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* This file is a part of TTMath Bignum Library
* and is distributed under the (new) BSD licence.
* Author: Tomasz Sowa <>
* Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Tomasz Sowa
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name Tomasz Sowa nor the names of contributors to this
* project may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef headerfilettmathuint_x86
#define headerfilettmathuint_x86
\file ttmathuint_x86.h
\brief template class UInt<uint> with assembler code for 32bit x86 processors
this file is included at the end of ttmathuint.h
\brief a namespace for the TTMath library
namespace ttmath
* basic mathematic functions
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
adding ss2 to the this and adding carry if it's defined
(this = this + ss2 + c)
c must be zero or one (might be a bigger value than 1)
function returns carry (1) (if it has been)
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Add(const UInt<value_size> & ss2, uint c)
register uint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint * p2 = const_cast<uint*>(ss2.table);
// we don't have to use TTMATH_REFERENCE_ASSERT here
// this algorithm doesn't require it
#ifndef __GNUC__
// this part might be compiled with for example visual c
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
mov ecx,[b]
mov ebx,[p1]
mov esi,[p2]
xor eax,eax // eax=0
mov edx,eax // edx=0
sub eax,[c] // CF=c
mov eax,[esi+edx*4]
adc [ebx+edx*4],eax
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc al
movzx edx, al
mov [c], edx
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
// this part should be compiled with gcc
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%ecx \n"
"xorl %%eax, %%eax \n"
"movl %%eax, %%edx \n"
"subl %%edi, %%eax \n"
"1: \n"
"movl (%%esi,%%edx,4),%%eax \n"
"adcl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al,%%edx \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
: "=d" (c)
: "D" (c), "c" (b), "b" (p1), "S" (p2)
: "%eax", "cc", "memory" );
return c;
adding one word (at a specific position)
and returning a carry (if it has been)
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
if we've got (value_size=3):
table[0] = 10;
table[1] = 30;
table[2] = 5;
and we call:
then it'll be:
table[0] = 10;
table[1] = 30 + 2;
table[2] = 5;
of course if there was a carry from table[2] it would be returned
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::AddInt(uint value, uint index)
register uint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint c;
TTMATH_ASSERT( index < value_size )
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ecx, [b]
sub ecx, [index]
mov edx, [index]
mov ebx, [p1]
mov eax, [value]
add [ebx+edx*4], eax
jnc end
mov eax, 1
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc al
movzx edx, al
mov [c], edx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%eax \n"
"push %%ecx \n"
"subl %%edx, %%ecx \n"
"1: \n"
"addl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"jnc 2f \n"
"movl $1, %%eax \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al, %%edx \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
"pop %%eax \n"
: "=d" (c)
: "a" (value), "c" (b), "0" (index), "b" (p1)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
adding only two unsigned words to the existing value
and these words begin on the 'index' position
(it's used in the multiplication algorithm 2)
index should be equal or smaller than value_size-2 (index <= value_size-2)
x1 - lower word, x2 - higher word
for example if we've got value_size equal 4 and:
table[0] = 3
table[1] = 4
table[2] = 5
table[3] = 6
then let
x1 = 10
x2 = 20
index = 1
the result of this method will be:
table[0] = 3
table[1] = 4 + x1 = 14
table[2] = 5 + x2 = 25
table[3] = 6
and no carry at the end of table[3]
(of course if there was a carry in table[2](5+20) then
this carry would be passed to the table[3] etc.)
