/* * This file is a part of PikoTools * and is distributed under the (new) BSD licence. * Author: Tomasz Sowa */ /* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017, Tomasz Sowa * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name Tomasz Sowa nor the names of contributors to this * project may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "jsontospaceparser.h" #include "utf8/utf8.h" namespace PT { JSONToSpaceParser::JSONToSpaceParser() { root_space = 0; SetDefault(); } void JSONToSpaceParser::SetSpace(Space * pspace) { root_space = pspace; } void JSONToSpaceParser::SetSpace(Space & pspace) { root_space = &pspace; } void JSONToSpaceParser::SetDefault() { // you can change this separators to what you want // you shoud not use only white characters here (as expected by IsWhite() method) // and new line characters ('\n') separator = ':'; space_start = '{'; space_end = '}'; table_start = '['; table_end = ']'; option_delimiter = ','; skip_empty = false; use_escape_char = true; input_as_utf8 = true; max_nested_level = 1000; create_table_as_space = true; } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipEmpty(bool skip) { skip_empty = skip; } void JSONToSpaceParser::UseEscapeChar(bool escape) { use_escape_char = escape; } void JSONToSpaceParser::UTF8(bool utf) { input_as_utf8 = utf; } void JSONToSpaceParser::CreateTableAsSpace(bool create_table_as_space_) { create_table_as_space = create_table_as_space_; } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::Parse(const char * file_name) { reading_from_file = true; file.clear(); file.open(file_name, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in); if( file ) { Parse(); file.close(); } else { status = cant_open_file; } return status; } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::Parse(const std::string & file_name) { return Parse(file_name.c_str()); } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::Parse(const wchar_t * file_name) { PT::WideToUTF8(file_name, afile_name); return Parse(afile_name.c_str()); } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::Parse(const std::wstring & file_name) { return Parse(file_name.c_str()); } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::ParseString(const char * str) { reading_from_file = false; reading_from_wchar_string = false; pchar_ascii = str; pchar_unicode = 0; Parse(); return status; } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::ParseString(const std::string & str) { return ParseString(str.c_str()); } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::ParseString(const wchar_t * str) { reading_from_file = false; reading_from_wchar_string = true; pchar_unicode = str; pchar_ascii = 0; Parse(); return status; } JSONToSpaceParser::Status JSONToSpaceParser::ParseString(const std::wstring & str) { return ParseString(str.c_str()); } void JSONToSpaceParser::Parse() { if( !root_space ) { status = no_space; return; } line = 1; status = ok; space = root_space; skipped = 0; current_nested_level = 0; ReadChar(); SkipWhite(); if( lastc == space_start ) { ParseSpace(false, false); } else if( lastc == table_start ) { ParseTable(false); } else { // '{' or '[' expected status = syntax_error; } if( status == ok && space != root_space ) { // last closing '}' characters are missing (closing a space) status = syntax_error; } token.clear(); key.clear(); value.clear(); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ParseSpace(bool has_space_name, bool insert_new_space) { //current_nested_level += 1; if( current_nested_level > max_nested_level ) { status = max_nested_spaces_exceeded; return; } if( insert_new_space ) { SpaceStarts(has_space_name); } else { // insert_new_space as a false is used only when parsing // the first space (root_space) ReadChar(); // skipping the first space character '{' } ParseKeyValuePairs(); if( insert_new_space ) { SpaceEnds(); } else { ReadChar(); // skipping the last space character '}' } //current_nested_level -= 1; } void JSONToSpaceParser::ParseKeyValuePairs() { SkipWhite(); while( status == ok && lastc != space_end && lastc != -1 ) { ReadKey(); SkipWhite(); if( lastc == separator ) { value.clear(); ReadChar(); // skipping separator ':' ReadValue(false, false, true, true); SkipWhite(); if( lastc == option_delimiter ) { ReadChar(); // skipping delimiter ',' } else if( lastc != space_end && status == ok ) { status = syntax_error; } } else if( status == ok ) { status = syntax_error; } } } void JSONToSpaceParser::ParseTextTable() { ReadChar(); // skipping table start character '[' SkipWhite(); value.clear(); while( status == ok && lastc != table_end && lastc != -1 ) { // all space objects inside or tables will be skipped ReadValue(true); SkipWhite(); if( lastc == option_delimiter ) { ReadChar(); // skipping delimiter ',' } else if( lastc != table_end && status == ok ) { status = syntax_error; } } if( lastc == table_end ) ReadChar(); // skipping end table character ']' AddKeyValuePair(); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ParseObjectsTable(bool has_key) { ReadChar(); // skipping table start character '[' SpaceStarts(has_key, false); SkipWhite(); while( status == ok && lastc != table_end && lastc != -1 ) { // 'value' table will not be used here // (we are creating spaces) ReadValue(false, true); SkipWhite(); if( lastc == option_delimiter ) { ReadChar(); // skipping delimiter ',' } else if( lastc != table_end && status == ok ) { status = syntax_error; } } if( lastc == table_end ) ReadChar(); // skipping end table character ']' SpaceEnds(false); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ParseTable(bool has_key) { if( create_table_as_space ) { //current_nested_level += 1; if( current_nested_level > max_nested_level ) { status = max_nested_spaces_exceeded; } else { ParseObjectsTable(has_key); } //current_nested_level -= 1; } else { // ParseTextTable will not create a next level if( !has_key ) key.clear(); ParseTextTable(); // ParseTextTable will use key } } void JSONToSpaceParser::SpaceStarts(bool has_space_name, bool skip_space_char) { Space * new_space = new Space(); space->spaces.push_back(new_space); new_space->parent = space; if( has_space_name ) new_space->name = key; space = new_space; if( skip_space_char ) ReadChar(); // skipping space starts character '{' } void JSONToSpaceParser::SpaceEnds(bool skip_space_char) { if( space == root_space ) { // there cannot be a loose list end character in the global space status = syntax_error; } else { space = space->parent; if( skip_space_char ) ReadChar(); // skipping closing space character '}' } } bool JSONToSpaceParser::IsWhite(int c) { // 13 (\r) is at the end of a line in a dos file \r\n // 160 is an unbreakable space if( c==' ' || c=='\t' || c==13 || c==160 || c==10 ) return true; return false; } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipWhite() { while( IsWhite(lastc) ) { ReadChar(); } } void JSONToSpaceParser::Trim(std::wstring & s) { std::wstring::size_type i; if( s.empty() ) return; // looking for white characters at the end for(i=s.size()-1 ; i>0 && IsWhite(s[i]) ; --i); if( i==0 && IsWhite(s[i]) ) { // the whole string has white characters s.clear(); return; } // deleting white characters at the end if( i != s.size() - 1 ) s.erase(i+1, std::wstring::npos); // looking for white characters at the beginning for(i=0 ; itable.find(var); if( i != space->table.end() ) space->table.erase(i); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadTokenQuoted() { ReadChar(); // skipping the first quotation mark while( lastc != -1 && (char_was_escaped || lastc != '"') ) { token += static_cast(lastc); ReadChar(); } if( !char_was_escaped && lastc == '"' ) ReadChar(); // skipping the last quotation mark else status = syntax_error; } void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadTokenSingle(bool white_delimit, bool new_line_delimit, int delimit1, int delimit2) { while( true ) { if( lastc == -1 || (!char_was_escaped && ( lastc == space_end || lastc == table_end || (white_delimit && IsWhite(lastc)) || (new_line_delimit && lastc == '\n') || (delimit1 != -1 && lastc == delimit1) || (delimit2 != -1 && lastc == delimit2) ) ) ) { break; } token += static_cast(lastc); ReadChar(); } Trim(token); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadToken(bool white_delimit, bool new_line_delimit, int delimit1, int delimit2) { token.clear(); SkipWhite(); if( !char_was_escaped && lastc == '"' ) ReadTokenQuoted(); else