Commit Graph

62 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tomasz Sowa 76314aab10 added: possibility to encode the session cookie (added files core/sessionidmanager.h and core/sessionidmanager.cpp)
added: config options:
       // whether or not we should encode the session cookie
       // (we have a special algorithm)
       // default: false
       bool session_cookie_encode;

       // if session_cookie_encode is true then you should provide
       // a file where AES keys will be stored
       std::wstring session_keys_file;

       // each session has an index -- an unsigned int value
       // this value is sent in the cookie string (is encoded)
       // and is incremented when session_index_time_increment time is passed since the last incrementing
       // if a client sent the cookie back the difference between
       // current index and the index in the cookie should be less than or equal to session_allow_index_difference
       // default: 8
       size_t session_allow_index_difference;

       // the time which should pass after the session index is incremented
       // default: 30
       // (session_allow_index_difference + 1) * session_index_time_increment should be less than a time
       // load of a page and all elements on it such as images (of course it depends on client's download too)
       time_t session_index_time_increment;

       // time in seconds after a new AES key pair should be generated
       // we have 256 pairs of keys so this time multiplied by 256 should not be less than
       // the max time of a session (session_remember_max_idle),
       // by default: 256 * 2 days = 512 days = 1.4 year > 3 months (session_remember_max_idle)
       // default: 172800 = 2 days (max: 2678400 = 1 month, min: 10)
       size_t session_key_renew_time;

changed: when printing the time of a request we print only two non-zero digits

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-11-22 15:30:56 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8f8defe0de updated: to the new Ezc API
removed statements: [if-index ...] [is ...] [is-no ...]
added:   generic ezc functions:
         and, any (the same as and), or, one (the same as or), not, cmp, trim
         to_lower, to_upper, index
changed: in misc:
         added treat_new_line_as_white flag to IsWhite() SkipWhite() and TrimWhite()
         TrimWhite(), TrimFirst(), TrimLast(), Trim() are using only wide characters now
         (they were templates before)
         added: IsInt(), IsSize(), IsFloat()
changed: version to 0.6.4

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-11-02 17:47:34 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa db5572e864 removed: svn:executable attribute from files
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-11-01 17:05:20 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8196fb77d1 changed: now we do not use std::string and char* in the Winix API
everywhere we are using std::wstring and wchar_t*
         (std::string and char* is used only locally in some places
         especially when creating a path to OS file system etc.)
added:   to the special thread when winix closes:
         a write function for curl: FetchPageOnExitCurlCallback()
         without this function the curl library will print
         the page's content to the standart output
changed: TextStream<> class from core can make
         UTF8<->wide strings conversions
removed: from config: utf8 option
         now winix expects UTF8 from the user's input (html forms, url-es)
         and outputs strings in the UTF8 format

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-10-09 20:44:56 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 4abf6642f7 setting a Winix Licence: 2 Clause BSD Licence
changed: version to 0.6.2

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-10-04 18:04:03 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa e3284dcfbc fixed: winix incorrectly used config options: upload_dirs_chmod and upload_files_chmod
added: to config: upload_group
       a group name for newly uploaded files (and created necessary directories in the file system)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-09-28 17:30:05 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 7468e7a36c added: namespace Winix over all *.h/*.cpp files
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2014-02-12 16:30:49 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 3af3ac3f6f removed: ezn patterns for rawcontent and ajaxcontent:
index_rawcontent.html, index_ajaxcontent.html
         now we have out_streams in Request and some special
         keyword in ezc templates for sending content to the 
         specified streams
changed: the way how winix answers to the client's browsers:
         info from Request class:
	                                   winix answer send to the client's browser
	                                          depending on send_bin_stream
	                               |                                               |
	                          text answer                                     binary answer
	                               |                                               |
	                   depending on return_json                          sending out_bin_stream
	             |                                  |
	       normal request                     ajax request
	             |                                  |
	   sending out_streams[0]           depending on return_info_only
	                              |                                                    |
	                 generating JSON object from:                   generating JSON object only from info
	                 out_streams and info, e.g.:                    e.g.:
	                 {                                              { info object serialized here }
	                  "stream_1": "some html content",
	                  "stream_2": "some other html content",
	                  "info": { info object serialized here }
	                 note that out_streams[0] is not sent
	                 in JSON answers

