if( file.item_content.file_type == WINIX_ITEM_FILETYPE_IMAGE ) file_space.Add(L"type", L"image"); else file_space.Add(L"type", L"file"); file_space.Add(L"itemid", file.id); system->MakePath(file, file_path); file_space.Add(L"path", file_path); } else { log << log1 << "Ticket: problem with uploading" << logend; } } void TicketInfo::ReadTicketValue(PT::Space & space, long param_id, const PostFile & value, PT::Space & meta) { std::wstring * type = space.GetFirstValue(L"type"); if( type && (*type == L"images" || *type == L"files") ) { std::wstring * upload_path = space.GetFirstValue(L"upload_dir"); if( upload_path && !upload_path->empty() ) { Item * upload_dir = system->dirs.GetDir(*upload_path); if( upload_dir ) ReadTicketValue(space, param_id, value, meta, *upload_dir); else log << log1 << "Ticket: there is no an upload directory: " << upload_path << logend; } else { log << log1 << "Ticket: you must set 'upload_dir' directory in the config" << logend; } } } // adding a new parameter only if it not exists in ticket.par_tab void TicketInfo::ReadTicketParam(PT::Space & space, Ticket & ticket, long param_id, const std::wstring & value, PT::Space & meta) { ticket_param.param = param_id; for(size_t i2=0 ; i2spaces.size() ; ++i) { PT::Space & space = *cur_conf->spaces[i]; if( space.name == L"param" && Tol(space.Text(L"id")) == param_id ) { ReadTicketParam(space, ticket, param_id, value, meta); return; } } log << log1 << "Ticket: skipped incorrect parameter: " << param_id << " (not defined in the config)" << logend; } // always adds a new parameter void TicketInfo::ReadTicketParam(long param_id, const PostFile & value, PT::Space & meta) { for(size_t i=0 ; ispaces.size() ; ++i) { PT::Space & space = *cur_conf->spaces[i]; if( space.name == L"param" && space.Long(L"id") == param_id ) { ReadTicketValue(space, param_id, value, meta); return; } } log << log1 << "Ticket: skipped incorrect parameter: " << param_id << " (not defined in the config)" << logend; } bool TicketInfo::DeleteTicketFile(Ticket & ticket, long file_id, PT::Space & meta) { for(size_t i=0 ; ifun_rm.RemoveFileOrSymlink(file_id, true); return true; } } } } } return false; } void TicketInfo::ReadTicketParams(Ticket & ticket, bool clear_ticket, PT::Space & meta, bool & file_was_deleted) { PostTab::iterator i; PostFileTab::iterator i2; file_was_deleted = false; if( clear_ticket ) ticket.Clear(); // !! IMPROVE ME move me somewhere std::wstring ticket_delete_prefix = L"ticketdeletefile_"; for(i=cur->request->post_tab.begin() ; i!=cur->request->post_tab.end() ; ++i) { // !! CHECKME why ticket_form_prefix is in the global config? // (this is a plugin variable) if( PT::IsSubString(config->ticket_form_prefix, i->first) ) { long param_id = Tol(i->first.c_str() + config->ticket_form_prefix.size()); ReadTicketParam(ticket, param_id, i->second, meta); } if( PT::IsSubString(ticket_delete_prefix, i->first) ) { long file_id = Tol(i->first.c_str() + ticket_delete_prefix.size()); if( DeleteTicketFile(ticket, file_id, meta) ) { file_was_deleted = true; } } } for(i2=cur->request->post_file_tab.begin() ; i2!=cur->request->post_file_tab.end() ; ++i2) { if( PT::IsSubString(config->ticket_form_prefix, i2->first) ) ReadTicketParam(Tol(i2->first.c_str() + config->ticket_form_prefix.size()), i2->second, meta); } ticket.SortParTab(); } void TicketInfo::RemoveTicket(long file_id) { /* * IMPROVEME * we should also remove some files (images) for a ticket * may when 'rm' function is displayed we should show some checkboxes * 'remove static files etc.' and if they are checked then the files are removed? * */ if( tdb->GetTicket(file_id, rm_ticket) == WINIX_ERR_OK ) { tdb->RemoveTicket(file_id); } } void TicketInfo::CopyTicketSpace(PT::Space & ticket_space, Item & item) { PT::Space & ticket_meta = item.item_content.meta.FindAddSpace(L"ticket"); ticket_meta = ticket_space; ticket_meta.name = L"ticket"; } void TicketInfo::MakeRedirectIfPossible(const Item & item) { PluginRes res = plugin->Call(WINIX_PL_TICKET_CAN_MAKE_REDIRECT); if( res.res_false > 0 ) { log << log4 << "Ticket: redirect prevented" << logend; return; } system->RedirectTo(item); } } // namespace } // namespace Winix