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Version 0.8.1 (2007.04.17):
* fixed: Big::PowFrac(..) didn't return a correct error code
(when 'this' was negative)
* added: Root(x; index) (and to the parser as well)
* added: macro: TTMATH_PRERELEASE_VER (can be either zero or one)
* added: UInt::MulInt(int, UInt<int another_size>::&)
* added: Big::MulUInt(uint)
* changed: Big::MulInt(sint)
* added: Big::ToUInt(uint &)
* changed: Big::ToInt(sint&)
* changed: Factorial() it uses Big::MulUInt() at the beginning
(faster now especially more on a 32bit platform)
* added: doxygen.cfg for generating a documentation from the doxygen
* changed: UInt::Rcl(uint c=0) and UInt::Rcr(uint c=0) into
UInt::Rcl2(uint bits, uint c) and UInt::Rcr2(uint bits, uint c)
now they can move more than one bit and they are only private
* fixed: UInt::Rcl(uint bits, uint c) and UInt::Rcr(uint bits, uint c)
didn't correctly return a carry if the 'bits' were equal
to 'value_size*TTMATH_BITS_PER_UINT'
* changed: UInt::Rcl(uint bits, uint c) and UInt::Rcr(uint bits, uint c)
into UInt::Rcl(uint bits, uint c=0) and
UInt::Rcr(uint bits, uint c=0)
they are faster now when the bits is greater than a half of
* changed: UInt::CompensationToLeft() it's faster now
* changed: more small changes where there were UInt::Rcl(uint c=0) and
UInt::Rcr(uint c=0) used
* changed: as the Big type uses UInt::Rcl() and UInt::Rcr() a lot then
it is much faster now (about 5-25%)
* added: ASinh(), ACosh(), ATanh() /ATgh()/, ACoth() /ACtgh()/
and to the parser as well
* added: UInt::BitAnd(), UInt::BitOr(), UInt::BitXor(), UInt::BitNot(),
Big::BitAnd(), Big::BitOr(), Big::BitXor()
* added: to the parser: bitand(), bitor(), bitxor()
/band(), bor(), bxor()/
* changed: the way of parsing operators in the mathematical parser
(the parser is not too much greedy now)
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
Version 0.8.0 (2007.03.28):
* added: into the parser: SetFactorialMax()
* added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec),
RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x),
Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/
* changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten,
we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the
names are case-sensitive now
* added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time
during calculating e.g. Factorial(x)
* added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x)
* changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now
* added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x)
* added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x)
* changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now
* added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x)
* added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.)
* changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have
been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid
decimal digits)
* fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and
Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong)
* added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well)
* added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on
32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64)
* added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64
* changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big()
* added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h"
this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include
with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser
* added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp
* added/changes/fixed: in copy-constructors and operators= in Int,
Uint and Big (more info in the commit log)
* renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05()
* changes: a few small optimisations in Big
* deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big
(types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for
another ones derived from them)
* and more small changes (look at the commit log)
Version 0.7.2 (2007.03.09):
* added: Big::Mod - the remainder from a division
* added: Big::Sgn - the 'sign' from the value (-1,0,1)
* added: global functions Mod and Sgn too
