Commit Graph

10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tomasz Sowa 7902389ef1 changed: in plugin 'menu'
menu_dir_tab ezc functions can be nested now
         (not finished yet)
added:   'meta' winix function
         additional meta information for files and directories
         (not finished yet)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-11-25 04:51:55 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 0550212b64 changed: GroupItem plugin has been renamed to Group
it's nearly finished
         now we are using three levels from Space (ConfParser)
         - group set
         - group
         - values

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-10-16 21:33:45 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 89efaa790f changed: ConfParser -- now we can have a tree (spaces can have more than one level)
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-09-26 05:40:26 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 60f0e62c23 changed: we do not make a 'base redirect' when the request method is POST
changed: ConfParser -- now we have spaces (only one level)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-09-16 22:46:42 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 5b8a9c0108 added: Patterns class (in templates)
ezc patterns are managed by this class
added: some work in groupitem plugin (not finished yet)
changed: ConfParser can read a string from memory now
         (need some testing yet)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-08-25 23:53:49 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa ccc02f41bf added: we can use different redirect codes now
(int Request::redirect_type variable)
       we can set following integer values:
       300 - Multiple Choices
       301 - Moved Permanently
       302 - Found
       307 - Temporary Redirect
       303 - See Other
       default is 303 for all redirects

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-07-07 17:02:14 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8e72a820dd added support for UTF-8
now the UTF-8 is a default charset

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-21 00:19:17 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa eec0ddf466 added: method ConfParser::UseEscapeChar(bool escape)
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-08-16 14:15:37 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 9a199cd834 part II of rewriting
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-08-12 19:10:12 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 217cf1420b the first part of reimplementing has been done
now we have app object and singletons are only: log logn plugin and app

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-08-10 16:12:50 +00:00