
1076 lines
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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#include "system.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "templates/templates.h"
#include "functions/functionbase.h"
#include "plugin.h"
void System::SetCur(Cur * pcur)
cur = pcur;
void System::SetConfig(Config * pconfig)
config = pconfig;
void System::SetDb(Db * pdb)
db = pdb;
void System::SetSynchro(Synchro * psynchro)
synchro = psynchro;
void System::Init()
groups.ReadGroups(db); // !! chwilowe przekazanie argumentu, db bedzie zmienione
void System::PutUrlProto(bool can_use_ssl, std::wstring & str, bool clear_str)
bool ssl = false;
if( clear_str )
if( can_use_ssl )
if( !config->use_ssl_only_for_logged_users || cur->session->puser )
str += config->url_ssl_proto;
ssl = true;
if( !ssl )
str += config->url_proto;
// !! mozna zrobic jakas obsluge kiedy nie mozemy sie redirectnac, np gdy wystapil blad
// !! moze zwracac jakas wartosc?
void System::RedirectTo(const Item & item, const wchar_t * postfix)
PutUrlProto(config->use_ssl, cur->request->redirect_to);
cur->request->redirect_to += config->base_url;
if( item.type == Item::dir )
// item_id is pointing to a directory
dirs.MakePath(, cur->request->redirect_to, false);
// item_id is pointing to a file or a symlink
if( dirs.MakePath(item.parent_id, cur->request->redirect_to, false) )
cur->request->redirect_to += item.url;
if( postfix )
cur->request->redirect_to += postfix;
void System::RedirectTo(long item_id, const wchar_t * postfix)
PutUrlProto(config->use_ssl, cur->request->redirect_to);
cur->request->redirect_to += config->base_url;
Item * pdir = dirs.GetDir(item_id);
if( pdir )
// item_id is pointing to a directory
dirs.MakePath(pdir->id, cur->request->redirect_to, false);
// item_id is pointing to a file
DbItemQuery iq;
iq.sel_parent_id = true;
iq.sel_url = true;
if( db->GetItem(item_temp, iq) == WINIX_ERR_OK )
if( dirs.MakePath(item_temp.parent_id, cur->request->redirect_to, false) )
cur->request->redirect_to += item_temp.url;
log << log1 << "System: can't redirect: no such item: id: " << item_id << logend;
if( postfix )
cur->request->redirect_to += postfix;
void System::RedirectTo(const std::wstring & url)
PutUrlProto(config->use_ssl, cur->request->redirect_to);
cur->request->redirect_to += config->base_url;
if( !url.empty() && url[0] == '/' )
// absolute path
cur->request->redirect_to += url;
// relative path
if( !cur->request->dir_tab.empty() )
if( dirs.MakePath(cur->request->dir_tab.back()->id, cur->request->redirect_to, false) )
cur->request->redirect_to += url;
cur->request->redirect_to += '/';
cur->request->redirect_to += url;
void System::AddParams(const ParamTab & param_tab, std::wstring & str, bool clear_str)
if( clear_str )
for(size_t i=0 ; i<param_tab.size() ; ++i)
str += '/';
str += param_tab[i].name;
if( !param_tab[i].value.empty() )
str += ':';
str += param_tab[i].value;
void System::RedirectWithFunctionAndParamsTo(const std::wstring & url)
if( !cur->request->function )
cur->request->redirect_to += '/';
cur->request->redirect_to += cur->request->function->fun.url;
AddParams(cur->request->param_tab, cur->request->redirect_to, false);
void System::RedirectToLastDir()
if( !cur->request->dir_tab.empty() )
RedirectTo( *cur->request->dir_tab.back() );
void System::RedirectToLastItem()
if( cur->request->last_item )
RedirectTo( *cur->request->last_item );
bool System::CanChangeUser(const Item & item, long new_user_id)
if( !cur->session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
// !! przeciez to prosciej mozna zapisac
// albo dac od razu return false
