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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfilecmslucoresessioncontainer
#define headerfilecmslucoresessioncontainer
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <ctime>
#include "session.h"
#include "lastcontainer.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "basethread.h"
#include "config.h"
class SessionContainer : public BaseThread
// when deleting Sessions you should set request.session into the session object
// this allows to delete plugins session data
// because a session object has plugin_data object
// and in its destructor the plugin.Call(WINIX_SESSION_REMOVE) is called
typedef std::list<Session> Table;
typedef Table::iterator Iterator;
typedef std::map<long, Iterator> IndexId;
void SetRequest(Request * prequest);
void SetConfig(Config * pconfig);
void SetLastContainer(LastContainer * plast_container);
void Clear();
size_t Size();
Iterator Begin();
Iterator End();
Session & Back();
bool PushBack(const Session & session);
Iterator FindById(long);
LastContainer * last_container;
Table table;
IndexId index_id;
Request * request;
Config * config;
//void DelFromIdIndex(Iterator iter);
virtual void Work();
bool IsSessionOutdated(const Session & s) const;
void DeleteSession(IndexId::iterator i);
added: uptime winix function prints how many sessions there are changed: functions for text/numbers conversions int Toi(const std::string & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const char * str, int base = 10); int Toi(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::string & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const char * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned long value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(long value, int base = 10); void Toa(int value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(int value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); added: HtmlTextStream class (files htmltextstream.cpp htmltextstream.h in templates) this is a special stream for automatically escaping html tags git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-25 02:34:46 +01:00
// in FreeBSD implementation (GCC) list::size() has linear complexity
// so we use our own table_size with O(1)
size_t table_size;