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2013-11-14 20:59:23 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 495499d12f added: a new winix function: imgcrop
for cropping images (and thumbnails)  -- crop an image  -- crop an image's thumbnail  -- crop and create a new thumbnail (from an original image) -- show images' list with above options
added: to Image class: some methods for cropping

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2013-03-29 22:03:28 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8d9a021eab changed: when there is reqtype:json parameter and there is not set request.ajax_serializer
then we are using a generic json serializer
changed: we are sending the application/json header when returning an json string
added:   to config: log_server_answer (default false)
         when true we put the whole string (server's answer) to the log file
added:   to Request: use_200_status_for_not_found_and_permission_denied
         if this is true then if the server http code would be 403 or 404
         then we return 200 OK (useful when using ajax)
changed: System::RedirectTo() methods take as the last parameter: use_reqtype
         if this is true (default) then reqtype:type parameter is automatically added to the redirecting path

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2013-03-26 00:04:01 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 9ef3736989 added: to 'ipban' winix function:
possibility to remove a ban (or all bans)
added: to SessionManager: sorting of the ban list (in the second thread)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-10-27 09:03:49 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 099dd55d0c added: IP ban mechanism (not finished yet -- we need a winix function to remove a ban)
now after some incorrent login attempts your IP can be banned or blocked
       (see new config variables)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-10-27 07:44:26 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa dfcf6b29c0 added: to misc:
bool IsWhite(const wchar_t * str, bool treat_new_line_as_white)
       bool IsWhite(const std::wstring & str, bool treat_new_line_as_white)
       return true if the whole string is white (or an empty string)
added: global variable in admin environment for an user: "display_name"
       if defined it is used to display an user's name instead of its login
       it is used in: void print_user_name(Info & i, User & user);
       (tickets, threads, cat function etc)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-09-26 07:18:32 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 9830b0a50f added: to misc: UrlEncode which takes PT::TextStreamBase as an argument
added: to misc: QEncode which takes PT::TextStreamBase as an argument
added: to Locale: methods: IsKey, Get which takes PT::TextStreamBase as an argument

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-07-10 16:50:59 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 0d0f12b394 added: to Requst:
std::wstring * PostVarp(const std::wstring & var);
added: to misc:
       template<class CharType>
       bool Toa(unsigned/signed long/int value, CharType * buffer);
       some Toa methods which don't get the buffer len
       (the buffer has to be sufficient big)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-06-04 17:51:43 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 1b858f5782 removed: dependencies to 'tz' system structure
now we are using PT::Date from pikotools

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-05-26 23:04:49 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 67099d5d06 changed: misc::OnlyDigit()
a comma is changed to a dot

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-05-12 20:30:34 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa baf10a9ba9 added: std::wstring Request::subdomain
support for subdomains

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-04-22 18:23:44 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 0b528c7225 added: to misc:
void OnlyDigit(StringType & s, bool allow_comma = true)
       removes all non-digit characters from a string

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-03-11 16:21:52 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa b7007da5a9 fixed: misc: ValidateEmail() buffer overflow
added: notifications for resetting a user's password
       (there is no a winix function for this yet)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-03-09 22:56:54 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 97c7edafd6 added: to misc:
UrlEncode() for char->wstring
         UrlEncode() for wstring->wstring
removed: Request::redirect_url_encoded flag
         the Request::redirect_to string should always be url-encoded
changed: in UrnEncode()
         now characters like '#' and '/' are not allowed in an url
         (will be url-encoded)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-02-19 00:59:08 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 9d2be5c50d added: to misc:
void MaxSize(StringType & str, size_t max_size)
       if a string is larger than max_size then it is truncated to max_size characters

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2012-02-14 20:35:35 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 39923d6617 fixed: UGContainer<Type> used a std::vector<Type> and when a new item was inserted
then current iterators (and pointers) were invalidated
         now we are using std::vector<Type*>
         this caused some crashes when a new user was added by 'adduser' winix function
added:   plugin 'export' is able to upload files on a remote server now
         (not finished yet)
changed: Thumb class is now called: Image
         and we are able to resize images too
         (some new options in the config and in mount points)
added:   some new plugin messages

