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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "dirs.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "log.h"
void Dirs::SetDb(Db * pdb)
db = pdb;
void Dirs::SetCur(Cur * pcur)
cur = pcur;
void Dirs::SetNotify(Notify * pnotify)
notify = pnotify;
void Dirs::Clear()
bool Dirs::HasReadExecAccessForRoot(const Item & item)
// there must be at least one 'x' (for the root)
return (item.privileges & 01111) != 0;
void Dirs::CheckRootDir()
DirContainer::Iterator i = dir_tab.GetRoot();
if( i != dir_tab.End() )
if( !HasReadExecAccessForRoot(*i) )
i->privileges = 07555;
log << log1 << "Dirs: there is no access for a root (admin) to the root dir, setting 07555 for the root directory" << logend;
db->EditPrivById(*i, i->id);
log << log1 << "Dirs: there is no a root directory in the database (creating one)" << logend;
Item root;
root.type = Item::dir;
root.parent_id = -1;
root.user_id = -1;
root.group_id = -1;
root.privileges = 07555;
// !! upewnic sie ze baza nie zmieni url (gdyby wczesniej juz byl w bazie pusty url)
// !! zrobic jakis wyjatek do wprowadzania roota?
if( db->AddItem(root) == WINIX_ERR_OK )
void Dirs::ReadDirs()
bool Dirs::ExtractName(const wchar_t * & s, std::wstring & name)
// skipping first slashes (can be more than one)
for( ; *s == '/' ; ++s);
for( ; *s != 0 && *s != '/' ; ++s)
name += *s;
return !name.empty();
bool Dirs::IsDir(long id)
DirContainer::Iterator i = dir_tab.FindId(id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() )
return false;
return true;
// !! dac clearowanie childs_tab
// !! ewentualnie mozna dodac trzeci domyslny parametr bool clear_tab = true
bool Dirs::GetDirChilds(long parent, std::vector<Item*> & childs_tab)
if( parent != -1 && !IsDir(parent) )
return false;
DirContainer::ParentIterator i = dir_tab.FindFirstChild(parent);
for( ; i != dir_tab.ParentEnd() ; i = dir_tab.NextChild(i) )
childs_tab.push_back( &(*i->second) );
return true;
DirContainer::ParentIterator Dirs::FindFirstChild(long parent_id)
DirContainer::ParentIterator i = dir_tab.FindFirstChild(parent_id);
return i;
DirContainer::ParentIterator Dirs::NextChild(DirContainer::ParentIterator i)
return dir_tab.NextChild(i);
DirContainer::ParentIterator Dirs::ParentEnd()
return dir_tab.ParentEnd();
// !! dodatkowo moze metoda AppendPath dodajaca sciezke do biezacego stringa?
// albo tutaj stringa nie czyscic?
// O(m * log n) (m- how many parts are in 'id')
// path with a slash at the end and at the beginning
bool Dirs::MakePath(long id, std::wstring & path, bool clear_path)
DirContainer::Iterator i;
if( clear_path )
temp_path = '/';
while( true )
i = dir_tab.FindId(id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() ||
i->parent_id == id ) // means a loop (something wrong in the db)
// we don't change path if there is no such a directory
return false;
if( i->parent_id == -1 )
path += temp_path;
return true;
id = i->parent_id;
temp_path.insert(0, i->url);
temp_path.insert(temp_path.begin(), '/');
void Dirs::MakePath(const std::vector<Item*> dir_tab, std::wstring & path, bool clear_path)
if( clear_path )
for(size_t i=0 ; i<dir_tab.size() ; ++i)
path += dir_tab[i]->url;
path += '/';
size_t Dirs::DirLevel(long id)
DirContainer::Iterator i;
size_t level = 0;
while( true )
i = dir_tab.FindId(id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() ||
i->parent_id == id ) // means a loop (something wrong in the db)
return level;
if( i->parent_id == -1 )
return level;
id = i->parent_id;
level += 1;
bool Dirs::IsChild(long parent_id, long child_id)
if( child_id == parent_id )
return false;
DirContainer::Iterator i;
while( child_id != -1 )
i = dir_tab.FindId(child_id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() )
