
You can type numbers directly using your keyboard or insert them by a mouse. This is a simple edit window, you can use arrow keys etc. and copy&paste text by using standard shortcuts such as CTRL+C and CTRL+V. Decimal point can be either a comma or a dot that means 1,234 is the same as 1.234.

Standard operators

Powering, e.g.: 2^3=8
Multiplication, e.g.: 2*3=6
Division, e.g.: 2/3 = 0.6666...
Addition, e.g.: 2+3=5
Unary plus, e.g.: +2
Subtraction, e.g.: 2-3=-1
Unary minus, e.g.: -2
Operator for changing the base (radix) to 16 (hex), e.g.: #ff=255
Operator for changing the base (radix) to 2 (bin), e.g.: -&110=-6

Of course you can use the parentheses ( and ). Look at the operators priority as well.

Built-in variables

You can use following variables, just type its name into the edit window.

The base of the natural logarithm.
e = 2.718...
The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.