Commit Graph

  • 2033168db2 Merge branch 'cli' into ajax Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-08 14:01:50 +0100
  • e377f144fd fix: do not send headers again after binary content Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-04 18:46:46 +0100
  • 234ebf8ce8 change HtmlTextStream iterators type to pt::WTextStream::iterator Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-03 20:57:38 +0100
  • 09cf3c9fa9 add some comments in AcceptBaseParser Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-02 18:34:56 +0100
  • df32899581 move AcceptEncodingParser to utils Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-02 18:34:22 +0100
  • 33e8df11c5 parse Accept-Language header to Request::accept_languages table Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-02 18:20:32 +0100
  • 75daf37bbd improve AcceptBaseParser parsing algorithm Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-02 17:58:27 +0100
  • d0d2cfb22c move AcceptBaseParser to utils directory Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-02 17:11:46 +0100
  • f7b5ac0dc8 change the way how winix answer is created Tomasz Sowa 2022-02-01 18:44:23 +0100
  • 227dd923d6 fix: correctly escape ezc stream to json/xml/csv Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-28 15:54:11 +0100
  • f6cb9a8aed set correct timetable dst for 'Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb' Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-26 22:34:13 +0100
  • b615dc7e6e add cmp ezc function Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-22 04:35:42 +0100
  • 944560dd2b update uikit to 3.10.1 Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-19 15:47:11 +0100
  • 1d6d29e24d add winixcli/src/winix to .gitignore Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-18 19:46:12 +0100
  • ff8e9e6b32 start working on winixcli Tomasz Sowa 2022-01-18 19:40:57 +0100
  • 557555c4b3 htmx updated to 1.6.1 Tomasz Sowa 2021-12-08 15:19:35 +0100
  • f8e1037476 uikit updated to 3.9.4 Tomasz Sowa 2021-11-26 21:51:01 +0100
  • 35cb54324f added a new item content type: markdown - emacs editor has an option to select markdown, now it has two planes: one for content editing and the other to show preview - CodeMirror editor updated to 5.64.0 - to convert markdown to html we use showdown (conversion is done on the client side) Tomasz Sowa 2021-11-26 21:49:21 +0100
  • 119497bb01 added winix_frame_is ezc winix function Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-24 22:27:52 +0200
  • dfd6475a81 uikit updated to 3.7.6 Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-24 22:27:35 +0200
  • d6d5236a03 added fil_json_escape filter Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-21 13:42:41 +0200
  • a327a26bd5 added winix_uikit_version parameter to index_head_adder.html Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-13 23:48:30 +0200
  • d5ebb7ca12 changed the way how the request's answer is created, now winix can return json, xml, csv from out_main_stream or from frames and json from models Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-13 01:27:14 +0200
  • 3e46c5674c htmx updated to 1.6.0 Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-08 17:44:34 +0200
  • c4b5565995 don't check for request->is_htmx_request for sending frames, check only "frame" url paremeter added config parameter: request_frame_parameter, default: "frame" Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-08 03:08:11 +0200
  • 3f5eabeaa1 uikit updated to 3.7.5 Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-07 05:02:24 +0200
  • 9b8e48e7b2 added static libraries: clocklet (timepicker), flatpickr and litepicker (data pickers) Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-07 04:42:46 +0200
  • c3122fb82f added [lang] ezc function for returning a localized string Tomasz Sowa 2021-10-07 04:41:06 +0200
  • 1741597d52 uikit updated to 3.7.4 Tomasz Sowa 2021-09-27 02:53:16 +0200
  • 9c5c74ba84 added: setting a correct mime type for static files - using magic library added: std::wstring file_mime_type to ItemContent - a mime type for static file added: Header (core/header.h) - there will be header names defined, at the moment only content_type added: FuncionsBase::Finish() - it is called at the end when the winix finishes Tomasz Sowa 2021-09-22 00:23:25 +0200
  • 26ed7b80be changed values for send_file_mode config parameter: 0 - winix will read the content of the file and send it back to the webserver 1 - winix will use send_file_header header with a full path to the file 2 - winix will use send_file_header header with a relative path to the file Tomasz Sowa 2021-09-17 03:35:56 +0200