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-09-13 06:08:34 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 1812a2e9ad added: new plugin: menu
fixed: System::FollowAllLinks didn't check permissions to a file (only to a simlink or a directory)
added: new ezc function: insert_page
       now we are able to nest pages in pages

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-07-13 23:14:10 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 06f42dd9cb changed: winix 'upload' function is a file manager now
we're using an jquery upload plugin
added:   Item struct has new rows: hash, hash_type, file_size, sort_index
added:   css mount parameter
         you can specify css files there, and javascript wysiwyg editors
         (ckeditor, tinymce) can make use of it
changed: post parsers can parse post variables with the same name
         (a postfix is added in such a case)
added:   common_dir parameter to the config
         this is a path to common directory (directory with common static files)
         it is needed to the 'css' mount parameter

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-06-24 20:53:21 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa c49c35cfbd added: a new mount type: static
some path in winix can be redirected to a specified static directory

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-06-14 23:45:42 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa af8fbdae72 added: now winix will not log post parameters with 'pass' in names (at the beginning)
changed: only first few characters are logged (from POST)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-06-06 22:47:34 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 00521c490e added: Q encoding in misc: QEncode()
for mails headers encoding

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-01-25 11:54:46 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 915cabdf97 changed: added Cur structure
we have there two pointers: 
 Request * request;
 Session * session;
these are the current request and the current session

the session GC was moved to SessionManager (was in SessionContainer)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-01-23 14:15:30 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8154c403d8 we can create links (hard links, symbolic links) now
added winix functions: ln

winix function 'default' can be used without redirecting now

added new tickets types: TypeProgress, TypeString, TypeMultistring, TypeImages, TypeFiles
now tickets are combined with files
added winix functions: showtickets

fixed mountpoints:
when the default root mount was created its parameter table was empty
and it caused accessing to a non-existing objects

fixed logger:
modifiers (log1, log2, log3) were incorrectly treated
added modifier: log4 (debug info)

now we are moving threads to a new plugin 'thread'
created directory: plugins/thread
(not finished yet)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2011-01-05 21:24:11 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 36c8822e6c changed organization of static files
removed: item.auth item.auth_path
added:   item.file_path, item.file_fs, item.file_type
now the path to a static file is a relative path
added: thumbnails (not finished yet)
fixed: db didn't correctly return the number of deleted items /DelItem() method/

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-12-10 21:07:01 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 933c8841ff added: uptime winix function prints how many sessions there are
changed: functions for text/numbers conversions
         int Toi(const std::string & str,  int base = 10);
         int Toi(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10);
         int Toi(const char * str,         int base = 10);
         int Toi(const wchar_t * str,      int base = 10);

         long Tol(const std::string & str,  int base = 10);
         long Tol(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10);
         long Tol(const char * str,         int base = 10);
         long Tol(const wchar_t * str,      int base = 10);

         template<class CharType>
         bool Toa(unsigned long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10);

         template<class CharType>
         bool Toa(long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10);

         template<class CharType>
         bool Toa(unsigned int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10);

         template<class CharType>
         bool Toa(int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10);

         const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned int value,  int base = 10);
         const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned long value, int base = 10);
         const wchar_t * Toa(int value,  int base = 10);
         const wchar_t * Toa(long value, int base = 10);

         void Toa(int  value, std::string & res,  int base = 10, bool clear = true);
         void Toa(long value, std::string & res,  int base = 10, bool clear = true);
         void Toa(int  value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true);
         void Toa(long value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true);

added:   HtmlTextStream class (files htmltextstream.cpp htmltextstream.h in templates)
         this is a special stream for automatically escaping html tags

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-25 01:34:46 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 8e72a820dd added support for UTF-8
now the UTF-8 is a default charset