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::AddTwoInts(uint x2, uint x1, uint index)
register uint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint c;
TTMATH_ASSERT( index < value_size - 1 )
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ecx, [b]
sub ecx, [index]
mov ebx, [p1]
mov edx, [index]
mov eax, [x1]
add [ebx+edx*4], eax
inc edx
dec ecx
mov eax, [x2]
adc [ebx+edx*4], eax
jnc end
mov eax, 0
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc al
movzx edx, al
mov [c], edx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%ecx \n"
"push %%edx \n"
"subl %%edx, %%ecx \n"
"addl %%esi, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"1: \n"
"adcl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"jnc 2f \n"
"mov $0, %%eax \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al, %%eax \n"
"pop %%edx \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
: "=a" (c)
: "c" (b), "d" (index), "b" (p1), "S" (x1), "0" (x2)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
subtracting ss2 from the 'this' and subtracting
carry if it has been defined
(this = this - ss2 - c)
c must be zero or one (might be a bigger value than 1)
function returns carry (1) (if it has been)
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Sub(const UInt<value_size> & ss2, uint c)
register uint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint * p2 = const_cast<uint*>(ss2.table);
// we don't have to use TTMATH_REFERENCE_ASSERT here
// this algorithm doesn't require it
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
mov ecx,[b]
mov ebx,[p1]
mov esi,[p2]
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
sub eax, [c]
mov eax, [esi+edx*4]
sbb [ebx+edx*4], eax
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc al
movzx edx, al
mov [c], edx
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%ecx \n"
"xorl %%eax, %%eax \n"
"movl %%eax, %%edx \n"
"subl %%edi, %%eax \n"
"1: \n"
"movl (%%esi,%%edx,4),%%eax \n"
"sbbl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al,%%edx \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
: "=d" (c)
: "D" (c), "c" (b), "b" (p1), "S" (p2)
: "%eax", "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method subtracts one word (at a specific position)
and returns a carry (if it was)
if we've got (value_size=3):
table[0] = 10;
table[1] = 30;
table[2] = 5;
and we call:
then it'll be:
table[0] = 10;
table[1] = 30 - 2;
table[2] = 5;
of course if there was a carry from table[2] it would be returned
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::SubInt(uint value, uint index)
register uint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint c;
TTMATH_ASSERT( index < value_size )
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ecx, [b]
sub ecx, [index]
mov edx, [index]
mov ebx, [p1]
mov eax, [value]
sub [ebx+edx*4], eax
jnc end
mov eax, 1
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc al
movzx edx, al
mov [c], edx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%eax \n"
"push %%ecx \n"
"subl %%edx, %%ecx \n"
"1: \n"
"subl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"jnc 2f \n"
"movl $1, %%eax \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al, %%edx \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
"pop %%eax \n"
: "=d" (c)
: "a" (value), "c" (b), "0" (index), "b" (p1)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method moves all bits into the left hand side
return value <- this <- c
the lowest *bit* will be held the 'c' and
the state of one additional bit (on the left hand side)
will be returned
for example:
let this is 001010000
after Rcl2_one(1) there'll be 010100001 and Rcl2_one returns 0
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Rcl2_one(uint c)
register sint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ebx, [p1]
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, edx
sub ecx, [c]
mov ecx, [b]
rcl dword ptr [ebx+edx*4], 1
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz p
setc dl
movzx edx, dl
mov [c], edx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%edx \n"