  • 55ac9a61ed added possibility to send static files to nginx via X-Accel-Redirect header added to config: int send_file_mode; // 0 - full path to a file in send_file_header header // 1 - relative path to a file in send_file_header (need http_send_file_relative_prefix set) (used for nginx) std::wstring send_file_header; // default: X-SENDFILE // for Apache set: X-SENDFILE // for Lighttpd set: X-LIGHTTPD-send-file // for Nginx set: X-Accel-Redirect std::wstring send_file_relative_prefix; // relative prefix used for sending static files if send_file_mode is 1 // default: "upload-files-internal" Tomasz Sowa 2021-09-15 20:28:34 +0200
  • 7673264fe1 make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-08-12 21:57:03 +0200
  • 42dc43b036 added WINIX_MAKE_DATABASE_MIGRATION plugin message for making migrations from plugins Tomasz Sowa 2021-08-11 22:18:14 +0200
  • ef22d951a0 fixed: base class of System should be derived as public Tomasz Sowa 2021-08-10 22:06:53 +0200
  • e95dc834a3 uikit updated to 3.7.2 Tomasz Sowa 2021-08-07 21:23:47 +0200
  • b424988d1b updated to the new pikotools api (api2021): HTMLFilter renamed to HTMLParser added to config: int html_filter_white_char_mode; how white characters between html tags are treated 0 - WHITE_MODE_ORIGIN - they are copied from input to output 1 - WHITE_MODE_SINGLE_LINE - new line characters are removed 2 - WHITE_MODE_TREE - try to create a tree (some kind of pretty printing) default: 2 Tomasz Sowa 2021-08-07 02:16:48 +0200
  • 22134b6cc0 commented some method calls to html_filter Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-26 03:54:02 +0200
  • f861c0761e make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-17 13:57:39 +0200
  • 1899d5ee17 BBCODEParser has been moved to pikotools library Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-17 13:56:37 +0200
  • 17bd48ece3 HTMLFilter has been moved to pikotools library Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-17 13:42:04 +0200
  • c5c02d7f44 HtmlTextStream has now pt::Stream as a based class and uses pt::WTextStream as a buffer Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-16 18:17:57 +0200
  • ba6159964b htmx updated to 1.5.0 Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-16 13:16:02 +0200
  • b834971f5e uikit updated to 3.7.1 Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-16 12:28:38 +0200
  • 9dc15d536c Makefile: removed macros: EZC_GENERATOR_HAS_PT_STREAM and EZC_GENERATOR_HAS_WINIX_STREAM Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-13 01:49:58 +0200
  • 2e45cb6ac9 updated to the new ezc api (Generator has three additional parameters now) Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-13 01:46:07 +0200
  • 2dcfeaa688 fixed: in Item do_migration_to_3(...) admin meta was called admin_meta (not meta_admin) Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-07 01:04:48 +0200
  • 9d65d931d0 moved some ezc functions from templates/item.cpp to Item and ItemContent removed: templates/item.cpp updated: some html templates which use [item] or [item_tab] removed some old html templates: item_info.html and itam_tab_info.html Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-06 21:52:29 +0200
  • 746aa41111 renamed: ItemContent::meta_admin -> ItemContent::admin_meta Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-03 01:18:28 +0200
  • 175dd17416 added request.last_item ezc function Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-03 01:14:53 +0200
  • 619936c12e make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-01 23:35:08 +0200
  • 732144df01 updated to the new morm api - models methods which take 'morm::ModelWrapper ** model_wrapper' now take 'morm::Wrapper & wrapper' Tomasz Sowa 2021-07-01 23:34:49 +0200
  • df3f04a951 added to misc: timespec_to_stream_with_unit() for printing times either is seconds or miliseconds Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-30 16:30:11 +0200
  • 0f78968579 updated ticket plugin to the new ezc api (child spaces were removed) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-29 23:42:57 +0200
  • 66173c7a31 removed old meta ezc functions from gallery plugin Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-28 21:34:41 +0200
  • 3f934d9aec removed old meta ezc functions from menu plugin Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-28 21:34:22 +0200
  • df0cc131fe fixed in thread winix function: answers were not sorted correctly Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-28 21:33:33 +0200
  • ba60f9da8a updated group plugin to the new pikotools api (child spaces were removed) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-28 20:58:39 +0200