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-21 00:19:17 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa c48241f78a fixed: there were mktime() used on some dirs Items
so sometimes the time of the dir was changed

now for converting tm into time_t use:
time_t Time(const tm & par);
time_t Time(const tm * par);
tm     Time(time_t par);
from core/misc.h

now winix internally use GMT time
only when printing it is converted to local user time
temporarily all users use the same local time (config: time_zone_offset)
(only logs are genereted with local system time)

added to system:
time_t LocalTime(time_t gmt_time);
tm     LocalTime(const tm * ptm);
tm     LocalTime(const tm & ptm);
they convert GMT time to local user time

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-10-23 23:12:47 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 1b053c03ba added: now plugin ticket uses a new horizontal table (plugins.ticket)
columns: dir_id, param, value
we are able to build complicated tickets 

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-10-19 00:31:20 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 69c634d53f added to core/misc:
bool EqualNoCase(const std::string & str1, const std::string & str2)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-10-01 23:20:03 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 031ace3fe5 changed: the way how plugins work
all your plugin functions can have signature either:
void my_function(PluginInfo & info); or
void my_function();
only the main Init should have:
extern "C" void Init(PluginFunction & info);

added: directory 'plugins' for plugins
added: 'stats' plugin

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-07-27 20:41:56 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 2a26968c6c added: function cp (only for files)
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-06-03 17:38:18 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 612f260938 added function: uname
added function: subject - for changing a subject

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-05-20 18:28:19 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 6fbcffe63b added: to the Item: auth_path - a path to a static file (if auth is different from auth_none)
added: function 'mv' (move)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-03-15 01:47:26 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa ebd868fa33 removed: Done class (core/done.h, core/done.cpp)
removed: from Session: done, done_status, timers

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-28 21:33:06 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 71a63cc70e added: function adduser
changed: errors (removed enum, there are macros now)
added: error messages to locales (winix_err_NN)
removed: templates: err_abuse.html err_others.html

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-28 00:08:10 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 3702efc5be added: parameter 'l' to 'ls' function
added: Db::ItemQuery struct for querying items
changed: some refactoring (renamed some config variables)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-22 22:52:09 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 16e51cd4e5 added: to mount points: file systems
we have two file systems now:
       - simplefs - the files stored on the hard drive have the same structure as in the database (dir1/dir2/file)
       - hashfs - files are stored in special directories
extented: the mountparser can read file system 
added: function download
       this is a default function for items which have static content

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-18 23:30:22 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa fa8d8f9ea0 fixed: Config::Text() returned a reference to a local variable (std::string)
added: 'static' directory with *.css and images
       we have a default layout
moved: locale from data to templates       
       notification templates have its own locale object
added: reload function reloades locale now too
added: 'nice' form of item_info in templates

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-15 00:31:14 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 3c5a7cd664 changed: upload function
select file type by the extension
         param: multi
fixed:   uptime function
         it showed incorrect uptime time (minuts were badly calculated)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-02-12 23:16:13 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 09d427b4ba changed: rename cmslu to winix
changed: html templates are a part of winix now
         and the user can provide special html templates for its site
added:   locales
added:   html templates are using HtmlFilter now (locales)
changed: now we have html templates for each language

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-01-28 15:39:01 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 89daf6489d added: issues ticket system
added functions: ticket, createticket, editticket
         (there is no 'rm' function working for tickets yet)
changed: mount parser and mount points
         now we have more parameters (arguments in parameters)
some refactoring in functions 'emacs' and 'mkdir'

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-01-25 04:52:17 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 59943c87cd added: default values for variables read from the config file
git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-01-07 14:45:00 +00:00
Tomasz Sowa 60fccea703 fixed: dots in url-es (now only one dot is available in the whole name and it cannot be only one dot ".")
added:   cmslu can act as an authorizer (fast cgi authorize role)
added:   Item::static_auth we can have additional static content on the file system
         this content is authorized through cmslu (fastcgi authorizer mode)
changed: some changes in config
changed: the way how the www server is using cmslu
         added new virtuals: static static_auth
changed: cmslu returns correct http headers (200, 404, 403)
changed: in cookie parser: we get the last cookie (if the server has more than one cookie with the same name)

git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2009-12-30 20:46:12 +00:00