"push %%ecx \n"
"xorl %%edx, %%edx \n" // edx=0
"neg %%eax \n" // CF=1 if eax!=0 , CF=0 if eax==0
"1: \n"
"rcll $1, (%%ebx, %%edx, 4) \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al, %%eax \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
"pop %%edx \n"
: "=a" (c)
: "0" (c), "c" (b), "b" (p1)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method moves all bits into the right hand side
c -> this -> return value
the highest *bit* will be held the 'c' and
the state of one additional bit (on the right hand side)
will be returned
for example:
let this is 000000010
after Rcr2_one(1) there'll be 100000001 and Rcr2_one returns 0
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Rcr2_one(uint c)
register sint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, [p1]
xor ecx, ecx
sub ecx, [c]
mov ecx, [b]
rcr dword ptr [ebx+ecx*4-4], 1
dec ecx
jnz p
setc cl
movzx ecx, cl
mov [c], ecx
pop ecx
pop ebx
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%ecx \n"
"neg %%eax \n" // CF=1 if eax!=0 , CF=0 if eax==0
"1: \n"
"rcrl $1, -4(%%ebx, %%ecx, 4) \n"
"decl %%ecx \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"setc %%al \n"
"movzx %%al, %%eax \n"
"pop %%ecx \n"
: "=a" (c)
: "0" (c), "c" (b), "b" (p1)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method moves all bits into the left hand side
return value <- this <- c
the lowest *bits* will be held the 'c' and
the state of one additional bit (on the left hand side)
will be returned
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
for example:
let this is 001010000
after Rcl2(3, 1) there'll be 010000111 and Rcl2 returns 1
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Rcl2(uint bits, uint c)
register sint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint mask;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
mov edi, [b]
mov ecx, 32
sub ecx, [bits]
mov edx, -1
shr edx, cl
mov [mask], edx
mov ecx, [bits]
mov ebx, [p1]
xor edx, edx // edx = 0
mov esi, edx // old value = 0
mov eax, [c]
or eax, eax
cmovnz esi, [mask] // if c then old value = mask
rol dword ptr [ebx+edx*4], cl
mov eax, [ebx+edx*4]
and eax, [mask]
xor [ebx+edx*4], eax // clearing bits
or [ebx+edx*4], esi // saving old value
mov esi, eax
inc edx
dec edi
jnz p
and eax, 1
mov [c], eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%edx \n"
"push %%esi \n"
"push %%edi \n"
"movl %%ecx, %%esi \n"
"movl $32, %%ecx \n"
"subl %%esi, %%ecx \n"
"movl $-1, %%edx \n"
"shrl %%cl, %%edx \n"
"movl %%edx, %[amask] \n"
"movl %%esi, %%ecx \n"
"xorl %%edx, %%edx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%esi \n"
"orl %%eax, %%eax \n"
"cmovnz %[amask], %%esi \n"
"1: \n"
"roll %%cl, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"movl (%%ebx,%%edx,4), %%eax \n"
"andl %[amask], %%eax \n"
"xorl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"orl %%esi, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"movl %%eax, %%esi \n"
"incl %%edx \n"
"decl %%edi \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"and $1, %%eax \n"
"pop %%edi \n"
"pop %%esi \n"
"pop %%edx \n"
: "=a" (c)
: "0" (c), "D" (b), "b" (p1), "c" (bits), [amask] "m" (mask)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method moves all bits into the right hand side
C -> this -> return value
the highest *bits* will be held the 'c' and
the state of one additional bit (on the right hand side)
will be returned
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
for example:
let this is 000000010
after Rcr2(2, 1) there'll be 110000000 and Rcr2 returns 1
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::Rcr2(uint bits, uint c)
register sint b = value_size;
register uint * p1 = table;
register uint mask;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
mov edi, [b]
mov ecx, 32
sub ecx, [bits]
mov edx, -1
shl edx, cl
mov [mask], edx
mov ecx, [bits]
mov ebx, [p1]
xor edx, edx // edx = 0
mov esi, edx // old value = 0
add edx, edi
dec edx // edx - is pointing at the last word
mov eax, [c]
or eax, eax
cmovnz esi, [mask] // if c then old value = mask
ror dword ptr [ebx+edx*4], cl