  • 4569198b9d fixed in index_head_adder.html: winix_function_is "emacs" should be in parentheses Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-27 23:43:01 +0200
  • ccbbb59af7 make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-27 23:34:06 +0200
  • 3a5af25eaf updated some html templates Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-27 23:33:10 +0200
  • 1d18b7fa12 - updated to the new pikotools api (child spaces were removed) some plugins need to be fixed yet: ticket, gallery, group, menu - added current user to default models as "user" - renamed in User: super_user -> is_super_user, env -> admin_env, pass_hash_salted -> is_pass_hash_salted - now Users class has a WinixModel as a base class some plugin calls have to be fixed yet - added UserWrapper model with a pointer to User class - removed from ItemContent: methods for accessing 'meta' and 'admin_meta', now ezc can iterate through Space classes - fixed in env winix function: if there is "changeuser" parameter then we should only switch the user (not save anything) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-27 23:31:50 +0200
  • 472490c239 make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-24 21:17:11 +0200
  • b6340a30d2 updated to the new pikotools api (changes in Log) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-24 21:17:03 +0200
  • bf1f0954b9 fixed: changed "%g" to "%f" when printing request/ezc times SetNonZeroDigitsAfterComma() incorrectly terminated the string if the format was "%g" (in the case where it was used as %e) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-24 16:11:02 +0200
  • 2f1cdcf379 added printing info how much time winix spent in the ezc engine Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-24 15:33:44 +0200
  • 443c2023d9 make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-23 17:04:21 +0200
  • 2c5062ba22 UrlEncode() methods from core/misc.h are now thread safe Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-23 17:04:07 +0200
  • 99df807095 Makefile: added new macros to CFLAGS Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-21 20:22:15 +0200
  • 8ab07d11b1 fixed: cur.request->function->fun didn't have a model connector set when a request started Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-21 16:51:35 +0200
  • a1c0f6f7f0 added config option: add_header_cache_no_store_in_htmx_request send "Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0" http header if a request is made by htmx library (ajax) if a webbrowser get a page from the cache then it will render just the last request without the whole html page (css, js, etc) Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-21 11:43:59 +0200
  • 672737a0d8 added a comment in ItemContent Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-20 22:27:06 +0200
  • ade96bf6d3 some methods from templates/item.cpp moved to ItemContent Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-20 21:22:08 +0200
  • 801fc062ef added FunctionBase::Clear() which is called at the end of a request Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-20 20:47:59 +0200
  • f35840e7de some work in html templates: changed some functions from item_* to item.* Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-20 18:12:43 +0200
  • 79eda7abb0 - added to FunctionBase: bool register_default_models (default true) if true then winix will add default models for ezc templates such as "request", "item", etc. - some methods from templates/item.cpp moved to Item Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-20 18:04:50 +0200
  • e7c7324058 ItemContent::user_name(EzcEnv & env) changed to ItemContent::user(morm::ModelWrapper ** model_wrapper) and we return a User class ItemContent::group_name(EzcEnv & env) changed to ItemContent::group(morm::ModelWrapper ** model_wrapper) and we return a Group class added ItemContent::display_user_name(EzcEnv & env) some functions in templates/item.cpp moved to Item Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-19 23:48:12 +0200
  • d8c1a81bcb removed config options: ezc_error_prefix and ezc_error_postfix Ezc::PatternParser and Ezc::Generator use only pt::Log as a logger now Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-19 20:33:35 +0200
  • 94f96c11cb make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-18 19:18:46 +0200
  • ec94dff7d7 some ezc functions from templates/item.cpp moved to Item and ItemContent methods HasAccess() HasReadAccess() and similar moved from System to Item and ItemContent Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-18 19:18:13 +0200
