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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "sessionparser.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "misc.h"
bool SessionParser::Parse(const std::string & path, SessionContainer & container)
return Parse(path.c_str(), container);
void SessionParser::SetUsers(Users * pusers)
users = pusers;
bool SessionParser::Parse(const char * path, SessionContainer & container)
container.Clear();, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);
if( !file )
log << log1 << "SP: cannot open the session file for reading (file: '" << path << "')" << logend;
return false;
bool res = Parse(container);
return res;
bool SessionParser::Parse(SessionContainer & container)
file format, each rows:
session_id(long) user_id(long) remember_me(0|1) time(long) last_time(long)
last = file.get();
log << log2 << "SP: reading sessions from the session file" << logend;
while( true )
long id = ReadLong();
if( file.eof() )
long user_id = ReadLong();
MakeSession(id, user_id, container);
log << log2 << "SP: read " << container.Size() << " session(s)" << logend;
return true;
void SessionParser::MakeSession(long id, long user_id, SessionContainer & container)
User * puser = users->GetUser(user_id);
if( !puser )
log << log1 << "SP: there is no a user with id: " << user_id << " (skipped)" << logend;
SessionContainer::Iterator i = container.AddSession(id);
if( i != container.End() )
i->id = id;
i->puser = puser;
i->new_session = true;
i->remember_me = ReadLong();
i->start_time = ReadLong();
i->last_time = ReadLong();
i->start_date = i->start_time;
i->last_date = i->last_time;
// !! IMPROVE ME we do not save last_time_get
log << log2 << "SP: read session id: " << id << " for user: " << puser->name << logend;
log << log1 << "SP: session with id: " << id << " already exists (skipping)" << logend;
bool SessionParser::IsWhite(int c)
if( c==' ' || c=='\t' || c==13 )
return true;
return false;
bool SessionParser::IsDigit(int c)
if( c>='0' && c<='9' )
return true;
return false;
void SessionParser::SkipWhite()
while( IsWhite(last) )
last = file.get();
void SessionParser::SkipLine()
while( last != 10 )
last = file.get();
last = file.get(); // first character from the new line
long SessionParser::ReadLong()
long res = 0;
bool is_sign = false;
if( last == '-' )
is_sign = true;
last = file.get();
while( IsDigit(last) )
res = res*10 + (last-'0');
last = file.get();
if( is_sign )
res = -res;
return res;