if( item.user_id != new_user_id )
// only super user can change the owner of an item
return false;
return true;
bool System::CanChangeGroup(const Item & item, long new_group_id)
if( !cur->session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( item.group_id != new_group_id )
// user is allowed to change the group only if he is an owner of the item
// he can change only into a group in which he is a member of, or into a 'no_group'
if( !cur->session->puser )
return false;
if( cur->session->puser->id != item.user_id )
return false;
if( new_group_id == -1 )
return true;
if( !cur->session->puser->IsMemberOf(new_group_id) )
return false;
// is logged, is the owner of the item, is the member of the new group
return true;
bool System::CanChangePrivileges(const Item & item, int new_priv)
if( !cur->session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( item.privileges != new_priv )
// the owner of an item is allowed to change the privileges
if( !cur->session->puser )
return false;
if( cur->session->puser->id != item.user_id )
return false;
return true;
bool System::HasAccess(const Item & item, int mask)
if( !cur->session )
// session must be set
return false;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->super_user )
// super user is allowed everything
return true;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->id == item.user_id )
// the owner
return ((item.privileges >> 6) & mask) == mask;
if( cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->IsMemberOf(item.group_id) )
// group
return ((item.privileges >> 3) & mask) == mask;
// others
return (item.privileges & mask) == mask;
bool System::HasReadAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 4);
bool System::HasWriteAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 2);
bool System::HasReadWriteAccess(const Item & item)
return HasAccess(item, 6); // r+w
bool System::HasReadExecAccess(const Item & item)
if( cur->session && cur->session->puser && cur->session->puser->super_user )
// there must be at least one 'x' (for the root)
return (item.privileges & 0111) != 0;
return HasAccess(item, 5); // r+x
bool System::HasReadExecAccessToPath(long dir_id)
while( true )
Item * pdir = dirs.GetDir(dir_id);
if( !pdir )
return false;
if( !HasReadExecAccess(*pdir) )
return false;
dir_id = pdir->parent_id;
if( dir_id == -1 )
return true;
bool System::HasReadExecAccessToPath(const std::vector<Item*> & dir_tab)
for(size_t i=0 ; i < dir_tab.size() ; ++i)
if( !HasReadExecAccess(*dir_tab[i]) )
return false;
return true;
bool System::DirsHaveReadExecPerm()
return HasReadExecAccessToPath(cur->request->dir_tab);
// if we don't have access we only remove the item from the table
// !! moze zamienic nazwe na CheckReadAccessToItems ?
void System::CheckAccessToItems(std::vector<Item> & item_tab)
size_t i = 0;
while( i < item_tab.size() )
if( !HasReadAccess(item_tab[i]) )
item_tab.erase(item_tab.begin() + i);
i += 1;
void System::CheckWriteAccessToItems(std::vector<Item> & item_tab)
size_t i = 0;
while( i < item_tab.size() )
if( !HasWriteAccess(item_tab[i]) )
item_tab.erase(item_tab.begin() + i);
i += 1;
bool System::CanUseHtml(long user_id)
return IsMemberOfGroup(user_id, L"allow_html");
bool System::CanUseBBCode(long user_id)
// logged users can use bbcode
return (user_id != -1);
bool System::CanUseRaw(long user_id)
return IsMemberOfGroup(user_id, L"allow_raw");
bool System::IsMemberOfGroup(long user_id, const wchar_t * group_name)
User * puser = users.GetUser(user_id);
if( !puser )
return false;
if( puser->super_user )
return true; // !! ?? zakladamy ze administrator jest czlonkiem wszystkich grup? dlaczego?