  • ebd791a256 changed: now Request class is a model class - we have fields() method there to map fields for ezc templates (currently only dir_tab) removed: [dir_tab] ezc statement changed: Ls winix function loads its own dir_tab container (beforehand it was loaded by [dir_tab] ezc statement) it's available by [child_dirs] name Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-17 21:44:29 +0200
  • 4db421d6c3 make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-16 23:43:57 +0200
  • ab89ffe096 fixed in Item: void Item::link(Ezc::FunInfo<HtmlTextStream> & env) now returns a correct directory for the item (before the current directory was returned) added to Item: void Item::dir_link(Ezc::FunInfo<HtmlTextStream> & env) added to WinixModel: Dirs * get_dirs(); Mounts * get_mounts(); Users * get_users(); Groups * get_groups(); SLog * get_session_logger(); // not finished yet Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-16 23:42:23 +0200
  • 53fe5c35b9 added .editorconfig file Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-16 18:09:18 +0200
  • f2f2c851df make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-16 18:09:01 +0200
  • 6dddc5e948 renamed: WinixModel -> WinixModelDeprecated (this class will be removed) added: WinixModel (models/winixmodel.h|cpp) - a class inheriting from morm::WinixModel, we have methods such as: get_config(), get_logger(), get_request() and this class will be a base class for our models added: WinixModelConnector (models/winixmodelconnector.h|cpp) - a class inheriting from morm::WinixModelConnector this connector we are using instead of morm::ModelConnector - there are pointers to winix objects there (config, request, log) added to Request: Ezc::Models models removed from TemplatesFunctions: Ezc::Models ezc_models; changed: ImgCrop winix functions is using its own item_tab vector now (not finished yet) added: Item::is(), Item::link(), ItemContent::print_content() Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-16 18:07:44 +0200
  • 9688b1a26a htmx updated to 1.4.1 Tomasz Sowa 2021-06-09 01:56:47 +0200
  • 81df52f6ca make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-31 18:59:49 +0200
  • 6e4f8f5191 start adding support for Models objects from Ezc Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-31 18:59:20 +0200
  • 22de3322ae - added to Request: is_htmx_request (bool) - true if the request is made by htmx library (ajax) - commented out using mount_page_arg_is "subject" and "info" from fun_cat.html and fun_run.html - they will be removed soon - some improvements in fun_reply.html, fun_showthreads.html and fun_thread.html (scrolling) Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-31 10:58:34 +0200
  • e6fae4598c updated to the new pikotools api: [ezc out] and [out] changed to [ezc frame] or just [frame] - when returning json streams changed "out" field to "frames" - renamed config parameter: allow_ezc_out_in_executable_items -> allow_ezc_frames_in_executable_items - added basic support for ajax requests in thread plugin Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-28 18:36:19 +0200
  • ba331dea4a added basic support for htmx (ajax) - if there is HX-Request header present we sent only a part of the whole html - we return only specific stream defined by [out ...] ezc statement - the name of the stream is passed in the 'frame' parameter (if not present then 'content' is assumed) - added ezc function: winix_is_htmx_request Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-27 19:36:04 +0200
  • 1292a56d1b added htmx 1.4.0 loaded by default in html/index_head_adder.html Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-27 13:41:29 +0200
  • 6a452ffed0 version changed to 0.7.3 0.7.3 Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-27 12:21:59 +0200
  • fc24570062 fixed compilation: pikotools is in src subdirectory now Tomek 2021-05-27 12:04:41 +0200
  • aa71abd725 some workarounds in Thread plugin (don't show stale info in html forms) Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-27 10:29:26 +0200
  • fb64f5e456 fixed: reply winix function (from thread plugin) didn't add a reply - system->Add() didn't set the model_connector to the item Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-26 19:55:50 +0200
  • 61fe6ea219 updated to the new api from ezc: changed semantic of [def] and Vars moved outside of Generator Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-23 10:14:08 +0200
  • d30c7254eb updated uikit to 3.6.22 Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-22 13:03:15 +0200
  • 06be33ba5f make depend Tomasz Sowa 2021-05-21 23:06:57 +0200