added: DegToDeg(deg, min, sec), DegToRad(deg), DegToRad(deg, min, sec), RadToDeg(rad), Ceil(x), Floor(x), Sqrt(x), Sinh(x), Cosh(x), Tanh(x) /Tgh(x)/, Coth(x) /Ctgh(x)/ changed: class Objects in ttmathobjects.h has been completely rewritten, we can change the names of user-defined variables or functions, and the names are case-sensitive now added: class History which is used in functions which take a lot of time during calculating e.g. Factorial(x) added: Tg(x) a wrapper for Tan(x) changed: CTan(x) is Cot(x) now added: Ctg(x) a wrapper for Cot(x) added: ATg(x) a wrapper for ATan(x) changed: ACTan(x) is ACot(x) now added: ACtg(x) a wrapper for ACot(x) added: UInt::PrintTable() (for debugging etc.) changed: the methods Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() have been rewritten, now they have 128 32bit words (it's about 1232 valid decimal digits) fixed: previous values from Big::SetPi() Big::SetE() and Big::SetLn2() were not too much accurate (last 2-3 words were wrong) added: Big::SetLn10() (128 32bit words as well) added: macro: TTMATH_BUILTIN_VARIABLES_SIZE which is equal 128u on 32bit platforms and 64ul on 64bit platforms (128/2=64) added: macros: TTMATH_PLATFORM32 and TTMATH_PLATFORM64 changed: a small optimisation in UInt::Mul2Big() added: at the end of ttmath.h: #include "ttmathparser.h" this is for convenience for a programmer, he can only use #include with ttmath.h even if he uses the parser added: to samples: big.cpp, parser.cpp fixed: constructor Big::Big(uint) - it was wrong because it was using the method Big::FromInt(sint) which could produce wrong values (if the 'uint' couldn't correctly be casted into the 'sint') added: Big::FromUInt(uint) changed: Big::FromInt(sint), Big::SetOne(), renamed Big::SetDotOne() into Big::Set05() (they are a little faster now) added: Big::operator=(uint) changed: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(int) added: in 64bit mode: constructor: Big::Big(unsigned int), operators: Big::operator=(signed int) and Big::operator=(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructor take a 32bit value) deleted: the word 'virtual' from destructors: UInt, Int, Big (types in this library are not projected to be base-classes for another ones derived from them) changed: UInt::operator=(uint), UInt::UInt(uint), Int::operator=(sint), Int::Int(sint) added: UInt::FromUInt(uint), UInt::operator=(sint), UInt::UInt(sint), Int::FromInt(sint), Int::operator=(uint), Int::Int(uint), Int::operator==(const Int<>&), Int::operator!=(const Int<>&) added: in 64bit mode: UInt::operator=(unsigned int), UInt::UInt(unsigned int), UInt::operator=(signed int), UInt::UInt(signed int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) added: in 64bit mode: Int::operator=(signed int), Int::Int(signed int), Int::operator=(unsigned int), Int::Int(unsigned int) (these operators and the constructors take a 32bit value) git-svn-id: svn:// e52654a7-88a9-db11-a3e9-0013d4bc506e
2007-03-29 00:27:57 +02:00
* added: checking whether a user gives a correct value of a variable or function
(user-defined variables/functions in the mathematical parser)
* added: into the parser: logical operators: > < >= <= == != && ||
* added: into the parser: logical functions: and() or() not() if()
* added: ErrorCode::err_unknown_operator when the parser couldn't read an operator
Version 0.7.1 (2007.02.27):
* fixed the error 'overflow during printing' which was caused
by Big::FromInt(Int<int_size> value) (the sign has to be set at the end)
* fixed many small errors
* added ATan (arctan), ACTan (arc ctan) functions
Version 0.7.0 (2007.02.24):
* finished support for 64bit platforms
* added ASin (arcsin), ACos (arccos) functions
Version 0.6.4 (2007.01.29):
* fixed the problem with a sign in the mathematical parser /-(1) was 1/
* added UInt::AddInt and UInt::SubInt
* changed UInt::AddOne and UInt::SubOne (much faster now)
* added UInt::SetBitInWord
* changed UInt::SetBit (much faster now)
* UInt::AddTwoUints renamed to UInt::AddTwoInts
* UInt::FindLeadingBit32 renamed to UInt::FindLeadingBitInWord
* added UInt::SetBitInWord
* UInt::Mul64 renamed to UInt::MulTwoWords
* UInt::Div64 renamed to UInt::DivTwoWords
* and more small changes in UInt type
* start adding support for Amd64 (not finished yet) (added ttmathuint64.h)
Version 0.6.3 (2007.01.22):
* position of arguments (x and base) in logarithm functions are swapped
* it's possible to use any multiplication algorithms in the same time
(macros UINT_MUL_VERSION_'X' have gone)
* added ExceptionInfo, ReferenceError and RuntimeError classes
* the mess in macros has been cleaned up
* added TTMATH_RELEASE macro
Version 0.6.2 (2007.01.10):
* New division algorithm (radix b) where b is 2^32