mov eax, [ebx+edx*4]
and eax, [mask]
xor [ebx+edx*4], eax // clearing bits
or [ebx+edx*4], esi // saving old value
mov esi, eax
dec edx
dec edi
jnz p
rol eax, 1 // 31bit will be first
and eax, 1
mov [c], eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"push %%edx \n"
"push %%esi \n"
"push %%edi \n"
"movl %%ecx, %%esi \n"
"movl $32, %%ecx \n"
"subl %%esi, %%ecx \n"
"movl $-1, %%edx \n"
"shll %%cl, %%edx \n"
"movl %%edx, %[amask] \n"
"movl %%esi, %%ecx \n"
"xorl %%edx, %%edx \n"
"movl %%edx, %%esi \n"
"addl %%edi, %%edx \n"
"decl %%edx \n"
"orl %%eax, %%eax \n"
"cmovnz %[amask], %%esi \n"
"1: \n"
"rorl %%cl, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"movl (%%ebx,%%edx,4), %%eax \n"
"andl %[amask], %%eax \n"
"xorl %%eax, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"orl %%esi, (%%ebx,%%edx,4) \n"
"movl %%eax, %%esi \n"
"decl %%edx \n"
"decl %%edi \n"
"jnz 1b \n"
"roll $1, %%eax \n"
"andl $1, %%eax \n"
"pop %%edi \n"
"pop %%esi \n"
"pop %%edx \n"
: "=a" (c)
: "0" (c), "D" (b), "b" (p1), "c" (bits), [amask] "m" (mask)
: "cc", "memory" );
return c;
this method returns the number of the highest set bit in one 32-bit word
if the 'x' is zero this method returns '-1'
template<uint value_size>
sint UInt<value_size>::FindLeadingBitInWord(uint x)
register sint result;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push edx
mov edx,-1
bsr eax,[x]
cmovz eax,edx
mov [result], eax
pop edx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"bsrl %1, %0 \n"
"jnz 1f \n"
"movl $-1, %0 \n"
"1: \n"
: "=R" (result)
: "R" (x)
: "cc" );
return result;
this method sets a special bit in the 'value'
and returns the last state of the bit (zero or one)
bit is from <0,31>
uint x = 100;
uint bit = SetBitInWord(x, 3);
now: x = 108 and bit = 0
template<uint value_size>
uint UInt<value_size>::SetBitInWord(uint & value, uint bit)
uint old_bit;
uint v = value;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push ebx
push eax
mov eax, [v]
mov ebx, [bit]
bts eax, ebx
mov [v], eax
setc bl
movzx ebx, bl
mov [old_bit], ebx
pop eax
pop ebx
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"btsl %%ebx, %%eax \n"
"setc %%bl \n"
"movzx %%bl, %%ebx \n"
: "=a" (v), "=b" (old_bit)
: "0" (v), "1" (bit)
: "cc" );
value = v;
return old_bit;
multiplication: result_high:result_low = a * b
result_high - higher word of the result
result_low - lower word of the result
this methos never returns a carry
this method is used in the second version of the multiplication algorithms
template<uint value_size>
void UInt<value_size>::MulTwoWords(uint a, uint b, uint * result_high, uint * result_low)
we must use these temporary variables in order to inform the compilator
that value pointed with result1 and result2 has changed
this has no effect in visual studio but it's useful when
using gcc and options like -Ox
register uint result1_;
register uint result2_;
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push edx
mov eax, [a]
mul dword ptr [b]
mov [result2_], edx
mov [result1_], eax
pop edx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"mull %%edx \n"
: "=a" (result1_), "=d" (result2_)
: "0" (a), "1" (b)
: "cc" );
*result_low = result1_;
*result_high = result2_;
* Division
this method calculates 64bits word a:b / 32bits c (a higher, b lower word)
r = a:b / c and rest - remainder
* if r (one word) is too small for the result or c is equal zero
* there'll be a hardware interruption (0)
* and probably the end of your program
template<uint value_size>
void UInt<value_size>::DivTwoWords(uint a, uint b, uint c, uint * r, uint * rest)
register uint r_;
register uint rest_;
these variables have similar meaning like those in
the multiplication algorithm MulTwoWords
#ifndef __GNUC__
push eax
push edx
mov edx, [a]
mov eax, [b]
div dword ptr [c]
mov [r_], eax
mov [rest_], edx
pop edx
pop eax
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm__ __volatile__(
"divl %%ecx \n"
: "=a" (r_), "=d" (rest_)
: "d" (a), "a" (b), "c" (c)
: "cc" );
*r = r_;
*rest = rest_;
} //namespace
#endif //ifdef TTMATH_PLATFORM32
#endif //ifndef TTMATH_NOASM