; ; This file is a part of TTMath Bignum Library ; and is distributed under the (new) BSD licence. ; Author: Christian Kaiser ; ; ; Copyright (c) 2009, Christian Kaiser ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; ; * Neither the name Christian Kaiser nor the names of contributors to this ; project may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ; CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF ; THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; ; compile with debug info: ml64.exe /Zd /Zi ttmathuint_x86_64_msvc.asm ; compile without debug info: ml64.exe ttmathuint_x86_64_msvc.asm ; this create ttmathuint_x86_64_msvc.obj file which can be linked with your program ; PUBLIC ttmath_adc_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_addindexed_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_addindexed2_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_addvector_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_sbb_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_subindexed_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_subvector_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_rcl_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_rcr_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_rcl2_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_rcr2_x64 PUBLIC ttmath_div_x64 ; ; "rax, rcx, rdx, r8-r11 are volatile." ; "rbx, rbp, rdi, rsi, r12-r15 are nonvolatile." ; .CODE ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_adc_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = p2 ; r8 = nSize ; r9 = nCarry xor rax, rax xor r11, r11 sub rax, r9 ; sets CARRY if r9 != 0 ALIGN 16 loop1: mov rax,qword ptr [rdx + r11 * 8] adc qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8], rax lea r11, [r11+1] dec r8 jnz loop1 setc al movzx rax, al ret ttmath_adc_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_addindexed_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = nSize ; r8 = nPos ; r9 = nValue xor rax, rax ; rax = result sub rdx, r8 ; rdx = remaining count of uints add qword ptr [rcx + r8 * 8], r9 jc next1 ret next1: mov r9, 1 ALIGN 16 loop1: dec rdx jz done_with_cy lea r8, [r8+1] add qword ptr [rcx + r8 * 8], r9 jc loop1 ret done_with_cy: lea rax, [rax+1] ; rax = 1 ret ttmath_addindexed_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_addindexed2_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 (pointer) ; rdx = b (value size) ; r8 = nPos ; r9 = nValue1 ; [esp+0x28] = nValue2 xor rax, rax ; return value mov r11, rcx ; table sub rdx, r8 ; rdx = remaining count of uints mov r10, [esp+028h] ; r10 = nValue2 add qword ptr [r11 + r8 * 8], r9 lea r8, [r8+1] lea rdx, [rdx-1] adc qword ptr [r11 + r8 * 8], r10 jc next ret ALIGN 16 loop1: lea r8, [r8+1] add qword ptr [r11 + r8 * 8], 1 jc next ret next: dec rdx ; does not modify CY too... jnz loop1 lea rax, [rax+1] ret ttmath_addindexed2_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_addvector_x64 PROC ; rcx = ss1 ; rdx = ss2 ; r8 = ss1_size ; r9 = ss2_size ; [esp+0x28] = result mov r10, [esp+028h] sub r8, r9 xor r11, r11 ; r11=0, cf=0 ALIGN 16 loop1: mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8] adc rax, qword ptr [rdx + r11 * 8] mov qword ptr [r10 + r11 * 8], rax inc r11 dec r9 jnz loop1 adc r9, r9 ; r9 has the cf state or r8, r8 jz done neg r9 ; setting cf from r9 mov r9, 0 ; don't use xor here (cf is used) loop2: mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8] adc rax, r9 mov qword ptr [r10 + r11 * 8], rax inc r11 dec r8 jnz loop2 adc r8, r8 mov rax, r8 ret done: mov rax, r9 ret ttmath_addvector_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_sbb_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = p2 ; r8 = nCount ; r9 = nCarry xor rax, rax xor r11, r11 sub rax, r9 ; sets CARRY if r9 != 0 ALIGN 16 loop1: mov rax,qword ptr [rdx + r11 * 8] sbb qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8], rax lea r11, [r11+1] dec r8 jnz loop1 setc al movzx rax, al ret ttmath_sbb_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_subindexed_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = nSize ; r8 = nPos ; r9 = nValue sub rdx, r8 ; rdx = remaining count of uints ALIGN 16 loop1: sub qword ptr [rcx + r8 * 8], r9 jnc done lea r8, [r8+1] mov r9, 1 dec rdx jnz loop1 jc return_1 ; most of the times, there will be NO carry (I hope) done: xor rax, rax ret return_1: mov rax, 1 ret ttmath_subindexed_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ; the same asm code as in addvector_x64 only two instructions 'adc' changed to 'sbb' ttmath_subvector_x64 PROC ; rcx = ss1 ; rdx = ss2 ; r8 = ss1_size ; r9 = ss2_size ; [esp+0x28] = result mov r10, [esp+028h] sub r8, r9 xor r11, r11 ; r11=0, cf=0 ALIGN 16 loop1: mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8] sbb rax, qword ptr [rdx + r11 * 8] mov qword ptr [r10 + r11 * 8], rax inc r11 dec r9 jnz loop1 adc r9, r9 ; r9 has the cf state or r8, r8 jz done neg r9 ; setting cf from r9 mov r9, 0 ; don't use xor here (cf is used) loop2: mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + r11 * 8] sbb rax, r9 mov qword ptr [r10 + r11 * 8], rax inc r11 dec r8 jnz loop2 adc r8, r8 mov rax, r8 ret done: mov rax, r9 ret ttmath_subvector_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_rcl_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = b ; r8 = nLowestBit mov r11, rcx ; table xor r10, r10 neg r8 ; CY set if r8 <> 0 ALIGN 16 loop1: rcl qword ptr [r11 + r10 * 8], 1 lea r10, [r10+1] dec rdx jnz loop1 setc al movzx rax, al ret ttmath_rcl_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_rcr_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = nSize ; r8 = nLowestBit xor r10, r10 neg r8 ; CY set if r8 <> 0 ALIGN 16 loop1: rcr qword ptr -8[rcx + rdx * 8], 1 dec rdx jnz loop1 setc al movzx rax, al ret ttmath_rcr_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_div_x64 PROC ; rcx = &Hi ; rdx = &Lo ; r8 = nDiv mov r11, rcx mov r10, rdx mov rdx, qword ptr [r11] mov rax, qword ptr [r10] div r8 mov qword ptr [r10], rdx ; remainder mov qword ptr [r11], rax ; value ret ttmath_div_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_rcl2_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = nSize ; r8 = bits ; r9 = c push rbx mov r10, rcx ; r10 = p1 xor rax, rax mov rcx, 64 sub rcx, r8 mov r11, -1 shr r11, cl ; r11 = mask mov rcx, r8 ; rcx = count of bits mov rbx, rax ; rbx = old value = 0 or r9, r9 cmovnz rbx, r11 ; if (c) then old value = mask mov r9, rax ; r9 = index (0..nSize-1) ALIGN 16 loop1: rol qword ptr [r10+r9*8], cl mov rax, qword ptr [r10+r9*8] and rax, r11 xor qword ptr [r10+r9*8], rax or qword ptr [r10+r9*8], rbx mov rbx, rax lea r9, [r9+1] dec rdx jnz loop1 and rax, 1 pop rbx ret ttmath_rcl2_x64 ENDP ;---------------------------------------- ALIGN 8 ;---------------------------------------- ttmath_rcr2_x64 PROC ; rcx = p1 ; rdx = nSize ; r8 = bits ; r9 = c push rbx mov r10, rcx ; r10 = p1 xor rax, rax mov rcx, 64 sub rcx, r8 mov r11, -1 shl r11, cl ; r11 = mask mov rcx, r8 ; rcx = count of bits mov rbx, rax ; rbx = old value = 0 or r9, r9 cmovnz rbx, r11 ; if (c) then old value = mask mov r9, rdx ; r9 = index (0..nSize-1) lea r9, [r9-1] ALIGN 16 loop1: ror qword ptr [r10+r9*8], cl mov rax, qword ptr [r10+r9*8] and rax, r11 xor qword ptr [r10+r9*8], rax or qword ptr [r10+r9*8], rbx mov rbx, rax lea r9, [r9-1] dec rdx jnz loop1 rol rax, 1 and rax, 1 pop rbx ret ttmath_rcr2_x64 ENDP END