long group = groups.GetGroupId(group_name);
if( group == -1 )
// there is no such a group
return false;
return puser->IsMemberOf(group);
// the path depends on parent_id
bool System::CreateNewFileSimpleFs(Item & item)
bool res = dirs.MakePath(item.parent_id, item.file_path);
if( res )
if( !item.file_path.empty() && item.file_path[0] == '/' )
item.file_path.erase(0, 1);
log << log1 << "System: CreateNewFileSimpleFs: can't create a path to " <<
<< ", item.parent_id: " << item.parent_id << logend;
return res;
// the path depends on id
bool System::CreateNewFileHashFs(Item & item)
wchar_t buffer[50];
wchar_t * hash = buffer;
size_t buffer_len = sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(wchar_t);
// get 'id' as hexadecimal
buffer[0] = '0';
swprintf(buffer+1, buffer_len, L"%lx", (unsigned long);
// make sure that the length is even
if( (wcslen(hash) & 1) != 0 )
hash = buffer + 1; // the first character was zero
for(size_t i=0 ; hash[i] != 0 ; i+=2)
item.file_path += hash[i];
item.file_path += hash[i+1];
if( hash[i+2] != 0 )
item.file_path += '/';
// one character more to make sure the path is unique
// (we can have a directory without the character)
item.file_path += '_';
return true;
// creating item.file_path and item.file_fs
// you should set file_type yourself
// this method uses:, item.url, item.parent_id (for selecting a mountpoint)
bool System::CreateNewFile(Item & item)
bool res;
if( item.type != Item::file )
log << log1 << "System: CreateNewFile: the item should be a file" << logend;
return false;
Mount * pmount = mounts.CalcMount(item.parent_id);
if( !pmount || pmount->fs != mounts.MountFsHashfs() )
res = CreateNewFileSimpleFs(item);
item.file_fs = mounts.MountFsSimplefs();
res = CreateNewFileHashFs(item);
item.file_fs = mounts.MountFsHashfs();
if( res )
item.file_path += item.url;
return res;
// making a global file path (in the unix file system)
// you should call CreateNewFile before
bool System::MakeFilePath(const Item & item, std::wstring & path, bool thumb, bool create_dir, int chmod)
if( config->upload_dir.empty() )
log << log1 << "System: MakePath: upload_dir is not set in the config file" << logend;
return false;
if( item.file_path.empty() || item.file_type == WINIX_ITEM_FILETYPE_NONE )
log << log1 << "System: MakePath: this item has not a static file" << logend;
return false;
path = config->upload_dir;
if( item.file_fs == mounts.MountFsHashfs() )
path += L"/hashfs";
path += L"/simplefs";
if( thumb )
path += L"/thumb";
path += L"/normal";
if( create_dir && !CreateDirs(path, item.file_path, chmod, true) )
return false;
path += '/';
path += item.file_path;
return true;
// item can be a directory, file or a symlink
// if item is a directory then the path will be with a slash at the end
bool System::MakePath(const Item & item, std::wstring & path, bool clear_path)
bool res;
if( clear_path )
if( item.type == Item::dir )
res = dirs.MakePath(, path);
res = dirs.MakePath(item.parent_id, path);
if( res )
path += item.url;
return res;
Error System::AddFile(Item & item, int notify_code)
if( item.type != Item::file )
Error status = db->AddItem(item);
if( status == WINIX_ERR_OK )
log << log2 << "System: added a new file, url: " << item.url << ", id: " <<
<< ", parent_id: " << item.parent_id << logend;
if( notify_code )
notify.ItemChanged(notify_code, item);
plugin.Call(WINIX_FILE_ADDED, &item);
return status;
Error System::EditFile(Item & item, bool with_url, int notify_code)
if( item.type != Item::file )
if( cur->session && cur->session->puser )
cur->request->item.modification_user_id = cur->session->puser->id;
cur->request->item.modification_user_id = -1;
Error status = db->EditItemById(item, with_url);
if( status == WINIX_ERR_OK )
log << log2 << "System: modified an item" << logend;
if( notify_code )
notify.ItemChanged(notify_code, item);
plugin.Call(WINIX_FILE_CHANGED, &item);
return status;
time_t System::LocalTime(time_t gmt_time)
int time_offset;