return false;
if( i->parent_id == parent_id )
return true;
child_id = i->parent_id;
return false;
bool Dirs::ChangeParent(long dir_id, long new_parent_id)
return dir_tab.ChangeParent(dir_id, new_parent_id);
checking whether dir_id has a parent parent_id (somewhere in the path)
bool Dirs::HasParent(long dir_id, long parent_id)
DirContainer::Iterator i;
while( true )
i = dir_tab.FindId(dir_id);
if( i==dir_tab.End() || i->parent_id==-1 )
return false;
if( i->parent_id == parent_id )
return true;
dir_id = i->parent_id;
bool Dirs::CreateDirTab(long dir_id, std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab)
DirContainer::Iterator i;
i = dir_tab.FindId(dir_id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() )
return false;
if( out_dir_tab.empty() )
out_dir_tab.insert(out_dir_tab.end(), &(*i)); // !! I am not sure whether begin() can be used on an empty container
out_dir_tab.insert(out_dir_tab.begin(), &(*i));
dir_id = i->parent_id;
while( dir_id != -1 );
return true;
Item * Dirs::GetRootDir()
DirContainer::Iterator root = dir_tab.GetRoot();
if( root == dir_tab.End() )
return 0;
return &(*root);
Item * Dirs::GetEtcDir()
DirContainer::Iterator etc = dir_tab.GetEtc();
if( etc == dir_tab.End() )
return 0;
return &(*etc);
Item * Dirs::GetVarDir()
DirContainer::Iterator etc = dir_tab.GetVar();
if( etc == dir_tab.End() )
return 0;
return &(*etc);
Item * Dirs::GetDir(const std::wstring & name, long parent)
DirContainer::ParentIterator i = dir_tab.FindFirstChild(parent);
for( ; i!=dir_tab.ParentEnd() ; i = dir_tab.NextChild(i) )
if( i->second->url == name )
return &(*i->second);
return 0;
Item * Dirs::GetDir(const std::wstring & path)
if( path.empty() )
return 0;
DirContainer::Iterator root = dir_tab.GetRoot();
if( root == dir_tab.End() )
// ops, we do not have a root dir
return 0;
Item * pitem = &(*root);
const wchar_t * s = path.c_str();
while( ExtractName(s, get_dir_temp) )
pitem = GetDir(get_dir_temp, pitem->id);
if( !pitem )
return 0;
return pitem;
Item * Dirs::GetDir(long id)
DirContainer::Iterator i = dir_tab.FindId(id);
if( i == dir_tab.End() )
return 0;
return &(*i);
Item * Dirs::AddDir(const Item & item)
return &(*dir_tab.PushBack(item));
size_t Dirs::AnalyzeDir(Item * pdir, const std::wstring & path, long & dir_id, std::wstring & dir)
size_t i = 0;
size_t old_i;
while( true )
dir_id = pdir->id;
// skipping slashes
for( ; i<path.size() && path[i] == '/' ; ++i );
if( i == path.size() )
return i; // end of the path
// creating a name
old_i = i;
for( ; i<path.size() && path[i] != '/' ; ++i)
analyze_temp += path[i];
pdir = GetDir(analyze_temp, pdir->id);
if( !pdir )
return old_i; // analyze_temp is not a directory
dir += analyze_temp;
dir += '/';
the path should begin with a slash
return values:
0 - directory exists
dir_id - id of the directory
dir - the path to the directory (with a slash at the end)
file - if not empty means a file name (we don't check if the file really exists)
1 - there is not a root dir
2 - the path is empty
3 - there is not such a directory
int Dirs::AnalyzePath(const std::wstring & path, long & dir_id, std::wstring & dir, std::wstring & file)
Item * pdir = GetRootDir();
dir = '/';
if( !pdir )
return 1;
if( path.empty() )
return 2;
if( path[0] != '/' )
return 3;
size_t i = AnalyzeDir(pdir, path, dir_id, dir);
if( i < path.size() )
// checking if at least one slash has left
for(size_t a=i ; a < path.size() ; ++a)
if( path[a] == '/' )
return 3; // there is not such a directory
// the rest of the path is a file name
file = path.c_str() + i;
return 0;
// current_dir_tab can be the same container as out_dir_tab
void Dirs::CopyDirTab(const std::vector<Item*> & in, std::vector<Item*> & out)
if( &in != &out )
