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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfile_winix_db_dbbase
#define headerfile_winix_db_dbbase
#include "dbconn.h"
#include "dbtextstream.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "core/error.h"
#include "space/spaceparser.h"
#include "date/date.h"
class DbBase
void SetConn(DbConn * conn);
void SetConn(DbConn & conn);
DbConn * GetConn();
void LogQueries(bool log_q);
PGresult * AssertQuery(const char * query);
PGresult * AssertQuery(const DbTextStream & query);
PGresult * AssertQuery(const char * q, ExecStatusType t);
PGresult * AssertQuery(const DbTextStream & query, ExecStatusType t);
void AssertResult(PGresult * r, ExecStatusType t);
static int AssertColumn(PGresult * r, const char * column_name);
// static assignments
static const char * AssertValue(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static const std::wstring & AssertValueWide(PGresult * r, int row, int col); // warning: this method uses a static buffer
static void AssertValueWide(PGresult * r, int row, int col, std::wstring & result);
static void AssertValueBin(PGresult * r, int row, int col, std::string & result);
static long AssertValueLong(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static int AssertValueInt(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static bool AssertValueBool(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static unsigned long AssertValueULong(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static unsigned int AssertValueUInt(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
static PT::Date AssertValueDate(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
// non static assignments
bool AssertValueSpace(PGresult * r, int row, int col, PT::Space & space, bool split_single = true);
void ClearResult(PGresult * r);
long AssertCurrval(const char * table);
bool IsNull(PGresult * r, int row, int col);
int Rows(PGresult * r);
int Cols(PGresult * r);
long AffectedRows(PGresult * r);
void CreateIdList(const std::vector<long> & id_tab, std::wstring & list, bool add_parentheses = true);
Error DoCommand(const DbTextStream & command);
Error DoCommand(const char * command);
Error BeginTrans();
Error RollbackTrans();
Error CommitTrans();
Error EndTrans(Error err);
// new API (returns only bool)
bool EndTrans(bool everything_ok);
static void UnescapeBin(const char * str, size_t len, std::string & out, bool clear_out = true);
// a helper method for escaping strings
template<class RawType>
DbTextStream::RawText<RawType> R(const RawType & par)
return DbTextStream::RawText<RawType>(par);
DbConn * db_conn;
bool log_queries;
// static int CharToInt(char c);
// static bool IsCorrectOctalDigit(char c);
// static int UnescapeBin(const char * str, size_t & i, size_t len);
static char UnescapeBinHexToDigit(char hex);
DbTextStream bquery;
PT::SpaceParser conf_parser;