if( cur->session && cur->session->puser )
time_offset = cur->session->puser->time_zone_offset;
time_offset = config->time_zone_offset_guest;
return gmt_time + (time_t)time_offset;
tm System::LocalTime(const tm * ptm)
time_t t;
tm rtm;
t = Time(ptm);
t = LocalTime(t);
rtm = Time(t);
return rtm;
tm System::LocalTime(const tm & ptm)
return LocalTime(&ptm);
return codes:
0 - the link_to is a path to a directory (out_item skipped, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
1 - the link_to is a path to a file or a symlink (out_item is used, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
2 - incorrect link_to
3 - there is not a root dir
4 - current_dir_tab was empty
current_dir_tab can be the same container as out_dir_tab
link_to can be a relative path (without the first slash)
int System::FollowLink(const std::vector<Item*> & current_dir_tab, const std::wstring & link_to,
std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab, Item & out_item)
link_to_temp = link_to; // copy the link because it can be from out_item (and will be cleared)
int res = dirs.FollowLink(current_dir_tab, link_to_temp, out_dir_tab, name_temp);
if( res == 1 )
if( db->GetItem(out_dir_tab.back()->id, name_temp, out_item) == WINIX_ERR_OK )
return 1;
return 2;
return res;
bool System::FollowAllLinksDirFound(std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab,
bool follow_dir_default, bool stop_on_link_redirect, bool check_access)
log << log3 << "System: link to a directory: ";
log << logend;
if( check_access && !HasReadExecAccessToPath(out_dir_tab) )
log << log1 << "System: no access to the directory structure" << logend;
return false;
if( !out_dir_tab.back()->link_to.empty() )
if( follow_dir_default )
if( !(stop_on_link_redirect && out_dir_tab.back()->link_redirect==1) )
link_to_temp = out_dir_tab.back()->link_to;
return true;
bool System::FollowAllLinksFileOrSymlinkFound(std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab, Item & out_item,
bool stop_on_link_redirect, bool check_access)
if( out_item.type == Item::symlink )
log << log3 << "System: link to a symlink: ";
log << log3 << "System: link to a file: ";
log << out_item.url << logend;
if( check_access && !HasReadExecAccessToPath(out_dir_tab) )
log << log1 << "System: no access to the directory structure" << logend;
return false;
if( check_access && !HasReadAccess(out_item) )
log << log1 << "System: no read access to the file or symlink" << logend;
return false;
if( out_item.type == Item::symlink )
if( out_item.link_to.empty() )
log << log1 << "System: symlink empty" << logend;
return false;
if( !(stop_on_link_redirect && out_item.link_redirect==1) )
link_to_temp = out_item.link_to;
return true;
return codes:
0 - the link_to is a path to a directory (out_item skipped, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
1 - the link_to is a path to a file (out_item is used, out_dir_tab will not be empty)
(link_to can be a path to a symlink if stop_on_link_redirect is true)
2 - incorrect link_to
3 - there is not a root dir
4 - current_dir_tab was empty
5 - limit of symlinks exceeded
6 - permission denied to a file/symlink or a directory (or a symlink is empty)
current_dir_tab can be the same container as out_dir_tab
link_to can be a relative path (without the first slash)
if follow_dir_default is true then directories with 'default' flags are followed as well
if stop_on_link_redirect is true then the method stops on a symbolic link (or a directory
with 'default' flag set) where the redirection should be done, you should check then whether
the out_item.back()->link_to is not empty (if the result was 0 ) or
whether out_item.type is symlink (if the result was 1)
to make the redirection
int System::FollowAllLinks(const std::vector<Item*> & current_dir_tab, const std::wstring & link_to,
std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab, Item & out_item,
bool follow_dir_default, bool stop_on_link_redirect, bool check_access)