for(size_t i=0 ; i<in.size() ; ++i)
out[i] = in[i];
bool Dirs::AnalyzeDir(std::vector<Item*> & dir_tab, const std::wstring & link_to, size_t & i)
size_t old_i;
i = 0;
if( dir_tab.empty() )
return false;
while( true )
// skipping slashes
for( ; i<link_to.size() && link_to[i] == '/' ; ++i);
if( i == link_to.size() )
return true; // end of the path
// creating a name
old_i = i;
for( ; i<link_to.size() && link_to[i] != '/' ; ++i)
analyze_temp += link_to[i];
if( analyze_temp == L".." )
if( dir_tab.size() <= 1 )
return false;
if( analyze_temp != L"." )
Item * pdir = GetDir(analyze_temp, dir_tab.back()->id);
if( !pdir )
i = old_i;
return true; // analyze_temp is not a directory
int Dirs::FollowLink(std::vector<Item*> & dir_tab, const std::wstring & link_to, std::wstring & out_item)
size_t i;
if( !AnalyzeDir(dir_tab, link_to, i) )
return 2; // incorrect link_to
if( i < link_to.size() )
// checking if at least one slash has left
for(size_t a=i ; a < link_to.size() ; ++a)
if( link_to[a] == '/' )
return 2; // there is not such a directory
// the rest of the path is a file name
out_item = link_to.c_str() + i;
return 1;
return 0;
return codes:
0 - the link_to is a path to a directory (out_item skipped, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
1 - the link_to is a path to a file (out_item is used, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
2 - incorrect link_to
3 - there is not a root dir
4 - current_dir_tab was empty
current_dir_tab can be the same container as out_dir_tab
link_to can be a relative path (without the first slash) and can contain ".." or "."
int Dirs::FollowLink(const std::vector<Item*> & current_dir_tab, const std::wstring & link_to,
std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab, std::wstring & out_item)
temp_link_to = link_to; // link_to can be from the out_item and would be cleared next
if( current_dir_tab.empty() )
return 4;
if( temp_link_to.empty() )
CopyDirTab(current_dir_tab, out_dir_tab);
return 0;
if( temp_link_to[0] == '/' )
// temp_link_to is an absolute path
Item * pdir = GetRootDir();
if( !pdir )
return 3;
// temp_link_to is a relative path
CopyDirTab(current_dir_tab, out_dir_tab);
return FollowLink(out_dir_tab, temp_link_to, out_item);
void Dirs::SplitPath(const std::wstring & path, std::wstring & dir, std::wstring & file)
std::wstring::size_type i;
if( path.empty() )
// !! moze dir ustawic na '/' ?
for( i=path.size()-1 ; i>0 && path[i]!='/' ; --i);
if( path[i] != '/' )
// we do not have any slashes '/'
file = path;
dir.assign(path, 0, i + 1); // +1 means with a slash at the end
if( i < path.size() - 1 )
file.assign(path, i+1, path.size() - i - 1);
// !! dodac kasowanie z bazy
bool Dirs::DelDir(long dir_id)
return dir_tab.DelById(dir_id);
Error Dirs::AddDirectory(Item & item, bool add_to_dir_tab, Item ** pdir, int notify_code)
if( pdir )
*pdir = 0;
if( item.type != Item::dir )
Error status = db->AddItem(item);
if( status == WINIX_ERR_OK )
Item * d = AddDir(item);
if( add_to_dir_tab && !cur->request->dir_tab.empty() && cur->request->dir_tab.back()->id == item.parent_id )
if( pdir )
*pdir = d;
if( notify_code )
notify->ItemChanged(notify_code, item);
return status;
Item * Dirs::CreateVarDir()
Item * var = GetVarDir();
if( var )
return var;
Item v;
Item * root = GetRootDir();
if( root )
v.parent_id = root->id;
v.user_id = root->user_id;
v.group_id = root->group_id;
v.privileges = root->privileges;
v.subject = L"var";
v.url = L"var";
v.type = Item::dir;
AddDirectory(v, false, &var);
return var;
// printing first and last slash
void Dirs::LogDir(const std::vector<Item*> & dir_tab)
log << '/';
// skipping the first (root) directory
for(size_t i=1 ; i<dir_tab.size() ; ++i)
log << dir_tab[i]->url << '/';