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* This file is a part of Winix
* and is not publicly distributed
* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef headerfile_winix_core_sessionmanager
#define headerfile_winix_core_sessionmanager
#include <set>
#include <ctime>
#include "sessioncontainer.h"
#include "ipbancontainer.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "lastcontainer.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "synchro.h"
#include "basethread.h"
class SessionManager : public BaseThread
void SetCur(Cur * pcur);
void SetConfig(Config * pconfig);
void SetSystem(System * psystem);
void SetLastContainer(LastContainer * plast_container);
// can return a null pointer
Session * FindSession(long id);
void SetSession();
void DeleteSessions(); // deleting all sessions
bool ChangeSessionId(long old_id);
void InitBanList();
void InitTmpSession();
void UninitTmpSession();
Session * GetTmpSession();
Session * GetCurSession();
void LoadSessions();
void SaveSessions();
SessionContainer::Iterator SessionBegin();
SessionContainer::Iterator SessionEnd();
added: uptime winix function prints how many sessions there are changed: functions for text/numbers conversions int Toi(const std::string & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); int Toi(const char * str, int base = 10); int Toi(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::string & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const std::wstring & str, int base = 10); long Tol(const char * str, int base = 10); long Tol(const wchar_t * str, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(long value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(unsigned int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); template<class CharType> bool Toa(int value, CharType * buffer, size_t buf_len, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(unsigned long value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(int value, int base = 10); const wchar_t * Toa(long value, int base = 10); void Toa(int value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::string & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(int value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); void Toa(long value, std::wstring & res, int base = 10, bool clear = true); added: HtmlTextStream class (files htmltextstream.cpp htmltextstream.h in templates) this is a special stream for automatically escaping html tags git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2010-11-25 02:34:46 +01:00
size_t Size();
size_t MarkAllSessionsToRemove(long user_id);
IPBan & AddIPToBanList(int ip);
size_t BanListSize();
IPBan & GetIPBan(size_t index);
void RemoveIPBan(int ip);
void ClearIPBanList();
Config * config;
Cur * cur;
System * system;
LastContainer * last_container;
// current session - set by SetSession()
Session * session;
SessionContainer session_tab;
IPBanContainer ban_tab;
IPBan * current_ip_ban;
// session with id 0
Session temporary_session;
bool IsSession(long s);
long CreateSessionId();
void CreateSession();
removed: Request::debug all stream used for debugging info some environment variables were put there removed: config variable: debug_info removed: Request::role (responder, authorizer) now we have only one role: responder added: new config variables: log_env_variables (default false) - when true then fastcgi environment variables are logged to the log file log_http_answer_headers (default false) - when true all http headers created by winix ale logged (note that the www server can add/adjust other headers) changed: some refactoring in Request struct changed: CookieTab to std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> beforehand std::string was used (changed CookieParser as well) changed: Request::SetCookie() to AddCookie() added: Request::out_headers (a PT::Space struct) http headers (without cookies) send back to the client added: Request::out_cookies (a PT::Space struct) cookies send to the client changed: App class to use Request::out_headers and Request::out_cookies some SendHeaders...() methods were renamed to PrepareHeaders...() and they create output in Request::out_headers first (and out_cookies) and later it is sent added: two plugin messages: // http headers (without cookies) were created and are ready to send // here you can make some changes to them // in p1 you have a pointer to the PT::Space (Request::out_headers) #define WINIX_PREPARE_TO_SEND_HTTP_HEADERS 31070 // http cookies were created and are ready to send // here you can make some changes to them // in p1 you have a pointer to the PT::Space (Request::out_cookies) #define WINIX_PREPARE_TO_SEND_HTTP_COOKIES 31080 added: config variable: // how many output streams do we have in Request class // default: 16 (64 maximum) size_t ezc_out_streams_size; git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2013-11-29 22:39:23 +01:00
bool SetSessionFromCookie(const std::wstring & cookie);
void SetTemporarySession();
// second thread
int deleted;
virtual void Work();
void CheckSession(SessionContainer::Iterator & i);
bool IsSessionOutdated(const Session & s) const;
void DeleteSession(Session * del_session);
void CheckWheterIPListIsSorted();