int res;
size_t level = 0;
link_to_temp = link_to;
if( current_dir_tab.empty() )
return 4;
if( ++level > config->symlinks_follow_max )
log << log1 << "System: the number of maximum symlinks exceeded ("
<< config->symlinks_follow_max << ")" << logend;
res = 5;
res = FollowLink(current_dir_tab, link_to_temp, out_dir_tab, out_item);
if( res == 0 )
res = FollowAllLinksDirFound(out_dir_tab, follow_dir_default, stop_on_link_redirect, check_access) ? 0 : 6;
if( res == 1 )
res = FollowAllLinksFileOrSymlinkFound(out_dir_tab, out_item, stop_on_link_redirect, check_access) ? 1 : 6;
log << log2 << "System: incorrect link: " << link_to << logend;
while( !link_to_temp.empty() );
return res;
// the same as FollowAllLinks but starts from the root directory
// link_to must begin with a slash (or can be empty then the root directory is returned)
int System::FollowAllLinks(const std::wstring & link_to,
std::vector<Item*> & out_dir_tab, Item & out_item,
bool follow_dir_default, bool stop_on_link_redirect, bool check_access)
if( !link_to.empty() && link_to[0] != '/' )
return 2;
if( root_follow_dir_tab.size() != 1 )
Item * root_dir = dirs.GetRootDir();
if( !root_dir )
return 3;
root_follow_dir_tab[0] = root_dir;
return FollowAllLinks(root_follow_dir_tab, link_to,
out_dir_tab, out_item, follow_dir_default, stop_on_link_redirect, check_access);
// the same as FollowAllLinks but operates on cur->request->dir_tab and cur->request->item
// and returns bool
// the method is making a redirection if needed
bool System::FollowAllLinks(const std::wstring & link_to,
bool follow_dir_default, bool stop_on_link_redirect, bool check_access)
int res = FollowAllLinks(cur->request->dir_tab, link_to, temp_follow_dir_tab, temp_follow_item,
follow_dir_default, stop_on_link_redirect, check_access);
bool ok = (res == 0 || res == 1);
if( ok )
cur->request->dir_tab = temp_follow_dir_tab;
if( res == 0 )
cur->request->is_item = false;
cur->request->last_item = cur->request->dir_tab.back();
if( !cur->request->dir_tab.back()->link_to.empty() )
log << log3 << "System: current directory changed" << logend;
cur->request->is_item = true;
cur->request->item = temp_follow_item;
cur->request->last_item = &cur->request->item;
if( cur->request->item.type == Item::symlink )
RedirectTo(cur->request->item.link_to); // cur->request->item.link_to is not empty
log << log3 << "System: current directory changed and the new file loaded" << logend;
if( res == 5 || res == 6 )
cur->request->status = WINIX_ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED;
cur->request->status = WINIX_ERR_NO_ITEM;
return ok;
adding a new file to winix
file_path - a name of a static file (from common directory)
url - url of a file which will be inserted (in /var directory)
current limitation:
warning: the url is not prepared by PrepareUrl() (PrepareUrl is from functions)
bool System::AddCommonFileToVar(const wchar_t * file_path, const wchar_t * url, bool overwrite_existing)
if( config->common_dir.empty() )
log << log1 << "System: can't open a file from common directory, common_dir not set in the config" << logend;
return false;
file_name = config->common_dir;
file_name += '/';
file_name += file_path;
if( !GetUTF8File(file_name, file_content) )
log << log1 << "System: can't open a file: " << file_name << logend;
return false;
Item * var = dirs.CreateVarDir();
if( !var )
log << log1 << "System: can't create /var directory" << logend;
return false;
if( db->GetItem(var->id, url, file_content_item) == WINIX_ERR_OK )
if( overwrite_existing )
return true;
file_content_item.parent_id = var->id;
file_content_item.user_id = -1;
file_content_item.group_id = -1;
file_content_item.privileges = 0755;
file_content_item.subject = url;
file_content_item.url = url;
file_content_item.type = Item::file;
file_content_item.content_type = Item::ct_raw;
file_content_item.content = file_content;
return AddFile(file_content_item, false) == WINIX_ERR_OK;