ReadTokenSingle(white_delimit, new_line_delimit, delimit1, delimit2); } void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadKey() { SkipWhite(); ReadToken(false, true, separator, table_start); key = token; } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipText() { ReadChar(); // skipping the first quote character '"' while( lastc != '"' && lastc != -1 ) ReadChar(); } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipObjectOrTable(int start_char, int end_char) { int mark = 1; skipped += 1; ReadChar(); // skipping the first object character '{' or '[' do { if( lastc == '"' ) SkipText(); else if( lastc == end_char ) mark -= 1; else if( lastc == start_char ) mark += 1; ReadChar(); } while( mark > 0 && lastc != -1 ); } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipObject() { SkipObjectOrTable(space_start, space_end); } void JSONToSpaceParser::SkipTable() { SkipObjectOrTable(table_start, table_end); } //void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadValue(bool add_space_for_single_value, bool auto_add_single_value, bool has_space_name) void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadValue(bool skip_object_or_table, bool add_space_for_text_value, bool has_key, bool auto_add_text_value) { SkipWhite(); if( lastc == space_start ) { if( skip_object_or_table ) SkipObject(); else ParseSpace(has_key); } else if( lastc == table_start ) { if( skip_object_or_table ) SkipTable(); else ParseTable(has_key); } else { if( add_space_for_text_value ) { SpaceStarts(false, false); ReadToken(false, true, option_delimiter, -1); space->name = token; SpaceEnds(false); } else { ReadToken(false, true, option_delimiter, -1); value.push_back(token); if( auto_add_text_value ) AddKeyValuePair(); } } } void JSONToSpaceParser::AddKeyValuePair() { if( value.empty() && skip_empty ) { DeleteFromTable(key); return; } space->table[key] = value; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadUTF8Char() { int c; bool correct; lastc = -1; do { PT::UTF8ToInt(file, c, correct); if( !file ) return lastc; } while( !correct ); lastc = c; if( lastc == '\n' ) ++line; return lastc; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadASCIIChar() { lastc = file.get(); if( lastc == '\n' ) ++line; return lastc; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadCharFromWcharString() { if( *pchar_unicode == 0 ) lastc = -1; else lastc = *(pchar_unicode++); if( lastc == '\n' ) ++line; return lastc; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadCharFromUTF8String() { int c; bool correct; lastc = -1; do { size_t len = PT::UTF8ToInt(pchar_ascii, c, correct); pchar_ascii += len; } while( *pchar_ascii && !correct ); if( correct ) lastc = c; if( lastc == '\n' ) ++line; return lastc; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadCharFromAsciiString() { if( *pchar_ascii == 0 ) lastc = -1; else lastc = *(pchar_ascii++); if( lastc == '\n' ) ++line; return lastc; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadCharNoEscape() { if( reading_from_file ) { if( input_as_utf8 ) return ReadUTF8Char(); else return ReadASCIIChar(); } else { if( reading_from_wchar_string ) { return ReadCharFromWcharString(); } else { if( input_as_utf8 ) return ReadCharFromUTF8String(); else return ReadCharFromAsciiString(); } } } bool JSONToSpaceParser::IsHexDigit(wchar_t c) { return ((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F') ); } int JSONToSpaceParser::HexToInt(wchar_t c) { if( c>='0' && c<='9' ) return c - '0'; if( c>='a' && c<='f' ) return c - 'a' + 10; if( c>='A' && c<='F' ) return c - 'A' + 10; return 0; } void JSONToSpaceParser::ReadUnicodeCodePoint() { wchar_t c; int value = 0; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i) { c = ReadCharNoEscape(); if( !IsHexDigit(c) ) { status = syntax_error; return; } value = (value << 4) | HexToInt(c); } lastc = (wchar_t)value; } int JSONToSpaceParser::ReadChar() { char_was_escaped = false; ReadCharNoEscape(); if( use_escape_char && lastc == '\\' ) { char_was_escaped = true; ReadCharNoEscape(); switch(lastc) { case '0': lastc = 0; break; case 't': lastc = '\t'; break; case 'r': lastc = '\r'; break; case 'n': lastc = '\n'; break; case 'b': lastc = 0x08; break; case 'f': lastc = 0x0c; break; case 'u': ReadUnicodeCodePoint(); break; // in other cases we return the last character } } return lastc; } } // namespace