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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfile_winix_core_crypt
#define headerfile_winix_core_crypt
#include <string>
#include "run.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "user.h"
the kind of hashes we are able to obtain in winix
#define WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_SHA224 11
#define WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_SHA256 12
#define WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_SHA384 13
#define WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_SHA512 14
calculating hashes, encrypting and decrypting with RSA
class Crypt
void SetConfig(Config * pconfig);
calculating a hash from a given input
hash - the kind of the hash - WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_*
in - input buffer
inlen - the length of the buffer
out - the hash in binary form
bool HashBin(int hash, const char * in, size_t inlen, std::string & out);
bool HashBin(int hash, const char * in, std::string & out);
bool HashBin(int hash, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
calculating a hash from a given input
the input string is first changed to UTF8 and then hash is calculated
hash - the kind of the hash - WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_*
in - input buffer
inlen - the length of the buffer
out - the hash in binary form
bool HashBin(int hash, const wchar_t * in, size_t inlen, std::string & out);
bool HashBin(int hash, const wchar_t * in, std::string & out);
bool HashBin(int hash, const std::wstring & in, std::string & out);
calculating a hash from a given input
hash - the kind of the hash - WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_*
in - input buffer
inlen - the length of the buffer
out - the hash in the hex form (one byte is saved as two hex digits)
bool HashHex(int hash, const char * in, size_t inlen, std::string & out);
bool HashHex(int hash, const char * in, std::string & out);
bool HashHex(int hash, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
calculating a hash from a given input
the input string is first changed to UTF8 and then hash is calculated
hash - the kind of the hash - WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_*
in - input buffer
inlen - the length of the buffer
out - the hash in the hex form (one byte is saved as two hex digits)
the 'out' here is std::wstring (not std::string like beforehand)
bool HashHex(int hash, const wchar_t * in, size_t inlen, std::wstring & out);
bool HashHex(int hash, const wchar_t * in, std::wstring & out);
bool HashHex(int hash, const std::wstring & in, std::wstring & out);
encrypt/decrypt by using RSA algorithm
encrypt - true means encrypting, false means decrypting
keypath - path to a RSA private key (this is a private and public key in one file)
in - input buffer
inlen - the size of the buffer
out - encrypted or decrypted buffer (always binary)
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const char * keypath, const char * in, size_t inlen, std::string & out);
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const char * keypath, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const std::string & keypath, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const wchar_t * keypath, const char * in, size_t inlen, std::string & out);
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const wchar_t * keypath, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
bool RSA(bool encrypt, const std::wstring & keypath, const std::string & in, std::string & out);
this method creates a hash from the given plain text password
salt - salt for the hash
up.pass_type - what kind of hash do you want - look at WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_* macros (in crypt.h)
up.pass - plain text password
if salt is empty then the hash will not be salted
up.pass_type - (can be changed to 0 when there is a problem with generating a hash)
up.pass - hash from the password (or plain text if up.pass_type was zero)
up.pass_hash_salted (true if the hash is salted - when salt was not empty)
if there is a problem with generating a hash the method stores a plain text password
and changes up.pass_type to zero (plain text passwords are not salted)
bool PassHash(const std::wstring & salt, UserPass & up);
this method encrypts the given password
path_to_rsa_private_key - a path to rsa private key (this are a private and public keys both in one file)
up.pass - given password (can be a plain text or a hash)
if path_to_rsa_private_key is empty then the password will not be encrypted
if there is a problem (or the path to the key is empty) then up.pass_encrypted will be empty
and the method returns false
bool PassCrypt(const std::wstring & path_to_rsa_private_key, UserPass & up);
this method creates a hash from the given plain text password and then encrypts it
salt - salt for the hash
path_to_rsa_private_key - a path to rsa private key (this are a private and public keys both in one file)
up.pass_type - what kind of hash do you want - look at WINIX_CRYPT_HASH_* macros (in crypt.h)
up.pass - plain text password
if salt is empty then the hash will not be salted
if path_to_rsa_private_key is empty then the password will not be encrypted
up.pass_type - (can be changed to 0 when there is a problem with generating a hash)
up.pass - hash from the password (or plain text if up.pass_type was zero)
up.pass_hash_salted (true if the hash is salted - when salt was not empty)
up.pass_encrypted - encrypted password (if not empty)
void PassHashCrypt(const std::wstring & salt, const std::wstring & path_to_rsa_private_key, UserPass & up);
this method creates a hash from the given plain text password and then encrypts it
up.pass - plain text password
up.pass_type - what kind of hash there is in up.pass
up.pass - hash from the password (or plain text if up.pass_type is zero)
up.pass_hash_salted - true if the hash is salted (plain text are never salted)
up.pass_encrypted - encrypted password (if not empty)
void PassHashCrypt(UserPass & up);
putting some characters into the string and then calling clear()
template<class StringType>
void ClearString(StringType & str);
Config * config;
Run run;
std::string command, bufina, keypatha;
//std::wstring pass_salted;//, pass_hashed;
//std::string pass_hasheda, pass_encrypteda;
std::wstring pass_salted, pass_org;
std::string passa, out_temp;
std::wstring empty;
template<typename StringType>
void ConvertToHexForm(const std::string & in, StringType & out);
char ConvertToHexForm(int val);
template<typename StringType>
void Crypt::ClearString(StringType & str)
for(size_t i=0 ; i<str.size() ; ++i)
str[i] = 0x0c;
template<typename StringType>
void Crypt::ConvertToHexForm(const std::string & in, StringType & out)
if( in.size() * 2 > out.capacity() )
out.reserve(in.size() * 2);
for(size_t i=0 ; i<in.size() ; ++i)
out += ConvertToHexForm(((unsigned char)in[i]) >> 4);
out += ConvertToHexForm(((unsigned char)in[i]) & 0x0f);